Homeworld 2 demo out!!!!

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Wow. Homewaord and Homeworld Cataclysm are two of my favore stagey games. This is gonna pwn.
Oh my lord!


It even has damage marks!!!

Man I would recommend this to anyone, And it even runs great on my Geforce4Mx440 at 1024x768, and all options enabled!
where the hellzor are the blaster fireing noises on ships

other than that NICE!
Orgasm! Man... sounds, music.. space itself... Ah, I love this game, too bad I suck at RTS.
yar it looks like another game i will buy.

the demo has a good amount of features, i was worried about that.
im downloading it now, whats the object of this game?
Beautiful graphics. Got my buttocks chewed by the AI on vs. computer on EASY! I know I suck at RTS games --- any hints/tips?
lol same here solid..thought i was winning and thought it was kinda wierd that i didnt see their carrier, but it was on easy so i was like ok i get one they dont...heh they had one...main base got flanked when all my ships were battleing main enemy base. i had 8 enemy frigits chewing me up and every ship off the line was destroyed in the same fashion...guess i know why im not a general....im only 18 though =P

btw the demo had a lot of action with a lot of replay value espescially wit da multiplayer and player vs. comp
Still have yet to play the demo (dman sister) but if it's anyhting like the first, get your heavy ships and you're bombers to attackthe capital ships, and have the fighters provide cover and destroy the enemy ship attacking your attackers and attacking your capital ships.
concentrate your firepower, and Hyperjump to the enemy mothership when his fleet is occupied...
Just did a quick spin with it... I love the design on the few ships I saw :)
But I loved it in cataclysm/homeworld to. My fighter squadron got trashed by the AI though, in a fighter vs fighter engagement (just two squads, I lost all, he lost none), dont know why... Maybe his research gave an advantage, the menus are quite confusing, I never got around to it...

At any rate, I'm looking forward to real big engagements... I only played like 2 minutes, but I assume the demo dont have any of the big ships, like the dreadnaught in cataclysm. Hope it has an ion beam frigate though, that was my favourite :)

Sidenote: I dont like the space. Somehow it seemed very low res, especially the planets... Blurred. I never thought that when playing the other games. But maybe its just me.
Originally posted by dawdler
Just did a quick spin with it... I love the design on the few ships I saw :)
But I loved it in cataclysm/homeworld to. My fighter squadron got trashed by the AI though, in a fighter vs fighter engagement (just two squads, I lost all, he lost none), dont know why... Maybe his research gave an advantage, the menus are quite confusing, I never got around to it...

At any rate, I'm looking forward to real big engagements... I only played like 2 minutes, but I assume the demo dont have any of the big ships, like the dreadnaught in cataclysm. Hope it has an ion beam frigate though, that was my favourite :)

If you play player vs. cpu you get all the ships in the demo.

There is ion beam frigates, and it leaves marks on the motherships which is so cool!
Originally posted by nw909
If you play player vs. cpu you get all the ships in the demo.

There is ion beam frigates, and it leaves marks on the motherships which is so cool!
Cool :)

Btw, did anyone see a warning about the drivers? When I started it complained about my ATI drivers being obsolete, but I use 3.6...

Edit: Maybe they released the demo to soon, since 3.7 is supposed to be out like tomorrow or close to that :D
I dunno, but it wouldn't work when I had my NV30 emulator on, but I only use that with Doom3
ok cool last night i owned the computer on easy. adn then tried it on standard...well i learned a lesson. a combination of ion torpedo frigits and gunships is very deadly...this game is bad ass.
Now I've played through a game on easy... It wasnt very hard. (well, its easy after all :)), but the computer is kind of stupid... He attempted to hyperjump away from the battle, only to end up half a screen away. I of course engaged him (3 seconds to reach from old position), then he jumped again, an equally small distance :)

But personally, I dont see the fuss about it. It looks exactly like Cataclysm now when I think on it. Some small additions and prettier graphics... The good thing is that its alot smoother (Cataclysm dont play well at all on my 9700Pro, its choppy like HELL). Graphics... Uhm, its prettier... But Cataclysm looked quite good in the first place, its a small step. Sound effects are the same. They are a little better.

Overall, I'm kind of dissapointed. Its a good game, and I'm sure the campaign will be very good, but its a small step over its predecessors all things concidered.

And why a naked lady? :P
Well, like HL2, one of Homeworld's big draw is it's story.

If you guys ar einterested i'd be upto playing some of you folks in cataclysm sometime... jsut im me (SidewinderX143)
ya dawdler I beat the demo levels, it was pretty easy. When I play just the vs. computer thing is when I got annihilated - I was doing fine at first, but he built more stuff than me in the end, I would keep forgetting to keep the building going, where the computer can just chug along with every task at practically the same time. *shrug* will play against people I guess
Originally posted by Solidarnosi
ya dawdler I beat the demo levels, it was pretty easy. When I play just the vs. computer thing is when I got annihilated - I was doing fine at first, but he built more stuff than me in the end, I would keep forgetting to keep the building going, where the computer can just chug along with every task at practically the same time. *shrug* will play against people I guess
Well, did you play on easy? :)
I do the exact same thing btw: I built up a force of like 3 interceptor squads, 2 bombers and a few of the larger ships (like 3 ion frigates, a few flaks). I sent them all away to engage the enemy, building ships in the carrier as I went. About halfway through the fighting, I noticed I could build more ships as I had like 10,000 units to build for, and all the ones I had was nearly blown up :)
I wonder if there is a coop mode... That would rock. If like 3 players control one of the motherships, and could get fleets assigned to them by the main builder player, so that some people can totally ignore building units. But I doubt it. Got to check the description :)
Homeworld is one of my absolute favourite games.. the music, the graphics everything is top notch :) (and do anyone but me love the voices in the game?..)
ive played the demo of hw2, and i cant say im dissapointed :).. will probably be just as fun as the first game
Originally posted by dawdler
Well, did you play on easy? :)
I do the exact same thing btw: I built up a force of like 3 interceptor squads, 2 bombers and a few of the larger ships (like 3 ion frigates, a few flaks). I sent them all away to engage the enemy, building ships in the carrier as I went. About halfway through the fighting, I noticed I could build more ships as I had like 10,000 units to build for, and all the ones I had was nearly blown up :)
I wonder if there is a coop mode... That would rock. If like 3 players control one of the motherships, and could get fleets assigned to them by the main builder player, so that some people can totally ignore building units. But I doubt it. Got to check the description :)

Pashaw, that squad is small, I built ten squads of interceptors and bombers and five ion beam, flak, and assault frigates :cool:

I owned him :D
Originally posted by dawdler
I wonder if there is a coop mode... That would rock. If like 3 players control one of the motherships, and could get fleets assigned to them by the main builder player, so that some people can totally ignore building units. But I doubt it. Got to check the description :)

Well, I think that you could play multiplayer VS AI.....not the same as you described, but it's be sorta the same...sorta...
I think in the full ver you can set allies, like 2 teams of higaran on team 1 and one team of that other race (:D) on team 2.

But your allies would be the ai.
Originally posted by nw909
Pashaw, that squad is small, I built ten squads of interceptors and bombers and five ion beam, flak, and assault frigates :cool:

I owned him :D

That's nothing.

My attack fleet (not including defenders around mothership)
Three (3) Carriers
Each carrier had a full bay to 10 squadrons. Each carrier had 4 interceptor squadrons, 2 Bomber squadrons, 2 gunship squads and 2 pulsar squads.

Preceeding the Carrier and thier squads, was 5 Ion frigates, 6 Flack frigates, and 2 torpedo frigates.


btw, i'm attaching a screen shot for people who wanna see what it looks like. (this is an enemy carrier before my friages *ahem* bow it to tiny space bits.)
One of my friends is having a bit of performance prob.'s on his laptop with this demo... He has DX9.0b, and NV 45.24's... He has a:

1.5GHz P4
GeForce FX 5200 Go (bit shite i know but hey it should run an old DX8 game!!)
512MB RAM etc...
Dunno the rest! :(

However his can get SERIOUSLY juddery at 1024x768 and is juddery in the story mode as soon as the "hyperspace core" is released and it goes into "real" 3D...??

Ay ideas??

Also, I spoke to the Personel Manager of Relic and they said that Homeworld 2 would have been out about a year ago if it wern't for problems with the PUBLISHERS... Hope HL2 doesnt have any problems!! lol
Homeworld2 is a DX9 game. I htion kit uses ps2.0 where it can, and the 5200fx doesn't do so hot there....
Runs good on my GeForce4 MX 440-SE (Shitty Edition)

It just looks pixelish when I zoom in close on the ships.
heh it runs good on my gf2 gts :)
very low settings tho, but it still looks good and pretty nice fps too