Japanese create freakish man-pillow hybrid.


Jul 11, 2003
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Those crazy Japanese. What will they think of next? Here's the caption for the attached photo I found on CNN.com:

"Radio DJ Junko Suzuki demonstrates a "Boyfriend's Arm Pillow" in Tokyo, Japan. The maker, Kameo Corp., says the pillow is an emotional comfort and supports the sleeper from both sides, keeping the body balanced."


  • manpillow.jpg
    29.3 KB · Views: 275
This not as bizarre as that man made auto-masturbator, or whatever the hell it was.
If it makes no sense, rely on the Japanese to make it.
Just goto a graveyard..
Steal an arm..
Its a lot easier.
What does it do, apart touching womans' brest ?
Dalamari said:
Welcome to 3 months ago.

Sorry Oh knowledgable one!. Don't loose sleep over it :rolleyes:

Some people have'nt seen it so why be an ass and say what you said?
He was merely pointing out that pretty much everyone has seen it... Calm down...
Ikerous said:
He was merely pointing out that pretty much everyone has seen it... Calm down...

I was merely pointing out that he does'nt need to tell us all "old news yada yada" when it isn't old news to everyone, maybe himself.... Im also calm and relaxed :p
Yeah, I saw this on the morning news. Like three times. They made it out like it was some miracle invention to comfort lonely girls, picturing a number of girls making use of said product. Then, as if it was just an afterthought, added "they are also available for men". :rolleyes:

Pretty cool, but I'd rather have one of those body pillows. The full size huggable ones with the scantily clad women... or not clad at all :O
Bad^Hat said:
Pretty cool, but I'd rather have one of those body pillows. The full size huggable ones with the scantily clad women... or not clad at all :O
Are you, by any chance, Bud Bundy?
If you haven't seen Scarface that doesn't make it new, same with this.
Dalamari said:
If you haven't seen Scarface that doesn't make it new, same with this.

The difference is that scarface is an 80's movie watched by most of earths population, and this is an internet picture on a completely unknown website about a japanese invention no one really gives a rats ass about. Again, good thinking, Batman.
I've never seen scarface.
I've seen this from about five different sources.
I need new means of entertainment..
CrazyHarij said:
The difference is that scarface is an 80's movie watched by most of earths population, and this is an internet picture on a completely unknown website about a japanese invention no one really gives a rats ass about. Again, good thinking, Batman.

Almost every forum I have visited has posted that, it has been posted in the IRC channel a number of times (along with the mechanic masturbation tool) and I think that most people have seen it, but for some reason alot of people here haven't.
Dalamari said:
Almost every forum I have visited has posted that, it has been posted in the IRC channel a number of times (along with the mechanic masturbation tool) and I think that most people have seen it, but for some reason alot of people here haven't.

So that automatically makes it a felony to post a thread about it in some random forum on the internet, doesn't it?

Quickly, delete this thread, for The Grand Dalamari has already seen it!
CrazyHarij said:
So that automatically makes it a felony to post a thread about it in some random forum on the internet, doesn't it?

Quickly, delete this thread, for The Grand Dalamari has already seen it!

Ok, so first you say this is new to alot of people, now you agree with me that this is old and try to run me into the ground to prove your point.

Nice thinking "Batman"
Some people are very defensive
I think a group hug is in order.
C'mon ::Hugs everyone::
Dalamari said:
Ok, so first you say this is new to alot of people, now you agree with me that this is old and try to run me into the ground to prove your point.

Nice thinking "Batman"

"Alot of people" doesn't equal me, dumbass. I've seen it before but many people haven't.
why is everyone getting so pissed off about this?

This not as bizarre as that man made auto-masturbator, or whatever the hell it was.

amg where can i get one!!!
BlazeKun said:
That pillow is NOTHING.

Now THAT is a pillow

Anyone seen the pillows that you got with Dead or Alive Volleyball? the Kasumi ones?
DarkStar said:
Those crazy Japanese. What will they think of next? Here's the caption for the attached photo I found on CNN.com:

"Radio DJ Junko Suzuki demonstrates a "Boyfriend's Arm Pillow" in Tokyo, Japan. The maker, Kameo Corp., says the pillow is an emotional comfort and supports the sleeper from both sides, keeping the body balanced."

that is the lamest technology I ever seen, :monkee:
CrazyHarij said:
The difference is that scarface is an 80's movie watched by most of earths population, and this is an internet picture on a completely unknown website about a japanese invention no one really gives a rats ass about. Again, good thinking, Batman.
It was on the news a bunch, even my local news station mentioned it.
Yeah, my news station only just mentioned it yesterday though, so I found it amusing to see it here. Bottom line is stop with the bickering and get disco funktastic :imu: He has the idea.
Bad^Hat said:
Yeah, my news station only just mentioned it yesterday though, so I found it amusing to see it here. Bottom line is stop with the bickering and get disco funktastic :imu: He has the idea.
That reminds me...at work today everyone was dancing some shitty line disco...it pissed me off because they were singing show tunes earlier...that is what causes shooting sprees...not harassment but show tunes and line dancing.

Just so you can get the idea of what kind of people I work with, here is on of their AIM profiles.

*fyzzine*fo' shigitty*fugly*fo'rello*****able*
i luv Brooklyn Park fellaz...I LuV ChRiStOpHeR WrIgHt! Park Center BaBaY...i finally got muh license.Jenna ur muh gurl and I Luv ya
:+: If u hav luv 4 Jesus Christ den put dis sentence in ur profile :+:
*fyzzine*fo' shigitty*fugly*fo'rello*****ab le*
i luv Brooklyn Park fellaz...I LuV ChRiStOpHeR WrIgHt! Park Center BaBaY...i finally got muh license.Jenna ur muh gurl and I Luv ya
:+: If u hav luv 4 Jesus Christ den put dis sentence in ur profile :+:

Holy... Crap...