i want to say something to the admin

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please when you next time close my thread please email me why!

it is very lame from you to close it why? :naughty:
because you're threads are pointless, this is a discussion forum, not and advertisement site.
lol, don't bitch at me because everyone thought your petition was the most lamest and pointless petition ever made in the history of petition making. Just die, kthx. Valve isn't going to listen to an idiot + his 100, (I would expect you signed it 50 times yourself, and the other 50 were flames directed at you for making a shit petition) signitures.
You obviously wanted everyone to read and comment on this otherwise you would have PM'd the admins/mods.
You didn't need to make another thread about your petition, it's as simple as that.
Lol what a twat, take your petitions and shove them up your arse moron
Ehh... don't flame him. Like dear old not_a_fan, he was obviously put upon this Earth to amuse all HL2.net forumgoers.

On second thought... flame away.
Originally posted by hl2-petition.de
are you an admin? no so please shut up

Keep up this kind of attitude and you'll soon need to be pimping your petition elsewhere.
Originally posted by hl2-petition.de
are you an admin? no so please shut up

make an example out of him :D

Originally posted by D33

So from now on anyone who posts anything insulting / offensive when there's no need, especially at the start of new threads will be banned without warning.
6iXx I will not be banning him because of his tone in this thread, as much as I might like to. It could quite easily be said that your reply to his query was insulting/offensive.

Originally posted by 6iXx
because you're threads are pointless

Should I ban you too? :)

Let's put rest to this go-no-where thread. Mr. HL2-Petition; if you have a genuine issue or query, feel free to private message a moderator, otherwise, feel free not to post anything of this nature ever again. Locked.
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