i love you, vgcats


Aug 20, 2003
Reaction score
Cheomesh I thought you were cool :(

I just like it. The story gives me enough incentive to read it. No other webcomic other than the HL2 g-mod comic has done that for me.
Now that one just failed.

Yes, in fact, I'd say it's phailure is only second in its phailing to that of of the great battle of Phailling Point, near Mount Phail, in the year 2045 BC

In fact, that battle is the single most Phailing thing on Earth. It was during the Phailinx wars. Twas a great battle of the Phaillesseans against the great war lord Omega Phaillux. The Phaillesseans had 1000 troops, and the Omega Phaillux had 100000 troops. They battled it out across the lands of Phaillesia, across her 5 Phailling continents. Then the Phaillesseans won the great battle of Phailless Point and killed the enemy leader, Omega Phaillux. The Phaillesseans took the high ground of Mount Phail, and from there used phailapults to fling great amounts of phail to the Omega Phaillux. The Phaillux took his armoured phailvary and charged at the main phailling line of infantry. The Phaillesseans left the battle with only but 34 men, but slaughtered many a great numbers of Omega Phaillux's troops. Mainy great brave men died that day ;( . Yes, twas a sad battle with Epic Phail on both sides. Brave Phaillesseans charging at those mighty phailvary in shining amour. Sad Sad day indeed on the mountain of Phail. Twas a great battle, and many a brave Phaillesseans died that day. But the Omega Phaillux was killed, and that's what counts in the end, mriright? They say from that day forward, all of Earth has been on a downward road of Phail. You make the battle of Phailless Point look like candy with your EPIC phails.


Back on topic, the comics do not make any sense. Why would you do that? THe Mario one confirms this thing's epic phail.
Much better than the first one.

But still not up to VGCats' old standard.
TBH I don't get the Mario one. Mario games never really interested me. Is she some sort of villain in his world?
No, she's the princess of Mario's world. Nearly every single Mario game since the dawn of time has centered around her getting kidnapped and Mario questing to save her. Her role in the Mario lexicon really has nothing to do with that comic. She's just become a sex symbol for sad lonely video game nerds.
No, she's the princess of Mario's world. Nearly every single Mario game since the dawn of time has centered around her getting kidnapped and Mario questing to save her. Her role in the Mario lexicon really has nothing to do with that comic. She's just become a sex symbol for sad lonely video game nerds.

So how does the "cake is a lie" bit fit in?
Mario 64 begins- and I don't know how the hell I remember this- with Princess Peach sending you a letter saying "Mario! I have baked a cake for you! Please come to the Castle!" When you get there, though, it turns out Bowser is there and you have to fight in worlds throughout the castle, blah blah blah, rescue the princess.
Mario 64 begins- and I don't know how the hell I remember this- with Princess Peach sending you a letter saying "Mario! I have baked a cake for you! Please come to the Castle!" When you get there, though, it turns out Bowser is there and you have to fight in worlds throughout the castle, blah blah blah, rescue the princess.

Oh. Thanks.
Aw man, no one said anything on my large, bold, index font story that took up half the page


well, the comics sucked anyways.
Hint: Telling people you're an attention-seeker gets you attention of the despising kind.
;( Must you put it so blandly.

And besides, you don't understand the basic rule of comedy: If I hurt my finger, it's a tragedy, if you fall down a manhole and die, it's comedy. Dead babies are funny in right context - such as this one. :angel:
Nah, it's just simply pathetic.

The LEAST you could have done in make the baby use portals or something then make it's first words "I think with portals" or something.
Lame sauce?

I've had that before, here's a picture:

|Censored| WIN!

Honestly though, the comics really do nothing for me. it's a turret shooting a baby. What's so funny? Are you so in love with Portal that you'd love a picture of Dog Crude if it had something having to do with Portal in it?

I love the game, but not so much that anything with it automatically = FTW.
Am I the only one that thought the second one was funny?
As a point of honour, I feel compelled to point out that VGcats really does suck.
The voice of reason strikes again.

To me,anything with furries = automatic |censored|
They're friggin' awesome. Especially Dresden Codak.

Gunnerkrigg Court is also awesome.

I should probably go check out Octopus Pie again, too.