Games to play


Apr 12, 2004
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hey, does anyone know some good games to play while were waiting for Half-Life 2. I got far cry and some other games, can you people tell me some good games to play?
Prince of Persia (amazing), Beyond Good and Evil (mesmerizing) (both are adventure games).

Pandora Tomorrow, The Sufferin (Horror First person shooter), Halo, Max Payne 2 (most heart wreaching ending ever).

And my favorite game of all time: Play Half Life 1 again :)
Marty this is off-topic should be on general gaming :cheers:
Still some cool games are Call of Duty, Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic, Lord of the Rings: Return of the King, Prince of Persia: Sands of Time, Deus Ex 1 & 2 , of course the original Half Life and it's expansions, etc depends on what you are looking for but this year hasn't seen many great releases yet.
Did he say what Deus Ex is about. Oh my god, the odasity. Beside Half Life (and it is build with the Half Life engine), it's one of the greatest first persons shooters/ adventure game ever :)
Damn straight

Oh and if you've got an Xbox, try renting "Beyond Good & Evil"
i must be the only guy here who doesnt like deus ex.
noluck said:
i must be the only guy here who doesnt like deus ex.

Nah, I'm with you... Deus Ex was ok... DX2 just plain sucked..
You might wanna check the local bargain bin, they usually have some good name a few : alpha centauri, fallout 1 $ 2, startcraft, Diablo 1 & 2, total war series, serious sam, global operations, stronghold, carmageddon series, warlords: battlecry,ages of empires, command & conquer series. thiers alot more and most of those tittles are 10-20 dollars.
Impulse147 said:
You might wanna check the local bargain bin, they usually have some good name a few : alpha centauri, fallout 1 $ 2, startcraft, Diablo 1 & 2, total war series, serious sam, global operations, stronghold, carmageddon series, warlords: battlecry,ages of empires, command & conquer series. thiers alot more and most of those tittles are 10-20 dollars.

Yup, good idea :p You might also want to get Tribes 2 (and 1) for free at or fileplanet.. also try the PlanetSide Trial..
Half-Life, Cs, Starcraft, Sven-coop, Morrowind, Call of duty, Diablo 2, Warcraft 3, Rise of nations, Hitman series aint half bad, Battlefield 1942 aint half bad,
Quake 3 Mods:
"Navy Seal: Covert Operations"
"True Combat"

and so on..
ah morrowind i love that game, only cost me 10 bucks(some dummy had the wrong sticker price tag on the box).
well i guess i got alot of DC++ downloadin to do

j/k im not dling those games i might buy them
Is Doom 3 only coming out for Xbox atm?
Caesar 3. You can get it for 10 bucks. It is a masterpiece.
Yes I am the Caesar 3 pimp.
i dloaded far cry full version only 3 CDs compressed, and natural-selection and guess wats better NS
Desert Combat mod for BF1942, I use to hate it but now that I gave it a try for a few days I am owning in it. There are so many ways you can get better, it is a lot like tribes 2. A lot of little things and tactics to improve your gameplay, unline CS where is is just pure reaction time.
i tried DC for bf1942 and its good. I bought battlefield vietnam i didnt dload it becuase it was goin to slow and i wasted money because BF:V sux0rz
Chronicles of Riddick. You'll be suprised how the game ISN'T total crap.
By a N64 and 30 games for like $100 bucks and you got a lot of gaming left to do :). Gotta find a store first, luckily I have a used games store just two blocks north.