HL2 Box art


Jul 1, 2003
Reaction score
My take on it...

Good god if only it included TF2 (if only we knew for sure)
its been stated HL2 multiplayer will be a supprise..

Nice PS job also m8 :)
i think TF2 will make an appearance with GOTY edition of HL2 (it will undoubtedly get GOTY... unless some CRAZILY good game comes out)

Kind of like how TFC was free in GOTY HL1.
wow, thats pretty neat designing there, if only you had the setup disk(s) also that are inside the box, i would buy it!
Very pretty :)
your box art probably tells the truth. We have been waiting around 5 years for TF2, right. I think it's time it came out... Oh, and hl2 has been in development for i think 4 years, so it kinda makes sence to include TF2 with HL2.
Someone do one where it's Charlie Sheen with the HEV suit on.
Originally posted by uberneko
Someone do one where it's Charlie Sheen with the HEV suit on.

Ha ha ha, that's too funny......:cheers: :cheers:

And that box looks sweet too:) :)
Originally posted by RabidMeatloaf
Ha ha ha, that's too funny......:cheers: :cheers:

Thank you :)

Man, good job on the box! How long did it take you to do, and what program did you use? Photoshop only? Or 3dmax too?
Originally posted by Wesisapie
i think TF2 will make an appearance with GOTY edition of HL2 (it will undoubtedly get GOTY... unless some CRAZILY good game comes out)

Kind of like how TFC was free in GOTY HL1.
tfc was free to anyone who owned hl... ??
nice one ;]

but i predict they'll be so confident with themselves (Valve), that they're going to create a miminal-style cover. Like a plain silver background with the HL2 logo cut-out. Well, that's all they are going to need to sell this game really.
i think this is the official one but who knows, right....
Originally posted by g-man/alex
i think this is the official one but who knows, right....
Nope, that's not the official box. Here's a pic of the official boxes.

"We asked Johnson about this and he confirmed that Half-Life 2 will have several collectible game boxes when it comes out, with images of Freeman, the G-Man, the new character Alyx and a special silver box that will apparently be a limited edition..."

The only way that HL 2 possibly doesnt get game of the year is if Starcraft 2 suprisingly comes out that would be one gaming packed year for me. lol

Good job with the photoshop pics guys!

The Charlie Sheen one owns. If there was an HL movie I would have to say Rivers Cuomo the lead singer of Weezer would be a good choice cuz he looks younger.
Originally posted by Jager
Nope, that's not the official box. Here's a pic of the official boxes.

"Half-Life 2 will have several collectible game boxes when it comes out, with images of Freeman, the G-Man, the new character Alyx and a special silver box that will apparently be a limited edition..."

I'll bet the silver ones will end up here
The secret:He already has HL2.

Just kidding

But really cool though, nice work