HL2 got 9.2 from gamespot

No I think you did, by not realizing everyone's opinions on a game are different.

Not to mention the whole "they've played the game, you haven't" deal.

Anyway, 9.2 is a good score. No, it's a great score.
what?? bad story? i really hope theyre wrong. i was expecting a good storyline :( 9.2 is pretty good, still
Head_Crab_04 said:
CS:S is the multiplayer. So it does not lack.

"While it's hard to argue against Valve including Counter-Strike: Source with Half-Life 2, it would have been nice to have seen a multiplayer mode based on the single-player game that takes advantage of some of the single-player game's settings and weapons. The original Half-Life shipped with such a mode, and it was fun to play with some of those settings and weapons in a multiplayer arena. There are some genuinely interesting weapons in Half-Life 2's single-player mode, and it'd be fun to see what the gravity gun, for example, could do in a multiplayer setting, particularly with all the physics turned on."

Giving the game a 9.2 isn't going to change your perspective of it when you play it. It's not going to make it "less fun" than if they gave it a 9.9. The whole point is what YOU think of it when you play it.
This is silly :/

People throwing hate at a website because they disagree about a review of a game they haven't played XD (I know it sounds ridiculous - but read some of these posts :/ .... you're giving even the most short-sighted fanboys a bad name)

And even if you still disagree with the review after playing the game, just grow up and accept that ppl have different opinions/tastes.
Rhalle said:
Pitiful. Just Pitiful. Gamespot...

San Andreas, a game about being a drug dealer, driving monster trucks, and mowing down civilians, all done with rehashed and ugly and dated technology gets a better score.

Same score as Far Cry, which I'm sorry kids, was crap.

Never returning to Gamespot, ever.

They also say HL2 is just more-of-the-same. But then what is San Andreas?? Yet that gets a 9.4.
The guy sounds jaded. Music forgetable, bad story, worse AI than HL1? Get real. He says how the physics and faciial animation are great...how are these things not advancing the genre? How about how different materials react to projectiles etc...
Reading the review, it seemed his two main complaints were that the AI wasn't as good as it has been in Half Life and that the story needed more polish. (Oddly enough, those are the two main complaints I've seen about Halo 2 [plus the occasional texture glitch]).

We'll have to wait and see how accurate that is I suppose, considering they're valid complaints but the opinion on whether they are as the reviewer says they are or not is subjective.

In any case, here's hoping the stories for both Halo and Half Life get resolved within our lifetimes!
Rhalle said:
Pitiful. Just Pitiful. Gamespot...

San Andreas, a game about being a drug dealer, driving monster trucks, and mowing down civilians, all done with rehashed and ugly and dated technology gets a better score.

Same score as Far Cry, which I'm sorry kids, was crap.

Never returning to Gamespot, ever.

I agree, gamespot stinks
Gamespot's review doesn't present HL2 as a very promising game.
Nice review by Gamespot. I have adjusted my expectations. I am really disappointed by the AI, so much that I want to cry.
they gave the original half-life a 9.4 so its really not that far off
"While Half-Life 2 breaks little new ground, it's still a superb and engaging first-person shooter, as well as an amazing technological accomplishment"

Breaks little new ground... that's weird.
It was a good review.

Gamespot wasn't afraid of saying that the story was weak - maybe it is, maybe it isn't - but at least they voiced their opinion on the matter. It is their website, after all.

There was a very famous journalist here in Vancouver who was extremely controversial - people would actually acost him on the street and swear at him because of what he had written in the paper. In response, he would reach into his pocket and hand them a quarter, which is how much they had paid for the newspaper. Get it. They had only paid a quarter to read about his opinion, which they didn't like, so he was evening out the score by returning their money.

The Gamespot review is only one opinion. They say that HL2 is 'one of the greatest games ever made', except that the story is a bit weak, and at times the field of play is a bit too claustraphobic.

It sounds to me like they're saying that there's room for improvement - great; that gives Valve something to shoot for, and us something to look forward to.
This is a hit piece from a Halo fanboy. Read the Halo 2 review. That single player game just ends. The environments are repetitious and the content of the first Halo campaign is much the same. Halo 2 gets a 10 for gameplay? Right. This more or less comes down to the reviewer not liking the story and I believe trying to keep the score below that of Halo 2. A shame. I'll withold final judegement but this read like a hatchet job.
I am wondering what Greg Kasavin would have given hl2... as his reviews seem to 'review' the game in a more indepth manner.

I just noticed something: Greg Kasavin's video review of Halo 2 was 17 minutes, but HL2's is 4 minutes! Hmmmmm.
OK, all the sceenshots where taken in low level and with what card ?

not good quality screenshots
The reviewer sounds like a total newbie.

"Counterstrike is quite intimidating at first..."

CS has been out forever, is this like the first time he's played it? Its not like CS:Source is that much different than the CS that has been out for so many years.

You'd think they'd put someone a little more polished onto such a big review.

I bet the guy didn't even play HL2 all the way through. If you're good enough to beat HL2 all the way through, you'd be competent enough to be competitive in CS.
"definitely not revolutionary"
"breaks little new ground"

What happened to "most important game you will ever play"? I guess that was PC Gamer "we got the review first" hype. This is disappointing. Those guys at Gamespot are usually pretty accurate. I guess that is what happens when you allow the hype to convince you that a game really transcends the genre. Guess it is going to be another typical shooter. Sigh. Exictement level damaged.
In terms of gameplay they didn't innovate, I think that's what took the score down a little. Gamespot gave Super Mario Sunshine 8.0 because it didn't innovate much.
At least IGN gave a good score. 9.7, if it had had a simple HLDM it would've got around an 9.8.
I wonder if they played the game, none of the footage in thier video reveiw is new
Hmm... while a 9.2 is traditionally a great score, I'm disapointed that games like THPS3 and Halo 2 get much better scores when it's clearly apparent that HL2 is a much better game (not having played it of course, just judging from other reviews). Both of those games are fun, but Halo 2 is... Ok. THPS3 is fun... but it's a skating game... I mean... jesus tap dancing christ! Ugh... oh well, I expect a 5/5 from Gamespy and IGN gave HL2 a 9.7. Gamespot's review isn't the be all end all of reviews and it's not the lowest either. *shrug*
WTF ? The story is dissapointed, wtf did they expect ?

But i refuse to believe that in their minds that Halo2 is better.

9.2 aint that much of a brag score.. and if you compare that to doom3 8.5 people said this game would easy get 9.5 and higher ( ig uessed for 9.8). well FU Gamespot no more gamer reviews from you guys.
lol, just check the other reviews. Credibilty hits 0 in like 2 secs. UT2K4 9.4, Burnout 3 9.5, etc. Basicly just look at every single review. Probably the only one that fits is GTA SA. The reviews from GS are clearly heavily console biased well actually just bizzare.
lanzemurdok said:
Breaks little new ground... that's weird.

Not really. Aside from Source's technical features, HL2 doesn't seem to do anything new.
Mr Stabby said:
I wonder if they played the game, none of the footage in thier video reveiw is new

They had to review the game at Valve. They probably weren't allowed to take footage but only screens.
so now that you've read a review that criticizes the game's story and AI, are you going to be more skeptical of those things? is it going to somewhat taint your experience?

i think it will, and sometimes i think certain reviewers do that on purpose because they just don't want a particular game to be "the best game ever."

which i sincerely think HL2 will be.
I call BS over what he has said about the story. He gave it a lower score because it was a middle chapter and it had the same gameplay from the orginal HL. Well IMO the gameplay should be similar to HL and rumours were that HL2 was the middle chapter. Why bash the game for not tying up loose ends when its not the end??? Complete BS.
Max00 said:
9.2 is a pretty low score for a game that has been hyped as much as this. But then again Gamespots review system seems to be pretty strict.
exactly, this is supposed to be the greatest game of all time according to lots of reviewers
The reviewer does sound (and write) like a newbie-- I agree completely.

Put the Gamespot reviewer's text and the IGN reviewer's text side by side, and you'll hear (see) it. (It's almost like they aren't talking about the same game.)
How could Gamespot do an in-depth review when they have to go to Valve and finish the game there. With Halo 2 reviewer had the luxury of playing at his place.
They posted screenshots i've never seen..

And i guess it's the fanboy in me.. but that review pissed me off.
The words that make up the review sound much more harsh than the score reflects. In fact, the entire review has this negative tone to it. I mean the guy doesn't sound like he had much fun at all. Anyone else seen this trend lately? It happened with the Halo2 review as well. Negative review but high score. And we live in the real world. What is Gamespot reserving the higher scores for? If they know that this isn't advancing the genre...then perhaps they can tell us what would have? I mean, you guys should have helped valve...fools!
This is silly.

Are you guys saying that your enjoyment of Half-Life2 will now be diminished because Gamespot awarded the title with a score of 9.2?

That is just... like, go visit a therapist or something.

There is no way in hell that Halo 2 should have EVER GOTTEN A HIGHER SCORE THAN HALFLIFE 2!!!!!!!!!!!


This is why I do not go to gamespot for ANYTHING, and why gamespot gets no respect on the computer gaming side of things. They are biased toward console games -- end of story.
Quoting from page 4 of the review...
"Counter-Strike: Source implements a physics engine that lets you push objects around using gunfire, though this has relatively little tactical value in the game--you can't barricade a doorway with desks, or drop an object onto an enemy below."

Sounds like he didn't play on office and notice that the file cabinets can be placed in front of doorways or shot and "thrown" at people.
IGN is saying the exact opposite of Gamespot. But I remember people saying that Gamespot was always critical about HL2.
nullvector said:
The reviewer sounds like a total newbie.

"Counterstrike is quite intimidating at first..."

CS has been out forever, is this like the first time he's played it? Its not like CS:Source is that much different than the CS that has been out for so many years.

You'd think they'd put someone a little more polished onto such a big review.

I bet the guy didn't even play HL2 all the way through. If you're good enough to beat HL2 all the way through, you'd be competent enough to be competitive in CS.

Counter Strike can be intimidating, especially to new comers (it has one of the most unpleasant and vocal communities on the net). Maybe he doesn't play CS everyday, maybe he does. Either way I agree with him (and i'm a cs:S fan btw)

HL2 is a big game - but no 'bigger' than Halo 2, or Zelda etc. Because it's the game we've all been waiting for for so long let's not forget that everyone isn't as keen. It doesn't deserve extra polish.

As for your last paragraph - what a load of crap ;) Assumption, flawed logic and irrelevant.