Mesh does Half-life Video 4

It's just called having a laugh :) Some love em some hate em, take your pick, it's down to personal taste I think. Don't take them so serious is probably the best way, we certainly don't take ourselves serious, it's all just a big laugh and we get plenty doing them and others get plenty watching them, so happy days :)

Excellent stuff as always! I enjoyed the Doom 3 Christmas Special a while ago, too.
I know that it's for a laugh, but it is like a cheap soap opera you see on tv. Over dramatic for what it is. But thats just my opinion....
Hehe, great again. :) What made you change the order of events in Nova Prospekt? You only meet Alyx after the whole trash compactor scene.
LoL, mash was kept shooting at the voltigaunt after defeating the antlion guard.
You skipped some good parts, didn't he get scared at the part with the zombie in the drainage pipe? Or the part in nova prospekt where a bunch of spiders fall through a glass window on the ceiling?
I watched that Christmas Special and OMFG....Those two look like a happy gay couple. Honest they do! :eek:
Also he doesnt get that scared very often... :rolling:
Sorry for the missed bits. We can't include everything so we pick the best bits. Tape ran out in camera at the drain pipe bit, yes he shit himself :)

And yeah I got some bits the wrong way around in the editing OOPS!
Sorry for the missed bits. We can't include everything so we pick the best bits. Tape ran out in camera at the drain pipe bit, yes he shit himself
Now that sucks. Dang tape :(
I love these guys.
Grate job Mack and Mesh. :thumbs:
:LOL: Good stuff. I like the DOOM 3 ones the most. Keep it up. Can't wait for the DOOM 3 Expansion pack now!

I love Mesh's comments. He's a genius. He like says "oh Alyx love your ears are dirty, but you got a nice ass so I'll let you off" :D
yea the comments make it the best.. like when the guy mounts a gun on your airboat, he says he likes to bring some irony to a gun fight, and mesh just goes over and says, it is ironic, yes. Had me cracking up.
Brilliant ive been waiting for this...his quotes are great. Downloading it now. keep up the good work, not much left now to use :(
Haha well funny!

I liked it when you told him the vortigaunt was a bad guy and he blew the barrel up near him.

I wanted to see his face when the massive chimney gets knocked down in water hazard :(
I've been checking your site constantly since thursday waiting for this thing >_>
Awesome videos.
next he should play one of the silent hill games (best play #1) any of the levels is completely freaky than all the levels in doom3 combined :eek:
Poor guy, at least he can still laugh about it.

The Doom ones are certainly cracking vids, it had everyone here in histerics!

Now for the HL ones.

Where do we send donations for Mesh's psychiatric..... fixing.

you two are legend. The outtakes had me allmost pmsl littterally!
Quality vids lol. Hats of to you both lol.
These were new to me. I spent the whole evening watching all of your videos, and they were so good I watched them again with my wife! If you haven't seen these videos, trust me, they are worth the download, especially the doom3 videos.
Sweet. Downloading. :D Where can I get the Doom 3 videos?
You guys definatly have to play F.E.A.R. when it comes out, that will be great to watch ! :D
I watched the Doom 3 videos a while back, they were hilarious :LOL: . Downloading the HL2 videos now - I've got a feeling they won't be quite as good/funny, but I'll certainly watch 'em :thumbs:
there actually way funnier than the doom ones, just because Mesh plays along and talks to the characters, he says some bloody funny things. harrassing Alyx is especially funny. Along with some of the random stuff he goes on about when he's in the citadel.