Half-Life 2 Mappack Volume #2 Released!


Jul 31, 2003
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Half-Life 2 Mappack Volume #2 contains yet another 50 Half-Life 2 Deathmatch custom maps! :D

The included maps are:

alpha6, apc_bunker, boot_camp, boot_camp_tundra_cool, buildingblocks_b3, deadclan, dissipated_beta1, dm_abandoned, dm_airboat_swamp_b1, dm_arena_duel, dm_bounce_b1, dm_buggy_kn, dm_bunker_valley, dm_burn01, dm_cabinfever, dm_chaintech, dm_chamber, dm_city, dm_closed, dm_concretebunker, dm_creighter, dm_dodgeball-b1, dm_exit, dm_ffm7beta16, dm_frag_dodgeball_v1, dm_freeman, dm_garage, dm_ghtemple_a09, dm_hanger18, dm_kasasu, dm_killbox_final, dm_quad, dm_racetrack, dm_sawblade, dm_urban_siege, dm_waterhazard, dodgeballmkx2, evn_physics_b2, Greentownforest, hl2dm_arena_1a, hl2dm_tower_1a, lws_train1, neighbour-war, phys_ozone, piff, robotwars, robotwars_v3, skyhigh, storage_hq, zombiesv2

Grab it here: http://www.hl2files.com/file/;34071

Also, be sure to download the Half-Life 2 Mappack Volume #1 here: http://www.hl2files.com/file/;33929

Happy Fragging,
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Nice work! Here's to even more fun! I still haven't seen all the maps from the first one...
Crazy 15 min. edit limit prevented me from adding this:

And you might want to edit the readme b/c it's not too clear--in fact, completely mistaken--about where you extract the files to.

You can't extract the one folder to hl2mp b/c it doesn't detect the maps--so far and as far as I know, you have to individually place every file and folder in its appropriate folder for it to work.

There must be a simpler way!
Your welcome :D

Also, not really, you can extract the entire folder contents to /hl2mp and it works fine. :)
The question is...how many of them are actually any good?
More to the point, is there a mapping site that's actually reviewing all these HL2 maps that seem to be churning out on a daily basis. We could do with an '0wnage' type link like CliffyB has for UT2004 maps.
czrsink said:
More to the point, is there a mapping site that's actually reviewing all these HL2 maps that seem to be churning out on a daily basis. We could do with an '0wnage' type link like CliffyB has for UT2004 maps.

Oh yeah, than you get lame ass maps like the CBP maps pimpid.

CBP and CliffyB's ownage sucked, they took graphics over gameplay, if a map looked fantastic but didn't have good map flow than he putted it on.

CBP is a team that released 2 map packs, they all looked fantastic but oh god they play horrible.

There are just a few good maps in the release of ut2k4 retail, from the 105 maps there are like 6 of the DM maps that get played. And like 4 custom maps that got in to the competetive community.

Epic has no clue about map flow, they just want to pimp there engine and get money, ut2k4 was 1 of the biggest disapointment of games for me. I loved and enjoyed it, but epic killed it.

Please don't do something like with ut2k4.
Well, that's your opinion. I always went to the 0wnage page for maps when looking for anything UT.

What I'm saying is, we need a site that's reviewing all these maps. What's the point of installing 50 odd maps and finding out that 90% are rubbish and then having to delete them all bar th 6 or 7 that are any good?

Contains virtually everything you need to know about the 'quality' of most of the levels out there.

NINJA EDIT - Some of the levels mentioned are even in this pack I notice. I'd imagine downloading this map pack is fun, much like getting shot in the foot is 'fun'.
Eighty maps in two weeks doesn't exactly shout "quality" in my thesaurus.