Half-Life to be Updated with Source

I can't wait...I like the original, but I want a updated one now! :D
I just hope that all this add-on stuff isn't going to bee some "We want to make money" -stuff. It's cool if it's going to be cheap stuff... But i can't stop thinking that Valve just has released HL1 free on Steam and now want to make eaven more money - than they all ready did... That's my hope in generally; that this huge [/I]Steam Powered thingy NOT is going to be a "can't afford plaing" -thing....
PLEASE someone answer this for me. If DoD, CS, and TFC will be updated with Source are they still going to go ahead and make completely new games/sequels DoD2, CS2, and TFC2?
At least they have stated that CS: Source is NOT CS 2 :) In an e-mail :D
Mountain Man said:
I'm hoping all these remakes get bundled into the Collector's Edition. Now that would be a Collector's Edition!
They will be ... at least most of them.