Episodic Price (Not flaming..so please read)


Sep 24, 2004
Reaction score
So each episode will be $20. Game time for each episode is about 4 hours (judging on episode 1). Half-Life 2 was about 16 hours gameplay (about that average for most people). MEANING... to reach 16 hours of gameplay using episodic content, that requires 4 episodes. so $20 x 4 = $80. A retail version of Half-Life 2 is $49.99. So $80-$50 = $30. We're paying $30 extra bucks. Yeah I know, wtf is $10 extra bucks..it's not much, but it still annoys me.

To be "fair", I think each episode should be $15...it would make more sense because $15 x 4 = $60.

Just my thoughts.
I tihnk they are only making 3 episodes. I could be wrong.
JrdnGrn said:
So each episode will be $20. Game time for each episode is about 4 hours (judging on episode 1). Half-Life 2 was about 16 hours gameplay (about that average for most people). MEANING... to reach 16 hours of gameplay using episodic content, that requires 4 episodes. so $20 x 4 = $60. A retail version of Half-Life 2 is $49.99. So $60-$50 = $10. We're paying $10 extra bucks. Yeah I know, wtf is $10 extra bucks..it's not much, but it still annoys me.

To be "fair", I think each episode should be $15...it would make more sense because $15 x 4 = $60.

Just my thoughts.
Your math makes me sad.

But hey, look at it this way
Valve makes it really really easy to pirate their games. Most of the time you have to wait days for them to come out and then d/l them at 10k/s from torrents. And even then you have to worry about mounting disc images and awful security features. Valve lets you d/l the content right from them, and then you can simply patch it just hours after the release.
So in the end, the world balances itself out.

Disclaimer: I'm simply making an observation. I'm not saying I pirated the game. Please, don't rape me.
JrdnGrn said:
So each episode will be $20. Game time for each episode is about 4 hours (judging on episode 1). Half-Life 2 was about 16 hours gameplay (about that average for most people). MEANING... to reach 16 hours of gameplay using episodic content, that requires 4 episodes. so $20 x 4 = $60. A retail version of Half-Life 2 is $49.99. So $60-$50 = $10. We're paying $10 extra bucks. Yeah I know, wtf is $10 extra bucks..it's not much, but it still annoys me.

To be "fair", I think each episode should be $15...it would make more sense because $15 x 4 = $60.

Just my thoughts.

i hate to burst your bubble, but 20x4=80, not 60 :D
Okay, so you're telling me because kids pirate games..I should be happy? Oh okay, they pirated it..so I'm paying an extra $10. Sounds a bit retarded to me. As far as the 3 episodes go..I was just making the math simple..not saying there would be 4 episodes.
JrdnGrn said:
Okay, so you're telling me because kids pirate games..I should be happy? Oh okay, they pirated it..so I'm paying an extra $10. Sounds a bit retarded to me. As far as the 3 episodes go..I was just making the math simple..not saying there would be 4 episodes.
I didn't say shit about you being happy. I just said the world balances itself out.
You pay ten bucks and they don't have to work as hard to get something for free.
You get screwed, but they win out. Balance.
ill pay an extra 100 bucks if it gets me content faster and higher quality, they can put more work into 3 hours of gameplay and get it to me faster then they can having to work on a 20 hour game and make me wait years. plus this way it makes for more excitement, i was excited for EP1, but not like i was for HL2, now i have that same feeling back cuz of the ending and that new trailer......drools
you're still getting a good deal for your money, maybe not quite as good of a deal as you were before

take a movie for example, you have to pay $10 for that (prices do vary, more and less) for an average of 2 hours of entertainment. For $20, you get 6 hours.
Your math is off.. 4x20=80 not 60 but I'm sure you meant 3 episodes...
I'm thinking the newer episodes will be longer. Episode 2 and Episode 1 where started around the same time and Episode 2 isnt out yet. Also Valve stated they were using a third party to create the fourth episode meaning Valve dosent need to dedicate staff to it. I think Episode 1 was a "can we do it" test. With this out of the way Valve will be confident to continue forward with longer episodes.
atomicspark85 said:
Your math is off.. 4x20=80 not 60 but I'm sure you meant 3 episodes...
Yeah it was..man donno what I was thinking. I guess I had 3 set in my mind some how. It's fixed now. Atleast it fooled a few people, hahaha.
It's been said that there will be 4 episodes...

Three that will continue the story as gordon, and one that will branch off so that they can experiment. I've even heard rumors that another developer will be working on Episode 4.

Next time you buy a book, buy the one with the most pages or when you rent a movie, rent the movie with the longest run-time. You fail to factor in quality and if Episode 1 is any indication, I'll gladly pay the "premium" of 20 extra dollars for a full length game.
0mar said:
Next time you buy a book, buy the one with the most pages or when you rent a movie, rent the movie with the longest run-time. You fail to factor in quality and if Episode 1 is any indication, I'll gladly pay the "premium" of 20 extra dollars for a full length game.
It has nothing to do with "quality". We shouldn't be HAVING to pay an extra $30 for a good game..it's expected. Valve should make their money with the QUANTITY they sell, not how much they sell it for. It's a good game..and the word will be spread and more people will buy it, jacking up a price isn't needed. Also, I'm not asking for a longer game for my money..I was comparing THEIR OWN PRICES. THEIR HL2 sold for $49, THEIR episode cost $20. It's not like I picked out some other game with episodic content and compared it with Valve's HL2.
If i place the prices in to british pounds (for the people living in the UK-including myself) the price is just under £12 and 4 x 12 = £48 which is just under the price of buying a game for the Xbox 360 so I think this is good (although the episodes where short (shorter than 4-6 hours I mean))
Going by gameplay hours, it is not as good of a value as a full game. But I think the episode has more consistant quality for gameplay then a full game would.
Yeah I can agree with that somewhat...somewhat.

Other games that have been great. I'll say Halo even though I completely despise it, is known to be "great", yet it costs the same as any other game. So why does Valve feel the need/right to make their prices higher?
Well, Ive gamed for 3½ hours by now. Im still at urban flight so there's at least another chapter to go. 22,50$ expensive? (Yes, we pay VAT, bastards) well, if you view games as another commodity, like music has turned into, then yes. But this particularly twentytwoannahalf bucks were actually poured into something GREAT. I mean, so far Ive really enjoyed the gameplay, the graphics, the sounds and the story. I would not consider any stuff I have met in the game as "filler", yet.

Ill probably finish it in another 1½ hour of gaming. They might want to crank up the duration a bit, yes, but if the next episodes will be of the same high quality as this one, I think I am going to end up purchasing them anyways :) It is too hard to resist. I was not impressed by the original Half-Life expansion pack Opposing Force, so I didn't buy Blue Shift for that reason.
HEY!! It costs me £50 to get a game for the XBOX 360 that is nearly $95!!!!!! So I find this a breath of fresh air indeed. Also, this game OWND
I personally don't give a crap how much i pay as i know i'm paying for a top quality game that i'm gonna love for an eternity.