HEXUS review (nothing new in Ep2)

New weapons/areas don't always bring innovation to gameplay. That's backwards thinking. It's kind of a fact that Valve are the only developer to bother innovating their FPS gameplay. And linear is good; who'd want HL to go freeroam?

Still, I'm surprised he didn't complain about the opening chapters. I'm sure if the review was longer/more detailed it would, because those caves were the kind of backwards, boring FPS gameplay HL has always avoided.
i have a feeling that the hl2.net community did not like the antlion levels very much.. after many responses that is..
i have a feeling that the hl2.net community did not like the antlion levels very much.. after many responses that is..

I didn't really mind the caves :bonce: though it did feel like the chapter was dragging for a bit too long.

So Samon... how's that episode 2 review coming along? :D
New weapons/areas don't always bring innovation to gameplay. That's backwards thinking. It's kind of a fact that Valve are the only developer to bother innovating their FPS gameplay. And linear is good; who'd want HL to go freeroam?

Still, I'm surprised he didn't complain about the opening chapters. I'm sure if the review was longer/more detailed it would, because those caves were the kind of backwards, boring FPS gameplay HL has always avoided.

Ep2 is more of the same, there's nothing new. Surely it's all good but the problem is that it isn't new and shiny anymore and Valve really can't do the "bigger and better" thing either...
I also read a Polish review which was pretty negative. The reviewer said there is absolutely nothing new in terms of locations (I think the Outlands are a new location, but that's just me), graphics (but in the same review, the guy talks about nice views) gameplay or plot. But on the other hand, the same reviewer said Half-Life 2 was one of the most boring games he played :p

I never expected any episode to be something extremely new... it's the same game, it's a continuation, we don't wake up x years later, or something. It wouldn't make sense if we suddenly found a dozen new weapons and fight completely new enemies.

But Episode Three can introduce some really new stuff in the series, but that's kind of off-topic right now ;)
ep3 had better be something pretty amazing or im going to have to write episodic gameplay off as a 'good idea, but no thanks'
If we are on the subject of complaints, i found the game too easy, way too many health packs lying around and those repelishing ammo boxes playing on Normal.

From what i've seen up to now, i'm rather disappointed with the Hunters. They don't take alot of damage at all, i thought physics damage would play a bigger part but it's not really needed because they die quickly by regular weapons.
The damage the darts make are completely underpowered! 2-3 hp for each dart explodsion wtf? Not at all the challenge that i was expecting. If there's something that's needed to change in the future HL games it's the challenge.
Does anyone else find it odd that the Half-life games are picked on for being linear, when they're about as open as any other FPS, save one level in the original Halo and Far Cry?
Linearity is what makes the Half-life games great. There's this dumb idea that non-linear makes a better game, which really isn't the case. I like some free-roam, but that doesn't mean every game has to follow that example.

Ep2 is more of the same, there's nothing new.

Most shooters simply repeat the same 'go through the shooting gallery' gameplay; it's exactly the same in say Halo as it is Far Cry. You just shoot the enemies, and that's it. I think for EP2, there was a few repeated set pieces - antlion combat, dodge the mines, doom 3 zombie gameplay - but beyond that it still raises the bar in varied, innovative gameplay. The basics are exactly the same as any other shooter, and that's always going to be the case. It's about elevating the gameplay in terms of what you do.

The only really poor section in Episode 2 was the first two chapters. Ignoring the awesome defence section, the caves were awful.
Ep2 is more of the same, there's nothing new.

2 things:

1) What the flying **** are you talking about? There was new weapons, such as the strider buster and hunter fletcheses. Rather than add new guns they added new weapons that enhanced the experaince of the old ones.

2) Ep 2 is just that: An episode. People expect episodes to be packed with content, when there not supposed to be.

Ignoring the awesome defence section, the caves were awful.

Don't forget that fuggin awesome and very surprising gman vision :O
1) What the flying **** are you talking about? There was new weapons, such as the strider buster and hunter fletcheses. Rather than add new guns they added new weapons that enhanced the experaince of the old ones.

And what was really new besides Striders now being invulnerable to rockets? Episode 2 is yet another product of the Half-Life formula which is a good formula but if Valve keeps releasing these episodes at this rate they just won't do as an addentum but have to be treated as their own separate games.

I haven't said that Ep2 would suck or anything like that, I'm just irked by the fact that it is only more of the same since I generally want to see something new when I play my games For example Portal has a new way to play puzzles, TF2 has graphics and perfect balance, Episode 1 had strong NPC interaction, Episode 2 has...what? More HDR? +1 weapon is meaningless in the long run since any game can do that, no matter how fancy you make it sound/look/feel.
i have a feeling that the hl2.net community did not like the antlion levels very much.. after many responses that is..

That seems to be the general consensus. Pretty much everything was weaker in the first half of the game. Truth be told, it doesn't start to get good until you go down on your way to get the Hotrod (and even that pangs of being a bit of deja vu).

After that though, everything is absolutely top-notch.
New weapons/areas don't always bring innovation to gameplay. That's backwards thinking. It's kind of a fact that Valve are the only developer to bother innovating their FPS gameplay. And linear is good; who'd want HL to go freeroam?

But then it would allow you sneak aroung the Combine ambush at the White Forest Inn, and go cross-country instead. It just means that Alyx would have to point you in the right direction ;)
And what was really new besides Striders now being invulnerable to rockets? Episode 2 is yet another product of the Half-Life formula which is a good formula but if Valve keeps releasing these episodes at this rate they just won't do as an addentum but have to be treated as their own separate games.

I haven't said that Ep2 would suck or anything like that, I'm just irked by the fact that it is only more of the same since I generally want to see something new when I play my games For example Portal has a new way to play puzzles, TF2 has graphics and perfect balance, Episode 1 had strong NPC interaction, Episode 2 has...what? More HDR? +1 weapon is meaningless in the long run since any game can do that, no matter how fancy you make it sound/look/feel.

Erm, RPG's still work on Striders in Episode Two.
On Easy it's 5 and Hard it's 7. Medium, I'm not sure.
Depends what difficulty you were on.
On easy it takes three, on normal it takes 5 and on hard it takes 7 (I think)

That's gunships, striders are 5, 7, and 9 rockets on increasing difficulty.

I kinda liked the caves. Workers were just plain fun to fight, really satisfying to kill, watching things get caught by barnacles is always good, the grub health idea was executed well, even the "dodge the guardian" bit was done well, even though Valve had to cheat to make it work (if you have less health it does less damage).

And yes there are some new weapons. Strider buster, hunter flechettes, and sniper rifle (w/ model!)
I like how everyone complained about the antlion grubs and caves being removed from HL2

And now that we get to visit this area, 90% of the fans whine about how the chapters sucked and ect ect.
One problem appear to be reviewers treating episodic content as if it's a new game. Besides you really only have two choices when designing games. Either Storyline or free roaming. Any game that has a storyline has to send you from place to place in order to keep you on track. As already pointed out fps tend not to be very free at all anyway.
I like how everyone complained about the antlion grubs and caves being removed from HL2

And now that we get to visit this area, 90% of the fans whine about how the chapters sucked and ect ect.

3 years later and the last 2 games had antlions in at least 1-2 chapters. so i think the fans are tired of it.
But then it would allow you sneak aroung the Combine ambush at the White Forest Inn, and go cross-country instead. It just means that Alyx would have to point you in the right direction ;)

That would still suck.
This is the same site that reviewed Halo 3 and said:

Solid storyline (debatable)
Intense, addictive (WTF??)
Co-op play
Ground breaking features (WTF??)
Explosive physics engine (WTF??)
The Forge
The Theatre
Customisation (WTF??)
Amazing multiplayer

Some dull interior environments (how 'bout that Ctrl+C/V, eh?)
Getting lost thanks to the average mini-map
Not outstanding on the graphics front, but hey we don't care.

EDITOR'S CHOICE :rolleyes:

I loved Episode 2. The antlion sections veered between being fun and annoying, but I'm playing through it a third time now.

That said, I'm not exactly sure how episodes should be approached from a reviewer perspective. Should they each be treated as standalone games? Expansions? Should the final score be dependent on how all the episodes ultimately cohere? I'm not sure. So I can understand the criticism of the episodes not adding anything revolutionary. But at the same time, I'm not sure how weighted that criticism should be in the scoring process. Expectations for expansions generally differ from those for full titles.

I don't think Valve is spinning their wheels here. The episodes have had a clear aim in making a better Half-Life 2 experience. They're taking the formula from the sequel and improving on it in a myriad of ways, taking advantage of their experience with the engine and the content to create more HL2 content. It's not trying to be a sequel (ignoring the iffy "Half-Life 3" comment from Gabe).

Rest assured that when the third official installment comes, Valve will have more goodies.