Michael Jackson to Battle Godzilla


May 9, 2005
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Or at least he could if he wanted to, with kit like this:

Michael Jackson is in discussions about creating a 50-foot robotic replica of himself to roam the Las Vegas desert, according to reports.

The pop legend is currently understood to be living in the city, as he considers making a comeback after 2004's turbulent child sex case.

It has now been claimed that his plans include an elaborate show in Vegas, which would feature the giant Jacko striding around the desert, firing laser beams.

If built, the metal monster would apparently be visible to aircraft as they come in to land in the casino capital.

It is the centre-piece of an elaborate Jackson-inspired show in Vegas, according to Andre Van Pier, the robot's designer.

Luckman Van Pier, his partner at the company behind the proposal, claims blueprints have been drawn-up for the show and seen by the star.

"Michael's looked at the sketches and likes them", he told the New York Daily News.

On the subject of the robot, he continued: "It would be in the desert sands. Laser beams would shoot out of it so it would be the first thing people flying in would see."


I would make the trip to Vegas just to see this.
... as long he just has the one. The last thing the world needs is an army of giant jacko's. Think of the children!

Michael Jackson is pathetic. How can anyone like that swine?
I find this awesome. Add something new to the already barren desert.
So, there's still hope for Robocock:The Movie
Are they going to build a 50 foot child for the robot to molest as well?

Would really add some style to the project.
michael jackson is building a giant robot replica of himself?

it sounds like a photoshopped headline
HEADLINE: Giant Michael Jackson spotted roaming desert, seeking out children, shooting lasers. And Moon Walking.
Jesus, I guess this is what happens to your mind after you touch little boys. :rolleyes:
Jesus, I guess this is what happens to your mind after you touch little boys. :rolleyes:
Well i've never considered making huge robot replicas of myself, and I touch little boys all the time.
Didn't anyone ever watch the X-Men series. This is exactly how the sentinels got started.
I hope it is manually controlled from a cockpit in the head. The last thing we need is skynet taking control of it to for world domination.
creating a 50-foot robotic replica of himself to roam the Las Vegas desert

I like how this sounds like their just gonna build it then unleash it on the desert.firing lasers. :D
Headlines a few months from now:

Giant Molesto-bot Roams Desert with Child-Seeking Pedobeams
Perpetrator last seen moonwalking his way out of another hefty prison sentence.
he is such a stupid ****, id love to seem him assinated the ****ed up freak

it isnt funny, he is justq disturbing and mentally unstable
This is a trait commonly associated with the Japanese.

I think he's trying to join another ethnic group.
I for one welcome our new giant mechanized Jackson overlord.

On a serious note: Thriller!!!
....and a naked picture where you are sat a table cupping your chin with your man hands