Gman fans... (has one spoiler for Ep2)


Sep 25, 2004
Reaction score
How many of you clapped and shouted when the Gman finally made his appearance. Personally, I think he is the most interesting character in half life 2 and is my favorite. I hate Alyx Vance with a passion because shes annoying and she gets in my way and ends up just slowing me down. Also, I don't find her the least bit interesting or attractive in looks and personality, so it makes me want to take a scout bat to her face. I also laughed when her father got his brains sucked out. Anyway I just wanted to see if gman fans out there had similar thoughts.
You laughed at Eli's death just because he's Alyx's father ? rofl..
Also because the way his head bounced as a rag doll and the red jello coming out of his head to feed some fat advisor. It all just seemed so funny to me.
Kids are soo desensitized to violence now a days..

I actually got shivers from that scene, And still do. Eli is one of the most in depth and believable character in a video game ever and was fantastic for the series.

I prefer to fight along allies then by myself, So to me Alyx is a definite plus.. Besides shes one rockin Polygon babe, I say this as a 25 year old who lives with his GF :)..
Alyx is alright as a companion but she can become rather annoying at times, in example when waiting for her to get on the freaking car shouting "Wait for me Gordon!!"
Alyx is alright as a companion but she can become rather annoying at times, in example when waiting for her to get on the freaking car shouting "Wait for me Gordon!!"

My gf would do that too if i drove off without her :-|
The OP is either trying to get a reaction, or he's faking it.
Altho the HL2-series is one of the best things Ive experienced gamingwise, I didn't feel much when Eli died tbh. I would be HEARTBROKEN if Alyx died.
I was amazed and got goosebumps however by the scenery.. all the physics, music, the voiceactors etc.

I can't help to see through the acting of any game.. too bad.. Im lways thinking "i wonder how many times the directors told her/him to do that line over and over" :)
Alyx is alright as a companion but she can become rather annoying at times, in example when waiting for her to get on the freaking car shouting "Wait for me Gordon!!"

It's either that or drive off and have her magically appear in the car later. Which is really lame.
She doenst always just transport back into the car seat, only at loading points, if at anytime do you decide to say 'Piss off' sometimes, it ends the level similar to the 'Mission Termiated, Subject Freeman...' one. This is most easily accessable after the first advisor encounter, after you have dispached the combine, just jump in and drive, then half way down the railway track, it comes up with a big paragraph about stuff.
*puking* bluea, You sick sick man, you make me sick. How can you laugh at that wonderfull man that loves his dotter more them himself. I can't believe my eyes.
How many of you clapped and shouted when the Gman finally made his appearance. Personally, I think he is the most interesting character in half life 2 and is my favorite. I hate Alyx Vance with a passion because shes annoying and she gets in my way and ends up just slowing me down. Also, I don't find her the least bit interesting or attractive in looks and personality, so it makes me want to take a scout bat to her face. I also laughed when her father got his brains sucked out. Anyway I just wanted to see if gman fans out there had similar thoughts.

I cried at that scene. I bet your mother bought you at the 99cent store!
Hey guys! Any Megatron fans here?

I like Megatron. But I hate Optimus! He's an annoying douche bag. I hope he dies in a fire like a bitch. He's always saying stuff that pisses me off and when he dies I'll be like "Sweet!". He's a bitch. **** him. The Autobots would do better without him. **** him twice. When he dies it will be so funny.

So who likes Megatron?
Hey guys! Any Megatron fans here?

I like Megatron. But I hate Optimus! He's an annoying douche bag. I hope he dies in a fire like a bitch. He's always saying stuff that pisses me off and when he dies I'll be like "Sweet!". He's a bitch. **** him. The Autobots would do better without him. **** him twice. When he dies it will be so funny.

So who likes Megatron?

Absinthe STOP TROLLING, god

/giggles at the thought of internet sarcasm