I have...

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lol, I must say that thread with the mod arguements is pretty interesting.
I'm not going anywhere (that I'm aware of)
Ill take the Moderator job of everyone!

*bans everyone and takes everything people like away*
Chav said:
Ill take the Moderator job of everyone!

*bans everyone and takes everything people like away*

It doesn't really have the same impact as saying "I'm the new president! Nuke the world! haha!" does it?
I can't see why some many people are bickering over the warning system and over the user titles, i know this isn't everything but we don't need either of those. But then, why were the user titles removed in the first place, the last thing you do is take away non-broken features without being able to seemlessly replace it with a new and improved feature or a feature that is just as good, only different.

But when the head guy is too busy and too tired to manage the site at the moment, and the other head guy is in the middle of moving house, then the management side of things has to be delegated to someone else. I am sure Mr Munro could trust one of the super moderators not to screw things up and take down the website and ban everyone if he was to disappear for a while and then not give it back when he came back, if he can't trust them enough to do that, they shouldn't even be moderators in the first place.
kirovman said:
It doesn't really have the same impact as saying "I'm the new president! Nuke the world! haha!" does it?

Then visualize hl2.net as the world and you will get the same picture...just maybe. :|
Does this mean HL2.net is deing??
nooo my first forum dies...great :(
The mods have turned against us. They are trying to take over halflife2.net.

Execute... Order 66.
It wont die, at the worst, things will stay as they are and slowly stagnate.
The better alternative is for Munro to let staff members do their jobs, and get this place to be one of the cutting edge hl2 sites again. The only reason we don't have loads of decent guides, articles and screenshots etc.. is because Munro is holding onto them and not adding them - our content writers have been incredibly busy but they get no thanks and their work doesn't get added because of his excuses - "they will be added when the new site design goes up..... at the start of april"

I'm not exagerating when I say that in the past he's moaned because we don't have enough news posted, and when people post stuff he deleted it and said it wasn't relevant enough.
should I visit him?
I can give him all the cookies he wants....just make HL2 like people want it to be....
StarMonkey said:
It wont die, at the worst, things will stay as they are and slowly stagnate.
The better alternative is for Munro to let staff members do their jobs, and get this place to be one of the cutting edge hl2 sites again. The only reason we don't have loads of decent guides, articles and screenshots etc.. is because Munro is holding onto them and not adding them - our content writers have been incredibly busy but they get no thanks and their work doesn't get added because of his excuses - "they will be added when the new site design goes up..... at the start of april"

I'm not exagerating when I say that in the past he's moaned because we don't have enough news posted, and when people post stuff he deleted it and said it wasn't relevant enough.

What is this new site?
just an overhaul of the layout/design
The Dark Elf said:
must be all that ghey secks Tron and Steve keep having :p

No doubt in that :p

"It's Done When It's Done....Aight?"
StarMonkey said:
It wont die, at the worst, things will stay as they are and slowly stagnate.
The better alternative is for Munro to let staff members do their jobs, and get this place to be one of the cutting edge hl2 sites again. The only reason we don't have loads of decent guides, articles and screenshots etc.. is because Munro is holding onto them and not adding them - our content writers have been incredibly busy but they get no thanks and their work doesn't get added because of his excuses - "they will be added when the new site design goes up..... at the start of april"

I'm not exagerating when I say that in the past he's moaned because we don't have enough news posted, and when people post stuff he deleted it and said it wasn't relevant enough.

I'm surprised theres any new content at all! I can barely think of things you could write stuff about.
this site is definitely on a downward spiral at the moment. I'll ride this shit until the end but I'd rather the site didn't die...
Gah, half the moderators just left today... StarMonkey (according to that user titles thread, but he's still got his position), Pi, Zerim... jesus.
Ennui said:
Gah, half the moderators just left today... StarMonkey (according to that user titles thread, but he's still got his position), Pi, Zerim... jesus.

I didn't know Jesus left his moderator position :eek: , he was a cool mod :(.
Razor said:
I didn't know Jesus left his moderator position :eek: , he was a cool mod :(.

ya but he's too preachy IMHO ...always with the "cant do this, cant do that, turn the other bloody cheek you freakin philistine!!!"
Yeah, things are not lookng good. I don't see why the site in the present should suffer for the site of the future. zerim was just filling the void with placeholder stuff.
That's what a website such as this is all about. The continual evolution of content through continuous additions, replacements and refinements.
If you take the "continual" out of that equation, things aren't going to work.

At least you guys aren't leaving. That's the bonus.
*looks at the moderator list*

...err, welcome back, I guess :|
the dirty washing has been aired in public, staff members have their positions back, things should change behind the scenes (not who's in charge, but how they lead).

i rock, case closed.
Discussions are going on now. If nothing changes very, very soon I will walk out quietly and (probably) not come back. We shall see.
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