Half-Life 2 DESKTOP countdown?


May 22, 2003
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Half-Life 2 DESKTOP countdown

I am looking for the desktop countdown to Half-Life 2 but I can't seem to find it anywhere. I even searched these forums, but nothing :(
Would you find it in your heart to make things go away and let me rest in pieces? Huh?! Do you?!
I am desperately wanting this desktop countdown, once I get it THEN (and only then) can you RIP.
If you have Microsoft Outlook, then I think you can set it up to act as a countdown to a certain date and time. But Im not sure.
i wondered about this also when i saw it a few weeks ago..i would like to know how also..

(answer is probably at wincustomize with one of there progs but im not looking through them all)
I asked the guy who I saw using it and this is what he said:

well im not using something thats just a countdown...
im using a software called samurize which can display almost any information on your desktop. its a great program.
its available on www.samurize.com
hmm... the server seems to be down right now...
you can also download it here:
but you'll have to find the countdown-script to...
which i got from www.samurize.com
maybe its up when you read this...

samurize.com is down at the time of posting but you can get the latest version (0.85d) from the following mirrors:




Problem is we need that script, I will ask him again and see if he can send it me.
How did you get the counter like that to be your desktop BG??I have DLed that page, but i cant figure out on how you did that, please tell!
Go to Display Properties > Desktop > Custmize Desktop > Web. In Win XP.
Works in Win2kPro, too.

Go to 'Display Properties > Web' and make sure 'Show Web content on my Active Desktop' is checked.

Then go to 'Display Properties > Web > New' and enter the URL.
XP is sex. Power and comfort.

Why would you want a countdown on your desktop, reminding how painfully far away the release date is. It would anoy the shit out of me. Id rather just have it sneak up on me like "oh shit hl2 is out in a few weeks farkin coo."
in two days we should have some form of international "100 days left" party.
We could meet up in city 17.
If we can find it.

bring liquor.
and that german beer you brag so much about!