Left 4 Dead - 360 Previews and Gameplay Videos


Jul 6, 2003
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Gamespy have a new preview for Left 4 Dead from the Penny Arcade Expo and they go hands-on with the Xbox 360 version of the game and the new matchmaking and achievement details.

the controls feel like they are pretty solid, although it did take a little time to get used to some of the difference between Left 4 Dead and other shooters. The sticks control your movement and aiming, while the right trigger is used to fire your equipped weapon. Hitting the left trigger will pull off a quick melee attack, while pressing the B button will allow you to reload your weapon. When you need to open or close doors, pressing the X button will perform that action, while you can use the Y button to switch weapons (you can carry either one or two pistols as your secondary weapon, and they'll never run out of ammo). Finally, the A button will make your character jump, and clicking the right analog stick will allow you to zoom, although the hunting rifle is the only weapon that supports this.

The second preview on the net is from 1UP. They spent a day at Valve's offices playing Left 4 Dead and said that Valve will be running dedicated servers on Microsoft's Live online service. Splitscreen play will also allow you and a friend to play together on Live from one 360, and you'll be able to slice the screen whichever way you like -- horizontally or vertically. [br]

Here are some of the other details they picked up:
  • There are four campaigns, with five chapters each
  • The hospital level seen in demos is based on Philadelphia
  • Another level is based on Pittsburgh (evidently Valve has some Steelers fans)
  • Other levels cover a small town and an airport
  • Achievements are based on social engineering ideas and we got a couple of them:[br]"Bite your tongue" - Kill Smoker (Enemy with prehensile tongue) before he can pull you in.[br]
    "Sharp Shooter" - Complete Co-op chapter without any friendly fire </li>

Gameplay Videos:

Awesome Left 4 Dead day.
Nice an Aiport? now we know the setting of the 3rd scenario, I wonder what the 4th one will be.

Also I wonder if they add in a hockey rink, I have a mental image of a horde of zombies sliding round on their asses.
Nice an Aiport? now we know the setting of the 3rd scenario, I wonder what the 4th one will be.

Also I wonder if they add in a hockey rink, I have a mental image of a horde of zombies sliding round on their asses.
No, Airport and an small urban town has been mentioned a loooong time ago. Good mod idea though. :D