Episode Two Fans Are a Bunch of Crybabies

I bet every single one of you here cried, you just don't want to sound like a pussy.
I had that one, dramatic tear! :eek:
Bah lies. It was a shock yes, but crying? It's hard to make me cry through an entertainment medium.
The only movie that consistently makes me cry is the Lion King. And no game has ever made me cry or even come close to it.
Some movies can get me close to tears, but games rarely evoke a strong emotional response in me ( except frustration sometimes), I guess in the back of my mind I'm always thinking "These are just NPCs".
Games have never made me cry before. But movies can make me cry. ;(
I've never cried in a game or movie. Apart from pinocchio, that was a terrible movie.
When it happened I was shocked. Major D: face. I'd kept away from spoilers - I had no idea anyone was going to die. When it faded to black I got a little teary. I sat through the credits utterly dumbfounded.
I sat through the credits with this expression.


No kidding.
I was expecting someone to bite it the whole episode, I just wasn't sure who it was. TBH I thought it'd be dog. I had a stronger reaction to Portal than Ep 2.

I've never cried at a game. The storytelling is always just too shoddy. I can't seem to get my head around Bioshock for example. IMHO it's a turd, but it seems to have won every GOTY award evar. I'd put CoD4 up for that. CoD4 was the first time I've been completely immersed and forgot I was playing a game since Half Life 2.

Although CoD4 didn't get me to dance in the end credits, pace around my apartment for a half hour and call up everyone I know like Portal did. :p

Not saying I'm Mr. Man though. I've cried at some pretty inane stuff.
Major D: when I played, but not crying, because I was half-expecting it. "What's that, Dog? There's something you want to go investigate? Well, I'm sure we'll be fine if we walk into this giant hanger with a large glass window without your massive hulking mechanical protect-WHAT THE HELL OHSHI-"
The spoiler that I encountered untagged ruined the final scene in Episode Two for me :hmph: Sometimes I wish I had been able to cry.
I hate everyone who cried. I don't know who you are, I don't know what you do, but I hate you.
I feel bad that I didn't feel bad...It sucks that I don't get emotionaly invested in games anymore. My eyes waterd at the Meryl dies ending in MGS: Twin Snakes. That's about it.

I lold at this pic. :eek:

I didn't cry at the end of EP2, i was staring at the screen a few minutes after the credits thinking "What the hell just happened?" to myself, and i have to agree, merle's voice acting is the best I've ever heard.
I think I'm just too callous, I've never cried over a video game. Hell, I've never cried over a movie (though I've been pretty close before). I found the final scene shocking, and I was all "Nooooo!!!" over Eli because he was my favorite character in the game, but not emotionally disrupting. That's just the way I am. Maybe I'm a the stoic type? lol.
I was ****ing sobbing.


Hehe, for some reason I have it set in my head that guys aren't allowed to cry... maybe that's why I didn't, but there was nobody else in the room. :p
I suppose it didn't help that the second half of the scene was cut short by one of the many glitchings that plagued several users for no reason (they stopped after I upgraded my RAM and video card).
I was expecting someone to bite it the whole episode, I just wasn't sure who it was. TBH I thought it'd be dog. I had a stronger reaction to Portal than Ep 2.

I've never cried at a game. The storytelling is always just too shoddy. I can't seem to get my head around Bioshock for example. IMHO it's a turd, but it seems to have won every GOTY award evar. I'd put CoD4 up for that. CoD4 was the first time I've been completely immersed and forgot I was playing a game since Half Life 2.

Although CoD4 didn't get me to dance in the end credits, pace around my apartment for a half hour and call up everyone I know like Portal did. :p

Not saying I'm Mr. Man though. I've cried at some pretty inane stuff.
Played the demo. POS Junk.
Van_Halen;2555768I didn't cry at the end of EP2 said:
This, but only because the ending was horribly spoilt for me :hmph:

I hope I'll have a virginful experience of Episode Three.

Played the demo. POS Junk.

It's funny how it won so many awards when it's such a "Piece of Shit". If you're not going to back up your claim or provide evidence for why you believe in such a statement, it's not worth you putting your opinion forward.
Played the demo. POS Junk.

I thought the demo sucked too, almost didn't bother playing it until the end.
Then my brother bought it however (with me trying to talk him out of it) and I started playing it and it was one of the best games I've ever played :O