HL2 got 9.2 from gamespot

WabeWalker said:
This is silly.

Are you guys saying that your enjoyment of Half-Life2 will now be diminished because Gamespot awarded the title with a score of 9.2?

That is just... like, go visit a therapist or something.

not at all.

i'm just saying that some reviewers go out of their way to bust the hype.
IMO, the IGN review is much better, and seems to have been written by a true pc gamer
Everyone says they were waiting for the review when if fact they were slavering for the score.

As far as comparing HL2 to Far Cry or even Halo 1 (!), a review's score loses its validity over time. The final score reflects that games standing at that point in time. Hence, a 10/10 does not mean perfection, just the very best of the current crop.

OMG Super Mario World got 95%!! Are they saying it's better than Hl2?

So why make comparisons with Farcry or Halo? Which were great games when they were released. Obviously, released now they would'nt have received the same scores.

At the end of the day, reviews are an opinion. You clicked the link, they didnt email you. Don't agree, fine. People are different.
This is utter ****ing bullshit on GameSpot's behalf. I officially despise GameSpot. Their review simply touches on the surface, and doesn't seem to go very indepth to the game. I think revolutionary physics and atmospheric gameplay that have NEVER been seen in a video game is far more important than a story line. This is a game, not a movie, storylines are at the bottom of the list.

I really wish Greg Kasavin reviewed it instead of this douche bag.

Burnout3 is better then Halife 2... and in other news..

and yes burnout3 was also recently reviewed so the time argument does not apply :)
jason ocoonba obviously didnt think much of the facial animations as a way to advance the genre by creating believeable characters...or the new physics system as a way to advance the genre by creating a whole new way to kill monsters in FPS's - you dont use a gun! well you do, but you dont if you see what i mean....

anyway ive said it before and i'll say it again:

waiting for Gamespot to review PC games and console games fairly on an equal footing is like waiting for hell to freeze over.

their market is console gamers....not hardcore pc fans.
WabeWalker said:
This is silly.

Are you guys saying that your enjoyment of Half-Life2 will now be diminished because Gamespot awarded the title with a score of 9.2?

That is just... like, go visit a therapist or something.

No. What I'm saying is that now here is someone who is saying that despite everything we've heard thus far the game is not all that revolutionary and the story is disappointing. I may end up diagreeing with him after I play the game, but for now he has played it and I have not. I am disappointed by his take in that it has reduced my excitement for the game. Until i have a chance to formulate my own opinion, I have only his to judge the game on. It has dampened my spirits, but I'll either enjoy the game or not - he has no control over that.
After reading the words "Half-Life 2 is a faithful follow-up to its predecessor" in the Gamespot review, thats pretty much all i needed to hear to convince the game is worth the wait
GameSpot said:
"[...] the game itself is saddled with a disappointing story. [...] As soon as the shooting begins you'll join an essentially nonstop battle that will last the remainder of the game. [...] Half-Life 2 doesn't revolutionize the genre [...] In many instances, you'll be funneled down a narrow channel or road with little chance to explore or veer off the beaten path, battling enemies in a high-speed engagement. [...] Surprisingly, Half-Life 2's story is one of the most disappointing aspects of the game. The first half of the game feels a bit unfocused, while the second half seems rushed. [...] Valve likes to leave tantalizing hints and tidbits everywhere in the game, but few of these actually develop into anything interesting, and by the end you're left wondering what the game was all about. [...] But for the most part, Half-Life 2 is a surprisingly easy game, even on the tougher difficulty levels. [...] Most of the music is forgettable [...]"
Hmmm... I can hardly believe it.
sounds like gamespot is a little mad at valve about not getting any really good exclusives or more video to show than anyone else.. To give this game a lower score than halo2 is unforgivable.. I

mean to say that it isn't revolutionary?? wth I didn't see any physics in halo2?? the mp in halo2 sucks the guns have a sight the size of a basketball. Hitboxes wth are those in halo2 shoot someone in the foot same as shooting em in the head.. Oh and picking a game give me a break it is without a doubt the worst lobying system ever.. play for 3 min sit in lobby for 5 waiting for another game.. Hey ms not everyone plays the game with 10newbies.

The physics demonstrated in css should give hl2 a higher score than halo2 period... gamespot is nothing more than another bought off media source claiming to be unbiased and trustworthy... Yeah pay em off and get a good score..ever see the pics of their offices?? only thing you can trust is the major scoring polls for games on the net.. sometimes..
didnt gamespot give it a higher rating before?
and if so, why did it get so low here?
and if not, isn't it rather old news?
you idiots. wait until tonight to start complaining about the review. maybe he has a point. from what i've seen about the game, i think he's nuts. then again, i was very excited about halo 2's single palyer, and look how that turned out.
Burnout 3 9.5. Lololol, that sums up Gamespot.

I started to like them with their "Stream for free". But hiring reviewers that give inconsistent scores is just stupid. I can't believe they're actually getting paid.
Personally, I'm most worried about what the dude said about the story being shitty.....
GAMESPOT is so right. im selling my pc to buy a xbox. I can't wait to play fps the way they were ment to be played.
Naveed said:
In terms of gameplay they didn't innovate, I think that's what took the score down a little. Gamespot gave Super Mario Sunshine 8.0 because it didn't innovate much.

Then why did Freedom Fighters get a 9,3? Or Halo 2 a 9,4?

That's the damn problem with Gamespot, horribly inconsistent.

I'm not a rabid fanboy that hates the reviewer that gives <95%, hell I've even defended the 90% by PC Gameplay. And I don't even know if HL2 deserves higher or even lower than a 9,2. But my problem with the review is that it doesn't make any sense at all. It's like their review scores are generated by a random number generator. Aguments they make in one review suddenly don't imply on others.

Bleh, Gamespot.
Unfortunately the graphics don't impress me anymore :( Except for the water areas, and indoors too...but the screenshot with the Ant Lions and the combine hanging on the pole looks really bad.

Oh well...it's still going to be a great game, with many great mods to come out in the future.
Well the part about the story bieng poor is a load of crap, every other review has praised the story and the way it was told...that perspective on the story that was given by gamespot is comign froma man who likes things fed to him in a silver platter.
DarkStar said:
Personally, I'm most worried about what the dude said about the story being shitty.....
The Story is hard to see thrue but its not shity
The thing which pisses me is that reviewers kinda moan about MP being CS......the fact is that once CS:S get more mpas and can be modded (maps) it will, like cs1.6 become the most played online shooter....

Of course it would be nice to play hl2dm...but isn't it a foregone conclusion that we'll get it..just a modded version.

Also i read the homelanfed review and they say the AI is excellant, then ign say its just a little annoying a times and gamespot seem to go a little further.

Reviews are annoying god damn it, i find myself trying to defend a game which edge gave 10! That my friends was the reivew to be pissing over.
Subz said:
GAMESPOT is so right. im selling my pc to buy a xbox. I can't wait to play fps the way they were ment to be played.

You are full of crap HL2 owns every game out there. :sniper: ;)
Everyone please keep in mind this is the same company that gave the original HITMAN 5.5....
Im not really that bothered about the review..... More respectable magazines have gave it higher reviews and i trust them much more than some fools.
trust me...halo 2 is just "good" there are parts which are great fun, but thats followed by repitition, and thust boring gameplay...but MP is cool.
StardogChampion said:
Burnout 3 9.5. Lololol, that sums up Gamespot.
Guys, chill. There are several things you guys to need to know about Gamespot.

1. The cross-platform review system ISN'T setup so a game from a PC can be compared to a PS2 game
2. a 9.2 for a PC Game is a very good score from Gamespot. They gave Freedom Fighters 9.3 and that was one of the coolest games ever.
3.Shut up for f*ck sake. Its one reviewers opinion. Its not the end of the world, if you don't like it, read the IGN Review or the HomeLan review and then feel much better. Or you can go read what Tycho and Gabe said about it at Penny-Arcade. There, now shut up.

(and Burnout 3 is awesome, and deserves 9.5)
The crazy thing is... allot of other reviews I've read (and I've read just about all of em) or the total opposite of what the gamespot review said. I've heard the story is excellent (The ending in particular is great), the voice acting is top notch, the sounds and music really put you into the game, the Ai is great though friendly AI can be a bit frusterating in close quarters, the weapons and enemies are fun to use and battle against, and that the vehicle levels, while fun and very well done, were a bit too long. That's pretty much what every review has stated except for Gamespots. I'm just a little outraged that Halo 2 got a better review. In the end I still haven't played it, I'm just basing it off of what I've read. So I'll still reserve judgment but I have a big feeling that they're way off. If so, shame on gamespot :mad:
I think we was being sarcastic. He better be.

Anyways, most review sites out there are pretty lame, if you ask me. I mean, I could make my own review site. Anyone can. Heck, hence then name "review"--subjectivity at its finest.

What?! Halo 2 got a better score?! I've played through about half of it: repetitive repetitive repetitive. Plus a gamepad sucks. Plus Halo 2 isn't really anything different from Halo 1. ooh you can wield 2 weapons. i think that's about it. stupid gamespot. burn in hekc!
Also they don't include dod:s or hl:s as part of the reviews...okay some come in special packages, but they should be noted........
Most of the criticisms have been mentioned by other reviews before, specifically the AI, the story and the DM issue. You may not notice these when playing. You may not want to. Time will tell.

Look at it this way 92 = 9/10 - sounds quite promising to me
I say some people should get together and create a brand new review site that critisizes other sites/magazine's reviews (such as getting a 10 for gameplay even though the levels are cut-&-paste jobs). Once they've read every review, they play the game then start slating other site's reviews about what they said wrong/right.

At the end of the year they could have a "Most Inconsistent Review Site/Mag".
It seems to me after reading the review that the reviewer diden't really know what he was on about,doesen't break new ground?

1)Dynamic range rendering-THAT breaks new ground
2)Physics never before seen,and applied to every world object-THAT breaks new ground.
3)Shader based graphics engine-THAT breaks new ground.
4)advanced facial animation system-THAT breaks new ground

It really does sound to me like the reviewer did not spend to much time actually playing the game,it was like the review was rushed out quickly
(probebly so he could get back to Halo 2 multiplayer!!)

A lot of peolpe say gamespot is console biased,at first I just thought,"yeah,whatever",but now I have to agree.
Well, the one cool thing about these reviews is all the neato new pics :D
The Halo2 fanboy reviewer is so biased that he cannot bring himself to say that CounterStrike IS the most popular first person shooter, by a 10 to 1 margin. Instead he says CS is one of the most popular FPS. LOL!

Honestly the review was poorly written as well. A 9.2 would be credible if it came from a more credible reviewer :D
Sorry to interupt (and if this has been answered before) but are there any spoilers in the review?

Cheers. :cheers:
im only dissopoined by the negative and non enthusiast tone of the review, which kinda kills my hype and kicks me back into reality that it sure gonna be a great game, but not the killer game we all thought it would be.

we will find out soon enough
SLH said:
Sorry to interupt (and if this has been answered before) but are there any spoilers in the review?

Cheers. :cheers:

The review itself isn't but the pictures that come with it may spoil some areas for you.
Gamespot just put up the worst review. I hope that guy gets some serious lip from his boss at gamespot.

I mean his major argument was that hl2 didn't innovate and had a crappy story.

1. No innovation?

A. How about a gravity gun that gives you free leash on gameplay through amazing never before seen physics engine. How bout life like characters. How about an immersive world. How about fantastic never heard of support for the mod community. How about STEAM? I mean what was it expecting?

2. Crappy story?

A. This from the smuck who reviews Farcry and doesn't complain nearly as much about the story. I mean omfg, what new ground did farcry break?

I mean when you give No One Lives Forever 2 a higher score than hl2, that is when you lose all credibility. I think they have lost the point of reviewing. I guess according to IGN, having dual weilding in cut and paste levels is more fun than having a grav gun and a totally dynamic environment with lifelike characters. Well time to cancel my gamespot membership I guess.