HL2Central says CS:S leaked!

Iced_Eagle said:
Cliffe if it is true, let me say for all people at HL2.net that we won't download/spread it (file SHARE) or do any such thing, and if it is true, I hope the people get caught fast!!! We are on your side, and are on yours and VALVe's and the entire team's side!

If only that were true, but in light of the great many hl2.net users that claim to have played the HL2 leak, and wholly support playing it, I doubt they won't download that given the chance.
riTuaL said:
If someone says they have something, but can't show it to you, why the hell would you ever believe them? lol .. I learned that lesson in like 2nd grade or something..

I didn't know that was a lesson, I thought it was common sense. lol
I'm kinda curious about this but I'm not going to look for it on the web...why would anyone want an icomplete game anyway? Besides they betas coming out soon...so dont get your panties in a bunch.:)
"Half-Life 2 Beta CS Port w/fixes"
thats the best i could find, who knows what it is.
i dont think its very new, and i havent downloaded it. im sure it needs hl2 beta anyway.
CB | Para said:
Thank you for your input...

And by the way why are these a-holes over hl2world doing this?
They have been doing this since the stolen version was first released on the internet. They do it because they feel they have to take advantage of the development tools and get a head start at modding. Really in my eyes it just makes them seem very impatiant.
omg u people are stupid, its not a leak, its an updated version from 2003 source leak, no models (weapons) the maps are 1.6. so please close the thread, its not even leaked.
The Mullinator said:
They have been doing this since the stolen version was first released on the internet. They do it because they feel they have to take advantage of the development tools and get a head start at modding. Really in my eyes it just makes them seem very impatiant.

Is wanting to get a head start on learning about modding/mapping such a horrible thing? I don't see how it's hurting anyone.
Its not hurting anyone, it just makes them seem impatient. Its something of a virtual middle finger to the Valve team which is why most mod teams (I suspect most) havn't been using those development tools. They could have but they decided they will wait for when Valve is happy with their work and is willing to give them the tools.

But no its not hurting anyone.
HL2Central must go to Suprnova a lot. The leak is the same thing that was leaked in October with Half-Life 2.