I swear god hates me.......

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You don't deserve a girlfriend with that attitude

If the answer isn't obvious to you, it isn't a serious relationship
you think you got it bad???? pffff. On the 13th i get married, and leave for my honeymoon on which day? guess??, no really guess... yes the 16th!! and theres no way i can spend my first week of married life playing hl2! i'd be divorced before i can complete the game. but i'm not bitter cos gettin married is pretty swell too :)
And this is why I'm not getting into a relationship with a guy who doesn't game.

If you love her, you'll just have to make time for her. She might not be bitching over your gaming, maybe she just wants to spend more time with you. You'll just have to resist the temptation of a HL2 spree for a little longer! :)
I feel for this guy, my gf gets mad at me too, but its because she says I ignore her when I play games
SHIPPI said:
And this is why I'm not getting into a relationship with a guy who doesn't game.

If you love her, you'll just have to make time for her. She might not be bitching over your gaming, maybe she just wants to spend more time with you. You'll just have to resist the temptation of a HL2 spree for a little longer! :)
Hehe finding a guy who doesn't game must be really hard. Especially here. On the Internet :thumbs:
G-Uni7 said:
Putting a game infront of real life.. that's very, very sad..


We have all heard about the Everquest players that leave their kids in closets and forget about their dogs and such...

Hell, my girlfriend doesn't like me playing the guitar, not that I care, I think it's awesome and we have other things in common.

Why don't you talk to her instead of asking people, who, lets face it...won't have an in depth knowledge of you, your situation and your relationship, on a video games site? (Yes, I do realise she is away, when she gets back)
dude...most women can't stand games...however, there's a huge difference between that and not understanding that games make you happy...I've dated both types of girls, ones who don't care and others who think it's stupid...however, that being said, none of my girlfriends would bitch at me for two hours over playing a video game...would she rather that you do crack instead to have a good time?
Alec_85 said:
Hehe finding a guy who doesn't game must be really hard. Especially here. On the Internet :thumbs:

I don't know any guys who game in 'real life' though :(
Raidea said:

We have all heard about the Everquest players that leave their kids in closets and forget about their dogs and such...

Hell, my girlfriend doesn't like me playing the guitar, not that I care, I think it's awesome and we have other things in common.

Why don't you talk to her instead of asking people, who, lets face it...won't have an in depth knowledge of you, your situation and your relationship, on a video games site? (Yes, I do realise she is away, when she gets back)

What kind of girl doesnt like you playing guitar???? Thats absurd ... It's a perfectly acceptable hobby ... If my girlfriend ever told me to stop playing guitar for her I would go crazy! Dump her Raidea :naughty: :naughty: :naughty:
Platinum said:
What kind of girl doesnt like you playing guitar???? Thats absurd ... It's a perfectly acceptable hobby ... If my girlfriend ever told me to stop playing guitar for her I would go crazy! Dump her Raidea :naughty: :naughty: :naughty:

Hahaha, yea I know she's crazy! In fact I think she would prefer me to play games all day than play my guitar! :rolling:

Maybe it's the music I like...how can she not like Iron Maiden?!?
women come and go, video games are forever :p
B_MAN said:
women come and go, video games are forever :p
So u mean he should leave her because women come and go? or u mean he should just play HL2 later because games are forever? :p
maybe you should post a picture so we can see how hot she is/isn't and make a clear judgement!

MetaKnight said:
A game is more important than your girlfriend?


My girl knows that i love gaming she hardly tells me i can't play games but you got to know when to spend time with your girl. but if she says you can't play games at all tell her you don't tell her she can't do the things she loves to do so she shouldn't do it with you becaue you love gaming. PS i tell my girl gaming is my first LOVE she under stands and still loves me lol.

BloodRayne :cheers:
Meeklo said:
She's been gone for about 20 days now and I miss her very much.
I'm seriously thinking about breaking up with her...

If you do this you don't deserve her. :sleep:

あなた は とても ファカ- です。
SHIPPI said:
I don't know any guys who game in 'real life' though :(
:eek: The end of the universe draws closer. I don't think you look that hard ;) I find it impressive that you're not put off by us though :D :cheers:
video games are in the realm of real life contrary to what some of you may think. video games, women, rock climbing, going bowling, there are all things to do, none of them are inherently wrong to spend most of your time on.
Dumping a chick for a game ???
<< cough >> loser << cough >> nerd << cough >> :rolling:
Alec_85 said:
:eek: The end of the universe draws closer. I don't think you look that hard ;) I find it impressive that you're not put off by us though :D :cheers:

I know a few, but they only play console games, and are total Halo fanboys. They're assholes too, which doesn't help... :hmph:

Tbh I don't think there's anything anyone here could do that would put me off hl2.net. I hang round with lads all the time so I guess I'm used to it :p

And to keep ontopic:

I don't think any game's worth losing a good relationship over, unless she really hates you doing something you enjoy. If it's ruining everything, it may be for the best, but if it's only a minor problem it's just something you're both gonna have to accept :p
Heres a rule to live by:

If she can't accept you for who you are and what you like maybe she's not good for you. I'm just being honest here.

Why would you want to be with someone who wants to change who you are? If she really cared about you she'd let you be the person you want with the hobbies you want. Not like you're running a pr0n business or anything.....you aren't, right???
Meeklo said:
Well it seems my girlfriend is coming back from seeing her mother in Hong Kong. She's been gone for about 20 days now and I miss her very much. Now you might ask yourself why is this a problem? Well she desided she's coming home on Nov. 17...My god did she know that HL2 was coming out the day before and that is all I wanted to do for with spare time for the next few months??? Im seriously thinking about breaking up with her since she hates me playing games and she will be staying here at my apartment till she finds her own place.

Would any of you guys do what im thinking about doing for this game????

You'll regret it if you put a game before anything. I'd maybe suggest seeing a shrink though to find out how to put your priority's in order :p

How about you do something she likes for a change, she probably hates you playing games cause thats all you ever do. Your gonna kick yourself if she goes off with someone else, even if you leave her first.

Think about it, can play a game anytime you like, once she's gone your not getting her back.
The Dark Elf said:
You'll regret it if you put a game before anything. I'd maybe suggest seeing a shrink though to find out how to put your priority's in order :p

How about you do something she likes for a change, she probably hates you playing games cause thats all you ever do. Your gonna kick yourself if she goes off with someone else, even if you leave her first.

Think about it, can play a game anytime you like, once she's gone your not getting her back.

Well if you would of read through this thread more you would know that i dont just play games alot...infact i just started playing games like a few weeks ago cus my overtime hours at work got cut and she was supposed to be gone for longer. Before she left all i did was kick it with her...id take her shopping ever payday to get her somthing she wants(I belive thats what she likes).

I cant belive this thread got this popular...I figured only a handfull of people would reply

Thanx agian hl2 community for your opinions...good or bad.
RussianEmpire said:
Dumping a chick for a game ???
<< cough >> loser << cough >> nerd << cough >> :rolling:

OMG!!! do you assholes even read the thread!?!? jesus christ im getting sick of idiots like you who dont even read the posts.

Meeklo said:
Well if you would of read through this thread more you would know that i dont just play games alot...infact i just started playing games like a few weeks ago cus my overtime hours at work got cut and she was supposed to be gone for longer. Before she left all i did was kick it with her...id take her shopping ever payday to get her somthing she wants(I belive thats what she likes).

I cant belive this thread got this popular...I figured only a handfull of people would reply

Thanx agian hl2 community for your opinions...good or bad.
still daft to even think of putting a game first.
The Brew Master said:
OMG!!! do you assholes even read the thread!?!? jesus christ im getting sick of idiots like you who dont even read the posts.

You've only heard his side, not hers.
yes there could be still a chance that maybe he is ignoring her and hes not telling us but do you really think she is gonna come on here and talk about her personal life and relationship to a bunch of strangers?

so i guess really there is no hard proof answer until she does come on and tell us her side.
SHIPPI said:
I know a few, but they only play console games, and are total Halo fanboys. They're assholes too, which doesn't help... :hmph:
Tbh I don't think there's anything anyone here could do that would put me off hl2.net. I hang round with lads all the time so I guess I'm used to it :p

And to keep ontopic:
I don't think any game's worth losing a good relationship over, unless she really hates you doing something you enjoy. If it's ruining everything, it may be for the best, but if it's only a minor problem it's just something you're both gonna have to accept :p
By "us" I meant the general guy gamer/loser part of society that we show here on this site ;) (sometimes we act a little *odd*) Not the site itself. It rocks :naughty:

The Dark Elf said:
You've only heard his side, not hers.
I find it unlikely that we will hear her side of the story though. And I think most of us can see that it would differ quite a bit from what we've heard. She would instantly go into a defensive position. Like a cornered fox (no pun intended) ;)

The Brew Master said:
do you really think she is gonna come on here and talk about her personal life and relationship to a bunch of strangers?
Hey Meeklo did exactly that. We do that a lot here. Why can't she (but I doubt she will)? You need to check out the Off Topic board :E
If she wants you to completly stop gaming then dump her.

When you get a girlfriend you have to be prepered to spend less time on your favorite hobby for her but if she tells you you have to give up the hobby completly she is not worth your time, she will have to accept you for who you are.
if a girlfriend hates what I like too do I will dump her...

..and then...

..."good relationships" are the ones were the 2 person love and respect each other...

yeah ok, there's a lot of respect there. you ... ****ing dumbass.

there is no excuse for your shallowness.
Alec_85 said:
Hey Meeklo did exactly that. We do that a lot here. Why can't she (but I doubt she will)? You need to check out the Off Topic board :E

Lol yeah i think ill go check out off topic but if she hates games as much as we have been told i really doubt she would come onto a game website and tell us about her relationship.
holy shit dude, just tell her to put up or shut up, its your house.

wrong forum too.
Striking a balance between a relationship and something you love to do (in this case, gaming) can be tough. But if the person you're with makes no attempt to understand, then perhaps not much can be done.

Let's face it, you could kiss her ass, do everything she wants to do but in the end, if she still thinks something you love to do is lame and only meant for "losers", then perhaps a serious relationship with this person is not such a great idea.

Setting up priorities for yourself is probably the best thing to do. Hell, you're only 23. Life is full of surprises.

Like Hendrix said, "I'm the one to die when it's time for me to die."

Translation: If you die your own death, then live your own life.

Good luck.
Maybe you could pretend she's Alyx when you... No wait. Don't do that. Least of all because you might accidently scream "Alyx!" at an inappropriate time.

My first post!
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