

Sep 4, 2003
Reaction score
lol...if you guys don't already check out on a regular basis, you should start now :D

today's update was particularly funny, imo:
(the ****'s are the f-word :p)

Bad - You have a one night stand with a girl and wake up the next morning and discover you've got a burning rash covering your penis.
Worse - The girl turns out to be your sister.
****! - Who you picked up from an IRC room where she was posing as a 16 year old girl for an FBI sting operation.

Bad - You get caught playing Minesweeper one time too many by the boss and get your pink slip.
Worse - Your pink slip consists of being thrown through a plate glass window by your boss.
****! - From the eightieth floor of an office building located on top of an active volcano.

Bad - You get pulled over for doing 90 in a school zone and you're drunk off your ass again at three in the afternoon.
Worse - The cop is drunk too, and he's a mean drunk.
****! - A mean drunk that's actually a swarm of semi-sentient flesh-eating beetles.

Bad - While out on a date you decide to go to a Mexican restaurant and the burrito beats you in a race to the bathroom.
Worse - The burrito had bet money on the race.
****! - And he has a lot of taco friends willing to take that money out of your ass if you don't pay up.

Bad - Maverick, pull up! There's a MiG on your six!
Worse - Maverick, pull out! Your mom's home from the grocery store!
****! - Maverick, pull straws! The man with the short one gets to massage Dr. Phil's taint!

Bad - The mob has put a hit out on you for ratting on the don.
Worse - The yakuza has put out a call for your severed head for having sex with the boss's wife.
****! - Bill Cosby has put up a reward for your capture so he can suck the delicious Jello pudding that fills your bones instead of marrow.

Bad - You're addicted to the Internet.
Worse - Especially FARK.
****! - Because you laugh every single time you read the phrase "France Surrenders!"

Bad - Your rent check just bounced.
Worse - Because you bought an entire shipping pallet of dildos.
****! - That got delivered to your landlord's apartment on accident.

I hope I can get unemployment!
Bad - The factory that employed almost half of your town just shut down.
Worse - By "shut down" I mean "burned down with everyone inside".
****! - By "factory" I mean "unshielded nuclear reactor".

Bad - The MPAA files a lawsuit against you for downloading a theatrical screener.
Worse - It was a VCD of "Gigli"
****! - That you actually got to work in your DVD player.

Bad - Your girlfriend breaks up with you for petty reasons and then immediately starts dating.
Worse - Your father.
****! - Who insists you call her "mom".

Bad - Your dog gets run over by a speeding car.
Worse - Your dog was actually a super intelligent fox.
****! - A kindly white-bearded gnome was riding on its back when the car struck.

Bad - You lose all of your money in Las Vegas.
Worse - It was inside your wallet at the time.
****! - You have a sinking suspicion you may have left it in that hotel room where you murdered the hooker.

Bad - You write erotic "Dukes of Hazzard" fan fiction.
Worse - About Bo and Luke asphyxiating each other during gay sex.
****! - And you accidentally turn it in as an assignment at parochial school.

Bad - You fatally shoot your best friend while showing him your new gun.
Worse - He was the President of the United States.
****! - And he was standing on your new Berber carpet.

I see London, I see France, and Paris truly is the city of creepy ****ing lights in her eyes.
Bad - Videotapes of you having sex were leaked onto the Internet.
Worse - The videos were shot using night vision making you look like some sort of hideous alien creature.
****! - Your career still consists of appearing on "Wild On!" and being interviewed incoherently by Jules Asner while dry humping anything within reach because of the overdose of ecstasy you took poolside earlier.

Bad - While enjoying your lunch you find a human finger in your bowl of soup.
Worse - It's your finger.
****! - It's still attached to the body of a man who is considering a job at Burger King because his Bachelor's degree in computer science isn't worth the paper it's printed on anymore.

Bad - You still haven't beaten "Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic".
Worse - You're stuck on the first fight with Calo Nord.
****! - Because you burned out your retinas staring at the sun and can no longer differentiate shapes.

Bad - Your infant son dies from starvation because you were playing Everquest nonstop.
Worse - You only find the body when emptying your improvised colostomy bag.
****! - You abandon flushing his corpse down the toilet halfway through the process because you hear the sound of your character being attacked from the other room.

Bad - Your most prized possession is destroyed in an unfortunate accident.
Worse - The accident involved a tribe of cannibals.
****! - Your most prized possession was your artificial hip.

Just like a car crash. Just like a knife. My favorite weapon, is the look in your AAAAAAAAAAAeyes!!
Bad - You develop stigmata.
Worse - You work in a lemonade factory.
****! - You're not even Christian.

Bad - Your neighbors call the police and complain about the loud noise coming from a party you're having.
Worse - The party is actually a cover for you to deal heroin out of your bedroom.
****! - The music was actually turned up to conceal the sounds of you being shot to death by rival drug dealers.

Bad - You write for a humor web site.
Worse - You run out of ideas so frequently that you have to rely on "bad and worse" as your concept for an article.
****! - And it actually seemed like a good idea at the time.
LMFAO. Funny as hell, man.

Thanks for the link, I totally forgot all about that website. ^__^
Originally posted by Snakebyte
Some of those are hilarious. :)

just thought i'd share :p

everything on that site is funnier when you look at it with other people...but there is some genuinely hillarious crap on there just about every day.
I read about five of them, didn't even crack a smile. Guess the place is called "Something Awful" for a good reason. Maybe I would of found it funny if I was twelve.

EDIT: Just finished reading all of them (just for the hell or it)... nothing. I can't believe you guys actually thought this was funny. Different strokes for different folks, I guess. is a good place. I like their photoshop contests... In particulare the one where they owned SomethingAwful.


But, to stick to the subject; they where cute, but not entirely funny. I did smile.

I too didn't really get their humor untill I was a senior in highschool.
I didn't laugh, nor did i smile really.. my reaction was something like a 'knowing nod', or like a 'disinterestedly furrowed brow', or something along those lines.. pretty weird really.

i find the lawsuit threats on SA to be the funniest things, and some of the various reviews
I garuntee theres something on that site that'll make you laugh though.
Check out the Photoshop Phridays or Comedy Goldmines.
Originally posted by Direwolf
I garuntee theres something on that site that'll make you laugh though.
Check out the Photoshop Phridays or Comedy Goldmines.

yeah, sorry, slow edit above. personally i find the lawsuit threats to be genius. that's pretty much exactly my type of humor.
most of them were simply not funny but this one made me chuckle...

Bad - Your girlfriend breaks up with you for petty reasons and then immediately starts dating.
Worse - Your father.
****! - Who insists you call her "mom".
