Firefall Beta Invites

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The Freeman
Aug 2, 2007
Reaction score
So I just got into the Firefall beta, and I have 5 Firefall beta invites. First five email addresses I get will be sent invites to it.

If you're wondering what the game is like: think an MMORPG version of Tribes, with lots of creature-slaughtering.
Sent you a PM. I've been trying to get in, but haven't been picked yet I guess.
Aight, I got one invite to the beta remaining. Next person to PM me gets it.
Thanks for the invite! Played a bit today, I was surprised at how solid it feels. It's definitely a beta (the video on the sign-up page stresses that it's actually there to be tested and not just a promotional thing), but the framework is there and it already has the potential to be a lot of fun. I just get the impression that they need to add in some more stuff and maybe give it more of a sense of direction/progression. It might be a bit too open world right now.
Last invite sent. Could mods/admins lock this thread?
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