F.E.A.R. has combine soldiers!

Although the mask somewhat resembles that of a combine, but not entirely, I don't think their the same.
That's not a combine.

Combine units are smarter than that, they hide behind objects, carry weapon (duh!) and try to kill you.

They dont think they can fly by flapping their arms.
Hmm... they look somewhat similar... but still, the combine soldiers are much cooler looking than them.
dawdler said:
That's not a combine.

Combine units are smarter than that, they hide behind objects, carry weapon (duh!) and try to kill you.

They dont think they can fly by flapping their arms.

Yeah, but can combine soldiers turn invisable, like these guys ???
looks hardly anything like a combine soldier, perhaps his face has the faintest resemblance but that is it.

Honestly, alot of games have gasmask wearing enemies nowa'days, its like a trend.
that looks like a robotic ninja whit a gasmask not like a combine
It looks great :D F.E.A.R have the best graphics I've ever seen.
OMG LOOK A Gasmask its a combine.... :/
Heh, the combine are chunkier...hmm, is chunkier a word...runs to dictionary...um, yup, it is. :E
Did you know time...

Did you know that HL2 didn't invent the gasmask-soldier?

Did you know that HL2 copied the things from starship troopers?
Alig said:
Did you know that HL2 copied the things from starship troopers?

Seriously, maybe the antilons and the uniform look the same... but copied?? Lolzeryloly!
MigaS_tX said:

Seriously, maybe the antilons and the uniform look the same... but copied?? Lolzeryloly!

What is that short for?

I know they was'nt copied and i also know that the soldiers in FEAR was'nt inspired by something HL2 used thats been used a million times before HL2 was even on paper.
no, they don't look like the Combine to me.
more like plastic toy soldiers or G.I.-Joe action figures:p

and about the gas mask - it's a very popular way to make the character look sinister and fearsome. the mask resembles human skull (at least this type of g-mask), and as such is recognized by our brain as something closely related to death, fear and all things bad. besides you can not see his eyes - and that makes the encounter even more psychically disturbing. HL2 did not invent enemies in gas masks, it is popular in the genre - remember flamethrower soldiers in wolfenstein?

btw - F.E.A.R. looks amazing, but I'm afraid that the story will be rather weak
I dont think combine blood spews out in such volume when they are shot in the knee