

May 29, 2003
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I know ive bitched about this a lot, but im confused. someone please give me an Idea to make a website on! Just throw out ideas, and ill twist and stretch until i like it.
A website devoted to all files involving HL2. Its certainly not a revolutionary idea and their are probably some already being planned, but I have yet to find a site that would be a good host to all files involving HL2. Have all the movies, artwork, and when it is released it would host as many mods and other files as can be released.

Best I can come up with right now.
already too many HL2 sites, plus, if i were to host the files, I would have to pay a lot for a host.
Who knows, maybe in Hl3 you will be able to create maps the size of Europe (if only).

Hopefully HL3 will have even better physics and graphics and stuff.
Hmm that gives me an idea for a thread.
hl2 sux0rz, its all about hl3 now, this site needs to get up-to-date.
A Website like mine,

you know you love it. There's heaps there, it'll take you an hour or more to get through it all (without skipping through it and stufF)
It's so crap it's good!
Well if you're going to worry about cost, then you have three options:

1. Pictures of Nude Chicks
2. Online Dating
3. "I am Obuvi Mugabe, I have come across monies that I need to deposit in western bank account..."
omg.. I broke my funny bone while laughing at the last option.. hehe.. where do you get this stuff from :D
Originally posted by EVIL
omg.. I broke my funny bone while laughing at the last option.. hehe.. where do you get this stuff from :D

Despite my pacifist nature, I have a natural gift for breaking bones. My spleen also takes a beating in this forum.:cheese: