Is traptown downloadable?

Sep 9, 2004
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Is traptown downloadable somewhere? I saw a version of it for hl2 deathmatch, I'm dying to play it for single player, does anyone know if it's downloadable somewhere?
traptown isn't in the game, but if you mean the's all over the net.
Maaan, I got traptown on this dvd thing for the computer, I'm talking about playing it! I have seen the new remade map of it but it's completely changed, there's no combine soldiers, just zombies and it's in the beginning of ravenholm.
Well, it'd be difficult to create because there'd be no obvious start or finish.
Oh common, the map I downloaded in hl2 deathmatch was a perfect match to the original (well most of it) so there must be a file somewhere, perhaps the beta!
1.) I hate when people call it the "beta".
2.)I have a verison of Traptown, if you want to see it you will be seeing an untextured, unfinished, no ai, piece of crap map.
3.)The "beta" if you so will is illegal.
Minerel said:
1.) I hate when people call it the "beta".
2.)I have a verison of Traptown, if you want to see it you will be seeing an untextured, unfinished, no ai, piece of crap map.
3.)The "beta" if you so will is illegal.

My copy works fine, gotta use the leak patch.
The map used for the E3 2003 Traptown sequence is in the Ravenholm section of the final version of HL2.
There are some changes - no drink dispenser on the stairs, no vertical slats on the window, and no Combine.
So if you've played thru HL2 you've already played it.
its called phys_town_final or something, its got the swinging wooden beam, the collapsable crate, the 'push table' in front of door bit, and the can machine, and even the good ol propeller blades. Its a HL2DM map so search for severs running it and get playing, its great fun.
Go to and download the HL2DM map pack. In there is a map called "dm_phystown" or something like that, and it's a multiplayer version of traptown.

It looks identical, and has all the physics tricks you see in the e3 demo, but no AI or anything.
It would be nice if you could download it from another site x_x I cant even register to that site. Any other sites?
its in the beta- but thats totally illegal and you should not download the beta.
my god, still all this sand in the vagina over the leak? comon ppl


its over, i came across a copy i played the phystown level (pachinko) and thats it, the rest was too buggy to do anything, it sealed the deal, i would buy hl2 when it came out

guess what

i bought the game

i tried to load up e3_phystown.bsp into hl2 after i beat SP, it is a bsp version off, .. so nothing salvagable in hl2 leak imo