Half-Life2 optimised for Radeon 9800, to be bundled with ATi cards


Aug 20, 2003
Reaction score
Half Life 2.0 will be offered to retail as part of an Ati card software discounted deal at time of HL2 launch. The Ati people were somewhat satisfied that it would counter the Nvidia spinning logo promotions of late, as HL2 had been optimised to run on 9800's etc."

So there we have it. Until Valve release the HL2 benchmark (probably next month) we won't know for sure how well it will perform, but everything we hear right now is pointing towards an ATi coup. If true (and we'll bet our wellingtons on it), it will mean that the card of choice this Christmas will undoubtedly be ATi - a significant kick in the nuts for Graphzilla.


source: All over the Internet
Hm, as far as I know its still just a rumour... I dont know if they would sink this low. But it wouldnt be all bad :)
Of course it's optimized for ATI cards, but it's also optimized for Nvidia cards, or Matrox cards or what have you, this is why the Source engine is so flexible and able to run on vastly different hardware configurations.
when you're quoting a source you should use quote tags, and give credit to the author, here i'll show you how it's done.

Half-Life2 optimised for Radeon 9800, to be bundled with ATi cards

Great deals of our time

By Wil Harris: Friday 29 August 2003, 18:57
FOLLOWING ON from our original column, in which we commented on the rumours that ATi and Valve Software were in bed together, we have had a number of comments, including one soul in the retail industry who not only came forward, but gave us a juicy titbit.

"Half Life 2.0 will be offered to retail as part of an Ati card software discounted deal at time of HL2 launch. The Ati people were somewhat satisfied that it would counter the Nvidia spinning logo promotions of late, as HL2 had been optimised to run on 9800's etc."

So there we have it. Until Valve release the HL2 benchmark (probably next month) we won't know for sure how well it will perform, but everything we hear right now is pointing towards an ATi coup. If true (and we'll bet our wellingtons on it), it will mean that the card of choice this Christmas will undoubtedly be ATi - a significant kick in the nuts for Graphzilla. µ
gj gorgon btw for finding 1

ah man i feel good i have an ati 9800 256mb :)

and a 3.0 ghz intel, i realy hope i get 80-100 fps :)

(Because you're all stupid, The Enquirer is basically a tabloid so they make up most of their content. They are the ones who said it was 100% for sure that Doom 3's multiplayer had been scrapped. So although HL2 will be bundled with an ATI card, that's the only thing true in this 'article')
dawdler, who are you referring to when you say "I dont know if they would sink this low"? It seems to me that neither company (ATi and Valve) have sunk to any low point.
what....... the Inquirer is usually right, ok so mainly this is from the microprocessor point of view but still.

Yippee I guess since ive got my 9800 Pro, but I dont need some Inquirer article to tell me HL2 is optimized for it, Gabes done everything but say that in his different interviews and emails, and the E3 demo was running on a 9800.
Originally posted by dawdler
Hm, as far as I know its still just a rumour... I dont know if they would sink this low. But it wouldnt be all bad :)

you, of course, mean "rumor"

not rumour
Originally posted by what

(Because you're all stupid, The Enquirer is basically a tabloid so they make up most of their content. They are the ones who said it was 100% for sure that Doom 3's multiplayer had been scrapped. So although HL2 will be bundled with an ATI card, that's the only thing true in this 'article')

The Enquirer is a paper tabloid in the UK, correct. The Inquirer, however, is an online news site which also posts a lot of information give anonymously by employees of companies in the computer industry. The rate of true vs false rumours originating first at The Inquirer is a lot better than 50 %. Mike Magee has a huge base of connections in the industry and is a great guy. Since his old site, The Register, took over his site and he quit, he has built The Inquirer staff to something that to me is the number one stop on teh web for computer news.

Sure, sometimes information turns out wrong, but very often their hit rate works out great. In this case they posted yesterday about a multi-million dollar injection into Valve by ATI and today they post the reason. We'll see if it turns out true, it usually does.

Besides that, they have a very special writing style and often make up new acronyms that turn into world wide used phrases, like Itanic and Chipzilla, to mention only 2 examples.
Shut up spaz.

Hmmm, do you think Ati will recoup the amount of money they payed valve through the sheer popularity of hl2?
xtasy, no need to be an asshole. Thats how he was taught to spell it, he was probably oblivious that Europeans put u's in for the fun of it. It would be dumb for teachers to say : color is ALSO known as coloUr in different areas of the world. YIPEE!!!

i thought the notion was if u bought the 9900 Pro, that HL2 would be included? ...


shouldn't ATI be promoting their new upcoming card? (not to say that 9800's are chop liver or something, but new game, new card.. makes sense.)
Originally posted by Dr. Freeman

i thought the notion was if u bought the 9900 Pro, that HL2 would be included? ...


shouldn't ATI be promoting their new upcoming card? (not to say that 9800's are chop liver or something, but new game, new card.. makes sense.)
Yeah, but its not like HL2 is taking advantage of the new features of the 9900, I mean the tech freeze was a year ago.
Originally posted by schweppes
xtasy, no need to be an asshole. Thats how he was taught to spell it, he was probably oblivious that Europeans put u's in for the fun of it. It would be dumb for teachers to say : color is ALSO known as coloUr in different areas of the world. YIPEE!!!

if hes gonna call someone on something he should know wtf he's talking about, i can be an asshole just like he was trying to be.

BTW, i live in canada and was taught multiple spellings for words, standard practice up here, but as i said the US school system seems quite ethnocentric.
I wouldnt say that, xtasy, I mean just today my Western Civ teacher was ranting about how people shouldnt think of the christian calender as the right one, that it was too arrogant.

Sounds to me like one of those things. Down here, a common belief is that Canadians are inbreeding herms. Stereotypism is so evil.
The 9900 won't have any new features.

There is no such thing as "optimized [only] for X card." You optimize a game for both major cards, and maybe smaller ones too.
I think the 9900 will just be a faster card, no new features. Just like the 9700 to the 9800.

When doyou guys think DX10 will be out!?:cheese:
Originally posted by Animal
I think the 9900 will just be a faster card, no new features. Just like the 9700 to the 9800.

When doyou guys think DX10 will be out!?:cheese:

Developement on DX10 is currently frozen :(
I'm guessing mid-late 2004 or early 2005... but that's only because I think they will release a bunch of new features after the new high-end games come out and all the n00bs that buy the games around that time will be like "Doom 3/HL2 sucks! Why didn't they put [some feature in DX10] in the game?" I don't have any actual facts to back it up.

Though, someone did say something about being able to add new graphical features to the Source engine... but I'm not sure where, when, or by whom it was said.
sorry to be picky about spelling an that but i thought i'd set you all straight, colour and rumour etc are the ORIGINAL ways of spelling these words, and Americans have dropped the u's. Not the other way around. If you remember correctly English people were around BEFORE America was populated by Europeans.

I consider there's enough differences to say there's two languages.

American and English.:P

Engrish too..
Humm, i have yet to belive anyhting that the inquirer says.
This is still a rumor (rumour), and I haighly dought that HL2 any special optimizations for HL2. Expecially after beta-testing savage, where some people with ATi card (9700s, 9800s, etc) ran at less than 10fps. S2Games did all the could to find the answer, and the reason ended up being that Ati refused to provide the company with the basic information that S2 needed to make the engine 100% compatabile with Ati Cards.

I'm sure Hl2 runs best on a 9800 pro, but thats becuase thats currently the best car on the market. not because of special optomizations.

(and that did rhyme! Time to smoke a dime!)
I think ATI card bundled with HL2 because some sort of business/marketing deal between ATI & Valve. However, HL2 is till optimized for both ATI & nVidia cards. I doubt Valve would risk angering most gamers, which majority still using one of the nVidia cards. Beside, a game that only run good at specific or single brand of graphics card is bad business move. I think Valve is aware about that.
ATI and valve are partnering because it just makes sense. Valve has found the 9800 to be of highest quality and ATI would be fools not to get in on one of the most sought after games of all time. It's as simple as that.

Yes HL2 will be 'optimized' for both Nvidia and ATI cards alike, but the Radeons run faster overall.
Well, truth of the matter is the 9800 Pro is faster then the 5900 Ultra. The only reason that the 5900 Ultra got a little higher score because the drivers they were using used "cheats" to boost there score in 3dmark. So, theoretically the Radeon 9800 Pro is faster.
Originally posted by Bass
Yeah, but its not like HL2 is taking advantage of the new features of the 9900, I mean the tech freeze was a year ago.

well, u don't know this to be fact, do u? if so.. some evidence would be in order.. well that is if u can walk the walk and talk the talk.

anyway, that doesn't even matter to me personally. why? because i have a voodoo3 card right now, and im upgrading in October so really it doesn't matter too much that i get a 9800 Pro or a 9900 Pro, either way im in for a huge performance boost.

for the record: i probably will get a 9900 Pro, because i can :p
I've seen Gabe say "you want the 9800, it's a faster card." But I've also seen him say "The 9800 is better because it has better DX9 support." In other words, if nVidia tweaks their drivers a bit to take better advantage of DX9, the cards should be equal. I think the DX9 support is all that really matters, and DirectX shouldn't be optimized for any particular card/brand (that will be the day though, when some company pays off M$ to make the next DirectX better for THEIR card than the competitor's...heh that would suck).

Originally posted by Syko
I've seen Gabe say "you want the 9800, it's a faster card." But I've also seen him say "The 9800 is better because it has better DX9 support." In other words, if nVidia tweaks their drivers a bit to take better advantage of DX9, the cards should be equal. I think the DX9 support is all that really matters, and DirectX shouldn't be optimized for any particular card/brand (that will be the day though, when some company pays off M$ to make the next DirectX better for THEIR card than the competitor's...heh that would suck).


Lots of rumours and opinions floating around. To get a better understanding, read this forum thread on Ace's Hardware: http://www.aceshardware.com/forum?read=105033827

Basically, ATIs R3xx DX9 GPU is a lot better than the GF NV3x line. On most true DX9 games, 30+ % faster, on some Pixel Shader 2.0 jobs up to 5 times faster. Doom 3 is not a true DX9 game, but a DX7 game with DX8&9 parts for speedup. Also, Doom3 is written in OpenGL and uses stencils a lot, something NV3x is much better at. HL2 is a true DX9 game and will run a lot faster on ATIs cards than the nVidia cards.
Originally posted by Dr. Freeman
well, u don't know this to be fact, do u? if so.. some evidence would be in order.. well that is if u can walk the walk and talk the talk.

anyway, that doesn't even matter to me personally. why? because i have a voodoo3 card right now, and im upgrading in October so really it doesn't matter too much that i get a 9800 Pro or a 9900 Pro, either way im in for a huge performance boost.

for the record: i probably will get a 9900 Pro, because i can :p

I do know this to be fact, since the tech freeze for HL2 was a year ago, ie. way before the 9900 would have been used or even conceived. So basically the game may run a little faster/smoother with a 9900, but there is NOTHING that the 9900 will be able to do for HL2 that the 9800 CANT do.
Originally posted by Bass
I do know this to be fact, since the tech freeze for HL2 was a year ago, ie. way before the 9900 would have been used or even conceived. So basically the game may run a little faster/smoother with a 9900, but there is NOTHING that the 9900 will be able to do for HL2 that the 9800 CANT do.
You sure? There are things the 9800 can do that the 9700 cant... There could be small additions to the 9900 too.
What I meant is the 9900 was not in existence when the tech freeze was made, hence there is no optimization for it. Meaning that while you may get slightly better performance with it, your not gonna see any effects that you wont see with the 9800.