Hey Hey

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May 29, 2003
Reaction score
Ive been visiting the site for a while, now i finally got my lazy ass up to register at the forums. Ill be coming here a lot now :afro:
Originally posted by SpuD
Ive been visiting the site for a while, now i finally got my lazy ass up to register at the forums. Ill be coming here a lot now :afro:

Someone call CNN :eek:
...Huzzah? Hooray? Yippee?
*organizes a parade in celebration*

Hey man, you reminded me of Fat Albert with that Hey Hey Hey :D (big fat black kid from old cartoons).
nah...it reminds me of, Hey Hey! from Krusty the clown, why am I talking about this anyway ?, lol, this realy belongs in the off topic chat
discussing hl2 based off of MOVIES OF THE GAME is extremely entertaining.. just wonder what it will be like once we actually get the game.. probably less entertaining discussion (because it will no longer be arguments based on speculation).. but god we won't have time to discuss it.. we'll be too busy killing zombies.
I plan on going multiplayer first, I can do single player when/if my internet goes out :D
Originally posted by TrueWeltall
I plan on going multiplayer first, I can do single player when/if my internet goes out :D
who says zombies won't be in multiplayer? imagine it.. you and your 3 best friends.. watching wave after wave of zombie come after you.. getting harder and harder to kill all the zombies right before they're able to attack you.. as each wave increases the number of zombies spawned/coming towards you.. it leaves you with the challenge of getting to a point where you're going to have to get smarter and smarter how you kill each zombie so you can get rid of the last one before you run out of ammo.. or just run out of time to kill them before they kill you.
i'm gonna do SP first thats for sure, if HL2 runs on my comp that is :o :bounce:
eh i'm going to play sp till i get tired of playing games and feel like getting off my comp.. then i'll hop into a server.. kill a few people with the crowbar.. pop back into singleplay.. pass a few "missions" .. go back to multiplayer.. etc. (i'm thinking i'll beat the sp within 48 hours of buying the game.)
Originally posted by worldspawn
who says zombies won't be in multiplayer? imagine it.. you and your 3 best friends.. watching wave after wave of zombie come after you.. getting harder and harder to kill all the zombies right before they're able to attack you.. as each wave increases the number of zombies spawned/coming towards you.. it leaves you with the challenge of getting to a point where you're going to have to get smarter and smarter how you kill each zombie so you can get rid of the last one before you run out of ammo.. or just run out of time to kill them before they kill you.

*Drools over the prospect*

I remember making a map for sven coop and playing it over LAN in which something similar happened. Of course HL lags like mad with too many monster. Hopefully it will be better in HL2.
Originally posted by Farrowlesparrow
*Drools over the prospect*

I remember making a map for sven coop and playing it over LAN in which something similar happened. Of course HL lags like mad with too many monster. Hopefully it will be better in HL2.
there's no way it will run better on your current comp then hl1 does with many monsters on screen.. but their lod system is more advanced to accomodate the amount of enemies on the screen.. it should be relatively better. but not any faster then hl is.
Originally posted by SpuD
Ive been visiting the site for a while, now i finally got my lazy ass up to register at the forums. Ill be coming here a lot now :afro:


Hope you enjoy your stay. :)
LOL welcome but you don't need to make a whole topic about it :P


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