Hackers Arrested - Valve Press Release

the leak *DID* delay it about a months worth becasue they said they had to rewrite the muiltplay part of the code :\

for some reason every one missed that little note...
They purportedly had to rewrite some of it at least. But leak or no leak it would have been delayed, and if we can't trust Gabe who can we trust? Certainly not Mr. Lombardi...

I'd be interested in seeing/hearing of the culprits and the legal action taken against them.
I think their UBERLY COOL, cus they have the brains to hack through a big corporation to get a certain file. what they know about the internet is far more then u and i know.
But yes what they did was wrong. This is a lesson not to the hackers but for the game makers, they should know better then to leave their computers unprotected.
they brought this up on them self, if they had a better network more secure, non of this would of happend. i say blame the network administrator for doing a poor job!!.
blame the network admin - are you crazy!?, the admin has little to do with it, even if you have the most secure network, some idiot co-worker can go and blow it all himself. besides, why was a computer with access/the source code on it, on the BLOODY NET!?!?!?
Submiqent said:
blame the network admin - are you crazy!?, the admin has little to do with it, even if you have the most secure network, some idiot co-worker can go and blow it all himself. besides, why was a computer with access/the source code on it, on the BLOODY NET!?!?!?
They often had to e-mail there work to themselves so that they could work on it at home, also to other people when they aren't in the office. Its convenient then to have a connection to the internet, thats why they would do it. Obviously they won't anymore, but I suspect that having it connected the the net is/was standard practice in the whole game development industry.
i still think the hackers are cool!!!. they had the right timing and brains to access valve wuha ;0. now thats some talent only mistake they did was release it on the net for tell people about it.
Wow, and this idiot, Gabe Newell is still free ?

I mean, hes a former M$ employee, he used a god damn insecure email client (outlook) and had the source on his machine !? He should know it better.

Sorry, but such a large amount of dumbness in one person, they should kick Gabes ass imo. And the admin of valves network, in the case that they ever had one.
burzum said:
Wow, and this idiot, Gabe Newell is still free ?

I mean, hes a former M$ employee, he used a god damn insecure email client (outlook) and had the source on his machine !? He should know it better.

Sorry, but such a large amount of dumbness in one person, they should kick Gabes ass imo. And the admin of valves network, in the case that they ever had one.
If you read my previous post you would see what the likely reason was for having it on a system connected to the internet.
bravo, good job, nail those b@[email protected] etc, truly well deserved (no sarcasm)

BUT do u think Valve can really be appreciative and pay their due by giving us a release date finally??!?!
I'm not going to read all the replies, but from what I can tell people are under the impression Gabe had HL2's source code on his machine? No.. that's not it at all.

IIRC, there was an offsite machine on VALVe's network. When Gabe was experiencing his "hack attacks," they got ahold of the said system's IP and broke in. They logged into the network, and hopped onto the server with the file-tree containing HL2's source through the offsite system.

Whether or not I remembered 100% correctly, I do know for a fact that Gabe didn't have HL2's source code on the same machine he had connected to the internet. In fact, I'm also 100% sure that the machine with HL2's source code wasn't connected to the internet. It was, however, on their network with another machine connected to the internet with access to the said network.
jonnyapps said:
Last night the hackers were simultaneously executed by electrocution. unfortunately the resultant drain on the national grid caused valve's HQ to plunge into darkness. Who knows where HL2 might be now.

And they forgot to press Ctrl + S when making it :X
Those of you sticking up for the hackers, think of it this way:
Suppose you had something that was very valuable to you(say for instance a song you are writing), and somebody stole it before you finished it, and released it for everyone to listen to and critique before you had a chance to edit it properly. I'm sure you would be pretty upset about it. Of course its really hard to come up with a comparison that doesn't involve outpouring of creativity. My guess is those who sympathize with the hackers have little to no creativity.
Sushi said:
My thoughts exactly. Let them rot in some crappy jail, where they will become 'special' friends with a man named Bubba...
Bubba is an awsome guy who is fat and is a complete ass to everyone in the world, i hope he kills the hackers before the rest of the gaming world does :cheers:
Shuzer said:
I'm not going to read all the replies, but from what I can tell people are under the impression Gabe had HL2's source code on his machine? No.. that's not it at all.

IIRC, there was an offsite machine on VALVe's network. When Gabe was experiencing his "hack attacks," they got ahold of the said system's IP and broke in. They logged into the network, and hopped onto the server with the file-tree containing HL2's source through the offsite system.

Whether or not I remembered 100% correctly, I do know for a fact that Gabe didn't have HL2's source code on the same machine he had connected to the internet. In fact, I'm also 100% sure that the machine with HL2's source code wasn't connected to the internet. It was, however, on their network with another machine connected to the internet with access to the said network.
The hackers got it from black mesa
nimh said:
did they really hurt the game?
just a minor hurdle thats been blown out of proportion.
source code leak hey?, lets see how much that eats into their sales.
being purely objective id say that it actually will increase sales, given the extra publicity.
dont copy that floppy!
(no, i didnt dload the beta [i dont dload 1g demos] and i love half life and think valve make awesome games)

what harm did they really do?
just like the doom 3 alpha, ID could care less because people said the game was awsome as shit! i am sure people would do the same for hl2, which is a "better" game. Its safer here
man are you guys ignorant. Of course this leak hardmed valve, it hardmed them in maby ways. They cam very close to financial ruin because of a plumet in their shares. They're facing a lot of financial backlash due to other peoples code being released, which could even lead to lawsuits. And now everyone knows how they did everything, meaning anyone can replicate their physics, and other private coding techniques.

As for whos fault it was...well...it was the hackers you dumbasses! How could it be anyone elses. Leaving your car unlocked is not an invitation for it to be broken into. Sure, it's a little irresponsible, but it's the dirty **** who breaks into it who's at fault.

And of course the source code was on a machine connected to the internet!!! Dont even bother commenting until you've seen a modern high tech office in action. Do the letter VPN mean anything to you idiots? EVERYTHING is on a machine connected the the internet these days.
Dr-X said:
man are you guys ignorant. Of course this leak hardmed valve, it hardmed them in maby ways. They cam very close to financial ruin because of a plumet in their shares. They're facing a lot of financial backlash due to other peoples code being released, which could even lead to lawsuits. And now everyone knows how they did everything, meaning anyone can replicate their physics, and other private coding techniques.

As for whos fault it was...well...it was the hackers you dumbasses! How could it be anyone elses. Leaving your car unlocked is not an invitation for it to be broken into. Sure, it's a little irresponsible, but it's the dirty **** who breaks into it who's at fault.

And of course the source code was on a machine connected to the internet!!! Dont even bother commenting until you've seen a modern high tech office in action. Do the letter VPN mean anything to you idiots? EVERYTHING is on a machine connected the the internet these days.

Wow. Wow. Wow...

First off, VALVe is a privately owned company and DO NOT have shares on the stock market. Secondly, they aren't/were never facing any financial backlash from Havok, and this has been confirmed a few times now.

Third, yes, people can view an older version of Source, but any big name company stupid enough to touch the source is, well, stupid. It doesn't really matter if some Joe Schmoe looks through HL2's source and says "NEATO!!!111" The real threat was 1) other companies possibly looking into HL2's source and 2) cheat developers being able to wreak havok with HL2 (plus potential backdoor security issues). 1 is really a non-issue, seeing as how if they were caught using any bit of HL2's source they'd be sued to hell and back. The second is now a non-issue because VALVe has reworked the vulnerable parts of Source.

Lastly, you have no evidence that the machine with HL2's source WAS connected to the internet. I very much doubt it was, but it was still on a network that had atleast 1 system connected to the internet with access to it.
Lastly, you have no evidence that the machine with HL2's source WAS connected to the internet. I very much doubt it was, but it was still on a network that had atleast 1 system connected to the internet with access to it.

Eeer, if it's connected to a computer which is on the internet, that means it's on the internet. wise up dickhead.
Dr-X said:
Lastly, you have no evidence that the machine with HL2's source WAS connected to the internet. I very much doubt it was, but it was still on a network that had atleast 1 system connected to the internet with access to it.

Eeer, if it's connected to a computer which is on the internet, that means it's on the internet. wise up dickhead.

That computer isn't DIRECTLY connected to the internet. If it has no means of connecting to the internet, it's not ON the internet.

I get what you're saying, though.
Dr-X said:
Lastly, you have no evidence that the machine with HL2's source WAS connected to the internet. I very much doubt it was, but it was still on a network that had atleast 1 system connected to the internet with access to it.

Eeer, if it's connected to a computer which is on the internet, that means it's on the internet. wise up dickhead.
You don't have to throw insults around.
Yea are there any more details like who these guys were or where they arrested? Or possibly what hints the authorities were given? Just wondering.