Grim Statistics


Aug 29, 2003
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27,000 Americans commit suicide.
23,000 are murdered.
125,000 die prematurely of alcohol abuse.
473,000 die prematurely from tobacco-related illnesses
6,500,000 use heroin, crack, speed, PCP, cocaine or some other hard drug on a regular basis.
5,000+ die from illicit drug use. Thousands suffer serious debilitations.
1,000+ die from sniffing household substances found under the kitchen sink. About 20% of all eighth-graders have "huffed" toxic substances.
31,450,000 use marijuana; 3,000,000 of whom are heavy usuers.
5,000 die from psychoactive drug treatments.
25,000,000, or one out of every 10 Americans, seek help from psychiatric, psychotherapeutic, or medical sources for mental and emotional problems.
14,000+ die from overdoses of legal prescription drugs.
Effects on Women and Children:
126,000 children are born with a major birth defect, mostly due to insufficient prenatal care, nutritional deficiency, environmental toxicity, or maternal drug addiction.
2,900,000 children are reportedly subjected to serious neglect or abuse, including physical torture and deliberate starvation.
30,000 or more children are left permanently physically disabled from abuse and neglect.
1,000,000 children run away from home, mostly because of abusive treatment, including sexual abuse, from parents and other adults.
2,000,000 to 4,000,00 women are battered. Domestic violence is the single largest cause of injury and second largest cause of death to U.S. women.
700,000 women are raped, one every 45 seconds.
Source: Dirty Truths

One death is a tragedy. A million deaths is a statistic.
-Josef Stalin.

This thread is partly a reply to the deplorable "What Drugs have you tried" thread.
Is this flammatory? Perhaps to some, but I believe the message should be heard: We have to be responsible for our actions. Being American with civil rights does not include the right to do whatever we desire without constraint, limit, and reasoning. Nor does it allow us to blatantly "chat" about drugs just because the forum says "Off-Topic". Feel free to discuss these statistics (under-estimated imo) and our responsibilites.
**Not trying to flame sorry if I sound like a asshole**

Javert said:
Being American with civil rights does not include the right to do whatever we desire without constraint, limit, and reasoning. Nor does it allow us to blatantly "chat" about drugs just because the forum says "Off-Topic". Feel free to discuss these statistics (under-estimated imo) and our responsibilites.

The mods are the ones who decide what is acceptable and isnt, I agree with you fully, but if the mods think its reasonable to post something like that well then I would think they would have a good reason.
Those statistics are quite sad, but what can we really do about it? Im not trying to sound cold but both great and horrible things happen everyday in this world and you just have to accept them you cant help every junkie or every raped woman or every child who has suffered abuse.
So please explain how we can change any of that you mentioned? Or was that not the purpose of the thread?
Javert said:
1,000+ die from sniffing household substances found under the kitchen sink. .

lol thats well funny :imu:


but yea really sux that so many people are dieing and suffering over drug use
Javert said:
We have to be responsible for our actions. Being American with civil rights does not include the right to do whatever we desire without constraint, limit, and reasoning.

Tell that to your president. Look at all the lethal stuff he is doing:
- A new nuclear program including a space shield, that will lead to other countries making more and better nukes themselves.
- Environmental policies that kill the environment and the people in it.
- The war in Iraq.
- Crushing human rights creating more enemies that will want to kill themselves (Guantanamo Bay anyone?).
- etc. etc.
6,500,000 use heroin, crack, speed, PCP, cocaine or some other hard drug on a regular basis.

Thats more people then the entire population of Finland!
25,000,000, or one out of every 10 Americans, seek help from psychiatric, psychotherapeutic, or medical sources for mental and emotional problems.

Related fact:

25,000,000, or one out of every 10 Americans, visit various internet forums every day.


Oh dear lord I crack myself up. I wonder what the Swedish statistic is. Gotto ask the nurse when she comes with the pills.
Almost twice as many as are here in New Zealand :D

Actually despite NZ being one of the most war/violence-free countries in the world we have some of the highest rates of drink driving accidents and youth suicides =/

Statistics blow.
Bah, people die, gotta put up with it or try do something about it instead of grieving over it
mchammer75040 said:
**Not trying to flame sorry if I sound like a asshole**

The mods are the ones who decide what is acceptable and isnt, I agree with you fully, but if the mods think its reasonable to post something like that well then I would think they would have a good reason.
Those statistics are quite sad, but what can we really do about it? Im not trying to sound cold but both great and horrible things happen everyday in this world and you just have to accept them you cant help every junkie or every raped woman or every child who has suffered abuse.
So please explain how we can change any of that you mentioned? Or was that not the purpose of the thread?

I would say parental responsibility, education for adolescents, counseling, and some better form of gun control. I guess solving the issue was the secondary purpose, and I am to agree that mods have all final say (analagous to a policeman and a citizen).
And I will have to admit some blame is to our government on lack of aid towards education (eliminating the D.A.R.E. program, little money to family care), the best solution can only be found within the community.
Javert said:
I would say parental responsibility, education for adolescents, counseling, and some better form of gun control. I guess solving the issue was the secondary purpose, and I am to agree that mods have all final say (analagous to a policeman and a citizen).
And I will have to admit some blame is to our government on lack of aid towards education (eliminating the D.A.R.E. program, little money to family care), the best solution can only be found within the community.

Sounds like everything we arent, I seriously dont think anything is going to change in America, our society will probably just end up self destructing. Its funny how every election politicans preach how they will support all that you said, but nothing ever gets done and we keep putting them in office.
2,000 people are sitting at there computer in the nude with a towel over there shoulder instead of there wang, no but seriously I dont do drugs, not worth it. wow I get to feel good for a few min. thats really worth breaking the law. hand me a beer (when im 21) plzkthx. I believe Mr. Mackee said it best

its really, really too bad that all those people who probably could have had a future, or cured some disease had to go and kick their own ass like that. the only problem with the statistics is that the total population of america 290,809,777, so each of these numbers look... huge. the thing is, the drug rates in any other countries are about similar to ours. we do have an insane murder rate, but drug use is pretty much the same in just about all countries.