Incoming Source Media Update #8 [11/04/05]


Aug 3, 2005
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Back for another Weekly Update!
This week we are focusing on a weapons update. We are showing off weapons in both model form as well as textured form.
We are going to start off with the comparison images.
We've been taking some heat about "using modern weapons". The thing is, we have explained and gone into detail that the Humans also have a custom design (done by us) for every modern weapon they have. It is up to the player to decide which style he wants to use. Before we go any furhter, lets show the comparisons!

We are not done with the weapons yet! More renders!
This week we are showing the MX4 textured model as well as the Sako TRG-22 Sniper Rifle (shown two weeks ago) and the updated skin for the Steyr-M40 Pistol, enjoy!:

We are also showing off the finished Phantom texture, completed by our lovely, NCFurious:

Last week we showed of Jean Pauls environment, inm_canals. Since then it has grown into an adult and continues growing as we speak. Jean Paul has made the map larger as well as added props and he is adding more as we progress through the weeks. Here are a few updated images:

*Note*: We have also replaced the old inm_canals preview video on the files page with an update, more official copy.
Re-download it and tell us what you think!

We are also looking to hire in a few more positions!
We need a Model Rigger:
Including knowledge in rigging for the following:
-Other Organic Models (including Dinosaurs).

We are also in need of a Flash Website Designer.
You need to be able to provide samples of your previous work.
We have material (plenty) that can be used for the flash site as well.

If you feel that you can fill those gaps, please post in our forums over at:

Or contact us in one of the following methods with samples of your work attached:
email: [email protected]
aim: Praz1187
msn: [email protected]
ICQ: 54157633
IRC: #incoming-source on

Incoming Alpha v1.0 is getting near completion. This is the team build (internal). This means that we are getting closer to a (public) beta. Unfortunatly, it probably won't be this year. We are aiming for early 2006.

This new alpha includs a bunch of new material, including:

Weapons: Steyr-M40 (Pistol) / Mp5 (Submachine Gun) / M4a1 (Assault Rifle) and we are adding more weapons throughout each patch. Next of course will be the FN2000 as well as the Sako TRG-22 (Sniper Rifle).

Each weapon has a melee attack as well as an iron sight (/scope) mode. On top of that each weapon also features firing modes that you can toggle between.
-The new alpha also contains 5 select maps out of our many to choose from. (strike / desolate / scale / nanko / oasis).
It has the first version (heavily work-in-progress) of our HUD (Heads up Display). Our HUD will be interactable in future patches.
-Radio command code is in the alpha. It just needs a menu to hot-link each command.
-Our new crosshair (for out of iron sight mode) is in place. If you hold down the trigger, the recticule will get larger and so forth.
-We also have our recoil system in place as well, which includs both screen-shakes and bullet spread.

Other features of the internal alpha include:
-Round-based gameplay mode.
-Team Selection
-Spectator Mode

The alpha is getting updated constantly by Nokia.

Now for the Progress Update.

Models and Skinning:
-Phantom Model textured.
-New Palm tree variants (x3) have been modeled.
-New Palm tree variants (x3) have been textured.
-Swamp Tree model done.
-Street sign prop modeled and textured.
-Trex model is done.
-Trex texture is done.
-*side note* Raptor model and texture are done as well.
-Ma41 / Mp5 / SteyrM recompiled.
-Sako TRG-22 Sniper rifle is ingame.
-MX4 Model complete.
-MX4 Texture complete.
-MX4 animations are underway.
-Altair Warrior Player model underway.
-Map textures being created like crazy.
-Fixed normal map for Human player model.
-LOOM has made 3 variants of a 3D grass blade texture for the maps.
-Tree and nature models underway by waedoe, HellSpike, and logger.

-inm_desolate still heavily underway (thecraftsman)
-inm_strike still heavily underway (thecraftsman)
-inm_vast has begun production. (thecraftsman)
-inm_jungle has begun production. (Madedog)
-inm_outskirts under heavy production (Jeo)
-Base model complete for Human Forces (x3)


-I still love Nokia.
-Nine page document typed for Programmers.
-Iron Sights implemented.
-Melee attacks implemented.
-Recoil System added.
-Stance based accuracy added.
-New weapon codes are being added.
-Sniper Rifle ingame.
-Player model ingame.
-Rounds are being touched up.
-VGUI menus being worked on.
-HUD design is being re-done (see more of the screen).
-Radio commands being implemented.

-MX4 Animations underway.
-XR8c Animations underway.
-FNC30 Animations underway.
-Test animations have begun on the Trex.

-Soundtracks still heavily underway.
-ambience sounds uploaded into the latest Alpha.
-Battlefield Audio Exp underway.
-Trex audio has begun.
-Raptor audio has begun.

I know we had a sneak peak ready that was "teased" in last weeks update. We felt it was more important to address our weapons issue and get the facts out to the public as soon as possible. We are sorry for the delay to next week, please enjoy this for the time being:
*explodes into happiness*

You guys should get paid for this :O
I'm loving the sub machine gu... err, I mean M4.
Looks NIIIICE. However, that model they show off looks like a cross between MC and a storm trooper imo. But the guns are teh ownage fo rizzle yo
If you don't have a did you get your armoured guy to stand with a gun? CONFUSION!

Looks pretty, none the less, but the pistol looks really swamped in his hands.

-Angry Lawyer
i added you on msn because of the open flash position.
I have friends that can rig but cannot dedicated to a full-time position, that is why he is ingame.
*Note*: We have also replaced the old inm_canals preview video on the files page with an update, more official copy.
Re-download it and tell us what you think!
I couldn't find this file. Had JeanPaul already started this map before he joined I:S?
The map was being done before he joined Incoming Source, so it had to be expanded a bit.

I still dont think it quite fits, but Praz has assured me that it will when it is finished with new textures i believe.
Yeah, that map was in production for months before being converted to iS.