GLaDOS and Half Life (Spoilers)


Sep 4, 2007
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Now, we all love GLaDOS, don't we. Classic character, very funny, very menacing at the same time. But does she fit in the Half Life games?

Obviously she has a place in the world, she was in Aperture Laboratories in Portal, which we all know is part of the Half Life world.

From certain clues in portal, we can all agree
GLaDOS is still alive! We know this from the ending credits (which COULD just be a song), and we also know that from the slides in the conference room in the inner workings of aperture when you are escaping. GLaDOS appears to be onboard the Borealis, and could well have a place in the Episode 3

My question is this: Is GLaDOS too... funny... for the Half Life games? I mean, she obviously is loaded with dark humor, very entertaining, but was that simply tailored for Portal, and to add major entertainment for the game. But does that fit in the story rich half life games? Could it almost lighten up the dark events following
Eli's death?

There are always possiblilities that GLaDOS has no humor left to give, enraged or maddened by the events of Portal, or she could be given a far different personality, far less funny, far more sarcastic and menacing... you know, something more fitting to the half life universe.

Don't get me wrong, I want to see GLaDOS onboard the borealis, but I don't want the episode to be primarily replayable for the humor aspect which GLaDOS tends to bring, but for the epic story climax.

Some of GLaDOS's funniest moments:
-"'Whoooowooooo' That's you! That's how dumb you sound!"
-"I know what that piece is, it's the catalitic cracking converter, it makes shoes for orphans. Nice job breaking it hero."
-"I even invited your friend companion cube [to your party], but he couldnt come because you murdered him."
-"I could take a bath in this [neurotoxin], rub it in my eyes, put it in my cereal."
-"Deploying suprise in 3, 2... wait a minute, you see that thing that fell out of me, what is it? It isn't the suprise, I don't know what it is?"
-"Didn't we have some good times? Remember when the platform was heading towards the fire pit, and you were like 'NO WAY' and I was like, 'we pretended we were going to murder you. That was great"
-"You should have turned left back there, it's funny really. Someday we will look back at this and laugh, and laugh, and laugh.... oooooh boy."

Some of GLaDOS's sinister moments:
-"[Evil Laugh] I just found out what that piece did. It was the morality core that the scientists installed when I began flooding the enrichment center with a deadly neurotoxin, to stop me flooding the enrichment center with a deadly neurotoxin. Now get comfortable while i warm up the neurotoxin emitters."
-"You murdered your companion cube faster than any other test subject on record. Congratulations."
-"I'm not kidding around anymore. Head back to the testing area, or I will KILL you... I'm going to kill you, and all the cake is gone."
The GlaDOS in Portal could easily be an earlier (or even later) version of the one we may meet aboard the Borealis. Removing the spheres from her at the end seemed to significantly change her behaviour. Perhaps she was responsible for the Borealis Teleport mishap, and she turns out to be very sinister? Perhaps she appears at first to be actually rather balanced and sympathetic, playing with the player's expectations. It's quite possible she'll be an antagonist, since we are going to the arctic to destroy the Borealis, though should this objective change, perhaps GlaDOS will be recruited as a sort of Half-Life Cortana? A centralised sentient network for the resistance to rival the Combine's Overwatch Announcer (who... erm, has the same voice).

She could turn rather more SHODAN as a result. I think 'Insane' is the way to go: anything entirely humourless won't feel 'GlaDOS' enough, but a happy go-lucky oblivious Portal-style GlaDOS would be a bit of a mood change for Half-Life.
GLaDOS is just a malfunctioning copy of windows vista. which is already evil.
She could turn rather more SHODAN as a result. I think 'Insane' is the way to go: anything entirely humourless won't feel 'GlaDOS' enough, but a happy go-lucky oblivious Portal-style GlaDOS would be a bit of a mood change for Half-Life.

I was thinking exactly the same thing. GLaDOS could order Freeman around, SHODAN-style, while making humorous observations about his actions.

Alyx has been doing this to us for three games now, so it would certainly fit the mood of Half-Life.
I think GLaDOS will end up trying to kill you when she finds out that you came to destroy the Borealis. But I haven't got the foggiest what she will do when you first get there.
Chell destroyed the extension of GLaDOS currently stationed at Aperture Labs, maybe the borealis houses the last extension of GLaDOS... I'm sure GLaDOS would fight to survive if this was her last extension.
Chell destroyed the extension of GLaDOS currently stationed at Aperture Labs, maybe the borealis houses the last extension of GLaDOS... I'm sure GLaDOS would fight to survive if this was her last extension.

And you rip her apart piece by piece with the Grav Gun! While Freeman yells "..."