Grey City - A HL2 Modification (duh)

1. Yes it is.
2. Because it's in too many games as it is.
3. You got the explorer, be happy. :p
4. Of course you will, down to it's engine, cars will be fully customizable for those who want to change it up, or even add their own cars. The reason we're not adding more cars ourselves is because we have to do 51 weapons, (31 now, 20 are done), and 36 cars. After that, buildings and prefabs etc. The time it will take for modeling to be 100% done, probably a good year, with skinning and animation and all. Don't forget the coding (we have a programmer straight from the industry), and the mapping. Mapping Grey City will take a very long time on it's own, seeing as we're using HL2's maximum map size, and constructing a huge city within it. You probably won't get your hands on SP until about a good year and a half after HL2's release. However, you will get alpha releases of our MP.
Sure, I'll upload the 10 finished models in a little, hang on.
:eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: WOW this mod is huge enough to compete with the GTA series! Can't wait to see the models!!!!
Also will you have to pay to play this game via Steam?
We will never make the community pay through steam, ever.
Updated the weapons post, to tell you guys which models are done. (not yet skinned, NEED SKINNERS! PLEASE!)
Here's some WIPS, I'll get the rest from our other modeler later:







can u for once stop spamming ur god damn thread? u make the point u need staff every 3 posts. and that bat looks ugly as all hell.
Guess what, that's what a base ball bat looks like :eek: I know, hard to believe. When it's skinned you'll change your mind.

Edit - goddamn is one word. kthx.:cheers:
its too wide for a bat, and goddamn is two words. God Damn
Is it?:dozey: I don't think so, bats normally do curve and get wider like that. I'll ask the modeler, thanks for the input.:cheers:
Nice models :D, good luck with your mod tho :thumbs: ,
Thanks! Here's some completed models by our modeler m374llic4:
Beretta Something lol, I forgot the name.=

M4 Tactical

AK 101
geez, I may have to kill you and kidnap your Modeler :):cheese:
Those skins will be redone, they were simply photoskinned for reference. More models to come soon.
Here's the deagle, yet again by our metallica:


LOL. My bad, I'll try and get that back up ASAP. Our modeler gets hosted by tripod. :rolleyes:
Originally posted by guinny
Those skins will be redone, they were simply photoskinned for reference. More models to come soon.

Nice save.
LoL. Yeah, however I don't think he's changing the beretta. Looks great how it is, even for photoskinning.
guinny, tell 'em fabulous job!!! those models look great, good luck on the mod, it sounds genious, especially when you mentioned your team, it seems like it has plenty of support, even before HL2 is out
Thanks! :) We'll keep pimping out models until there's nothing left to pimp. Wish we had a few skinners to skin em all though. :(
I would if I could, but what do I know about skinning lol
Please tell me that the Desert Eagle is a WIP model... if not, you need someone else to redo it.

... and for the love of all that is good don't use pure photoskins. They look hideous.
I don't like the beretta (skin), it would look better if it was hand-made
Originally posted by OCybrManO
Please tell me that the Desert Eagle is a WIP model... if not, you need someone else to redo it.

... and for the love of all that is good don't use pure photoskins. They look hideous.

I stated above the model that it was a WIP.
How's the dildo coming along? I mean that's a weapon right? Kiyahh!! Doiiiing!
I think the models look just fine, they'll look way better ingame...where everything is in context...just looking at models is too arbitrary.

to guinny:

how come the actual Grey City boards are sooo dead :/
i never got 1 response to my thread :O
hi there.
as co-leader (was POI team leader until the merger), and the lead weapon modeller on the mod, i just wanna say thanks for your feedback on our work.
we got lots of work to do, and support from the community helps keep us going. all of your suggestions are worked into our mod, to a reasonable extent ;)
we will get some more stuff for you guys up real soon :)
As 2nd modeler I thank you guys for the support, and dont worry OCybrManO, the Desert Eagle is being fixed. One thing at a time : P
Skin is being redone, but just to show what you can expect from the deagle:

No offense, but thsoe are very, very low detial skins. in fact, they look CS quality. make them sharper, and add more little detials.