Favorite law-related drama?


I Hate Custom Titles
Sep 13, 2003
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There's alot of them out there, but i'm curious if some of you out there have a particular favorite.

Mine, personally is The Practice. This show is very good, at least in my opinion. Well done, classy and keeps me entertained at every moment. I haven't even begun to see all the past episodes.

For some reason I never really cared much about other law related drama shows, like law & order, etc etc.

EDIT: Watching the show of the Practice right now where one of the unstable attorney's is taking a case of a guy who stuffed a human head, like, taxidermy style. Even more, it was his mothers head and he mounted it in his den as a remberance to her because he felt it was disrespectful to place ones dead body in dirt. <laughs> What a psycho!
I hate every single one I've seen. :| They're all the bloody same, melodramatic crap to me...as well as any new "American Drama" that manages to make it over the Atlantic...24 is the only US show I've liked in recent years. It all started when the X-Files turned into a soap opera...
Law and Order, has it all :D

Oh and Century City is kinda fun.. different atleast
Law and Order for me i've seen most of the first 10 seasons. When characters change the show still is good. Which is one reason i like it in the first place.