L4D Spam bots?


Oct 13, 2008
Reaction score
So today I had an encounter with a user called Cloud Strife in L4D, and he kept shooting me with the pistol every 30 seconds. I thought he was a newbie so I let it go. But then it's the shot gun, and then he helps me back up. Shoot me, back up, shoot me back up. So then we get through DEATH TOLL 1st stage, and he starts shooting me insode the safe room and then helps back up. Then goes around and around and shoots me again inside the same room. So then I shoot him to death and he doesnt say anything. I try to kick him, says VOTE PASSED but he remained inside the game, and then someone rescues him, and goes on moving like nothing happened, and then starts shooting with pistol again every 30 seconds with no zombies around.

So my guess with all this is that he's a bot programmed to annoy people to death???
Don't think so. I get pricks like that in my game all the time, who keep spawn killing and stuff. There is a glitch were sometimes even though the vote passes the player doesn't actually gets kicked.
Sometimes they join back up right after. I did this once and decided to stop because I didn't want to ruin others' games. Now I only do it in a game with my friends when we're having fun and messing with each other.
every now and then an idiot somehow manages to get the internet and l4d... i'm surprised at how high tolerance u seem to have. I'd of got pissed and shot back way sooner
Yes, i am afraid it was a troll. bots generally aren't so smart, they tend to act like a robot.