I'm bored, let's start a flame war.


The Freeman
May 13, 2003
Reaction score

Furthermore Half Life 2 is ghey and will be certainly delayed lots before release and the crowbar should be replaced with a vibrating penguin of some kind or I'll spam Gabe Newell generously.

Please reply

kiss kiss, luv u
GO to the arena for such fights plz
/me points towards the arena
You can't even figure out which gender you are, you moronic androgynous specimen. You couldn't get a date if you bought them dried in a tin, you under-medicated, rump-ruptured chronic self-abuser. You're the kind of greasy, giggling, girly gombeen who buys STDs from a viral lab just to make it look like you get laid. You're damn right about being vomit-inducing fugly. You have a face that would give Freddie Kruger nightmares. How much would you change to haunt a house? You're a politically vacillating phony liberal ****; too damn broadminded to take your own side in a debate. Calling you a pea brain would be an insult to peas, you jellyfish-sucking mental midget. Did your mother leave you in the dryer too long when you were a kid, you little tap-dancing Leprechaun in a pink wig? Be careful you don't bump your head on the door handle on the way out. I bet the highway patrol make you wear a sign on your fat ass that reads, 'Caution: Wide Load!' I bet you have to take your salary to the bank because it's too small to go by itself, you pathetic ne'er-do-well. I love that suit you're wearing. You never throw anything away, do you? People like you are the reason cults exist. Do yourself and everyone else a favor, go and take a fatal overdose of your medication.
I think a certain biological agent needs a hug. Come on everyone group hug.

/me opens up his arms and slowly walks towards the group...
LOL, ya'll can hug me as long as you've got boobies and no penis.....
I think theres a quite a big problem there (I avoided saying a small problem because someone would try to make a joke of it). You see i dont have breasts and i do have a penis. Perhaps my sister....Wait i dont have a sister. Hmmmmmm i need to think about this for a moment.
Yes but i didnt say that because someone would probably start off a whole load of "Yo momma" jokes.
Like this one?

Yo momma's like a vacum cleaner. She sucks, She blows, and then gets laid in the closet.
Dont worry farrowlesparrow you can still have a hug
/me hugs farrowlesparrow :):)
infact u all can have one
/me hugs all
infact u all can have one
Fat Tony hugs all

Thank you.

/me hugs Fat Tony back, and anybody else who would like a hug.
Originally posted by Farrowlesparrow
Im sorry but thats just crap. Then again so are all Yo momma jokes.


When I see a christmas card that says "Ho-Ho-Ho!" I know to address it to your mom.

Your mom is so fat that she's got more chins than a chinese phone book

Your mom is like a shotgun; one cock and she's ready to blow.

Your mom is like an elevator if you push the right button she'll go down on you!
/me punches Anthraxxx
ha got you first :p lol this is pathetic but o well
Originally posted by Dux

When I see a christmas card that says "Ho-Ho-Ho!" I know to address it to your mom.

Your mom is so fat that she's got more chins than a chinese phone book

Your mom is like a shotgun; one cock and she's ready to blow.

Your mom is like an elevator if you push the right button she'll go down on you!

Are they meant to prove or dis-prove what i said? So far they seem to go with what i said.

Anthraxxx why would you punch me if Fat Tony isnt a woman?
Originally posted by Farrowlesparrow
Are they meant to prove or dis-prove what i said? So far they seem to go with what i said.

Prove I supose in a sarcastic sort of way.