Hello from Johnny Beverage

Jul 14, 2003
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Hello, i like most of you am a halflife junkie. I play the HLDM valve almost exclusively. I belong to the =UsA= clan. We play on Illinois Netcade. I have been mapping for about 1 year and have released about 6 maps.
Hello :)

I tried mapping for one year too a while back but all my maps were crappy and I just gave up :(
The first 5 or so tries of mine were total crap. I just kept messing around and then it seemed to come together.
Hello! :)

I'm one of the Off-Topic moderators. Welcome to these fun forums :)... I'm a mapper too (although I code too) and have been mapping for 3 years :)
Hello, I'm Hazza.
I have done some mapping, but I have had a go at most things to do with mod development. Although not very successfully.
But I'll give most things a go.
Good to have you in the community.
Hi, names nw

never mapped before,
this feels like a psychiatric meet...

Anyway, welcome to the fourms, keep the scientists alive, don't let the headcrabs bite.