Half-Life 2 music

chili pepper

May 17, 2003
Reaction score
I am really impressed by the soundtrack as heard in the HL2 demos! First you have the impressive techno theme in the teaser. Very nice original tune.

Then there's the really spooky-sounding music in the background that you hear during some of the E3 gameplay videos. For example you can hear it in the jailhouse combat scene. It gave me the creeps listening to it. Also notice the creepy techno ryhthm in the video where gordan is fighting the aliens alongside his human allies. The creepy sound fits in very nicely with the action.

Music is either absent in games or tends to suck when its there, but man, this is just first-rate stuff you might find in big-budget Hollywood action or horror movie. I haven't heard good game music like this since Need for Speed 2 for the PC, but in that game you could hear it only while in the Setup screen. Some people night not care about game music either way, but to me it is icing on the cake when it is done so well. HL2 never ceases to amaze me!
the soundtrack in the teaser one is from dust brothers I believe (dust brothers - the fight club)
The music in the teaser? I thought it was a revamped track from the Blue Shift/Opposing Force CD...

It's a pretty damn neat track, too...
hl2 music

i also was very impressed by the music with the Hl2 movie's that I've seen. I was hoping for a kickass soundtrack and it look's like they've got some trusty electronic folks on the job. I don't know about the Dust Brother's making the theme, since it would be likely they would advertise that a bit - though it still is early on.
I hope HL2 uses music to the fullest, with music not just playing when your in a level but being triggered dynamically, to punctuate action/scenes etc. much like Silent Hill 1 & 2 soundtracks [they kicked ass, made by akira yamaoka] .... I also would prefer a full concept HL soundtrack by peoples very talented rather than a selection, however good, of decent electronic. I'd like a totally unique gaming exp.. i think this is what they'll do, they'v created in all other aspects, and i think music will not be an exception.... :bounce:

or do YOU know of the musicians involved?

argh the anticipation. damn. (plays thru HL again :)
I was wondering if the music was adaptive. What I mean is does the music change to suit the action on screen?

If you listen to the music during the street battle with Barney you'll notice that the music gets quieter as Gordon sneaks through the ruined building. Of course that might just be a coincidence.
well the music in hl1 was somewhat dynamic.. as in, it was triggered to punctuate certain scenes (but you got to have the hl cd in the cdplayer to hear that :))

i liked the music in hl1, although it may not be the greatest score ever written, it did get the job done
Originally posted by chili pepper
I am really impressed by the soundtrack as heard in the HL2 demos! First you have the impressive techno theme in the teaser. Very nice original tune.

Then there's the really spooky-sounding music in the background that you hear during some of the E3 gameplay videos. For example you can hear it in the jailhouse combat scene. It gave me the creeps listening to it. Also notice the creepy techno ryhthm in the video where gordan is fighting the aliens alongside his human allies. The creepy sound fits in very nicely with the action.

Indeed the soundtrack seems impressive! The music which was played in the jailhouse was pretty impressive, and it reminded me of Quake 2!
I loved the original Half-Life soundtrack... I listen to most of the tracks pretty often. Of course, I like techno/industrial-type music quite a bit, so I suppose it was only natural for me. XD
I only like one kind of music in games which is Atmospheric music (soft, creepy music):borg:
THis music is very similar to one in MOHAA, very impressive and changing to the game process
i was farily impressed with the demo's atmosphere produced with the help of the music, i like the techy sound with the heart pumpin action and feel to it...makes u able to really get into the game and feel more like amoive than a game...just need the vid card to make it look like one ;)
Originally posted by Jager
Yea, he does. His music for the Tom Clancy series of games is great.

I know!

I can't get enough of the Rouge Spear themetune! :E