Just doesn't want to start...


Party Escort Bot
Dec 2, 2004
Reaction score
For some reason, my copy of HL2 just doesn't feel like starting.

I'll start it up, it'll say "preparing to play HL2", my screen will go black, my cursor will turn to an hour glass, and then my screen goes back to my desktop. Doesn't matter what startup commands I have punched in or removed, no go.

What's odd is that it was working just fine last night, and all my other source powered games work just fine!

Already tried validating my game files, no go.


A64 3500+ (venice btw)
1 gig o ram
8800 GTS (PCIE)

Atm i'm running two power supplies. A dying 400 watt that's powering all my fans, and a spiffy 350 powering everything else. Hope to get a new 600 soon.

god dammit, i've already forgotten my mobo model :(
Well here's a kicker, it runs fine in windowed, but the second I change it over to fullscreen mode, everything goes to hell.

I've even reinstalled steam. NO ****ING GO.


EDIT: Whoops, DP :(

EDIT: I figured it out, I had to disable this stupid shit little NVidia toolbar thing on my taskbar, then use the -dxlevel command to force the game to load in the proper dx level (it was loading 7.0 instead of 9.0), and then it worked fine :)