Hmm...TF2? Or HL2?


Apr 16, 2009
Reaction score
I'm nto sure whether to get HL2 or whether to get TF2 - I like the look of them both, and would like all of your personal opinions on this please. :rolling:

I'm currently playing HL1 (I'm at the Office Complex chapter, and I'm being seriously freaked out by Barnacles). I like it so far. I'm also a CSS addict so I'm not sure which I'd like more.

Thanks, ~Snow.
Well you could just get the orange box which has HL2 , HLep1 and ep2 (the first two in the episodic follow up series to HL2) , Portal and TF2 which is £17 on steam atm.
No point buying them separately, save your money till you can afford the Orange Box with all the games mentioned above!
TF2 on its own is the same price as the Orange Box, why buy them seperatley? Do what Glenn said.
Like Glenn recommends, you should just get the Orange Box. If you really can't afford it, however... I'd go for HL2. While a few HL1 fans don't rate HL2 as highly as the first one, most still acknowledge it as an amazing game. However there's no guarantee that as a CSS fan you'll enjoy TF2. Personally I think TF2 is fantastic, Valve's greatest achievement just below the HL series, but some people still appear to prefer CSS.

But really - just wait a week or two, skip lunch once or twice, and get The Orange Box. It'd give you Portal too.
Definitely Orange Box. If you're willing to spend $20 for either, it makes much sense to spend the extra $10 to get both plus the two HL2 episodes and Portal, all very good games.
Here's hoping you picked up the Orange Box when it was $9.99.
Damn dude you missed the best price on Steam history ever!
Woop woop! I got Orange Box for £5.66 the other day - an amazing deal. :D