hello :)



I'm the manager on foreign activity! Our company has many projects in IT and games. And my task is to find an investor or people who will agree to buy games or technologies. That's why I'm on this forum - to study the market and needs of people, investors, gamers.
You deserve buttsecks.Don't come in here and expect people to buy games and stuff.See u later.I hope Danimal gets to you.
Just to make things clear, you are not to advertise or otherwise promote your company or products here. If you're here in the interest of research, feel free to observe and ask specifically research-like questions, but we do have rules about advertising and I have a relatively happy ban-finger.

And welcome.

Love, Ennui
You may want to be a little more clandestine about your intentions for two reasons: the Hawthorne effect, and, well, because you're likely to get a lot of static now that the jig is up. If you could do something about hastening the release date for Episode II, that'd be great.