Middle East.


Oct 5, 2003
Reaction score
I wanted to iterate I point I failed to make in my post the other day about when I was in the warzone. Understand, during this time we did visit friendly ports...well, somewhat friendly. While I was surprised by some of the things I saw in the East, there was still negativity toward Americans, notably in Oman. People we constantly asking when we'd leave and why we were there, go away, etc. We actually got kicked out because one Soldier made a complete ass of himself. But that is beside the point

Now, this is an exception. As my point was to Americans; Don't think the entire world is coming down on you, or that the medias generalist opinions are the entire truth, but this does not mean to go visit the Middle East on some trip to experience the culture without some form of keeping yourself safe. There are reasons why we had to come back at 2200. Mainly being the danger to ourselves, which is also the reason why it was demanded by the fleet that we have another soldier with us when we go out into the cities.

We stop in these ports in an effort to keep ourselves sane during war, onths at sea, and to replenish the ship. If any of you wanted to know. But, basically, this port is to say that if you ever go to the more...'friendly toward western civilization' parts of the East, do be careful. There are people who do hate us and our allies. I can say that I never even want to go back to friendly parts, for various reasons, though rumor is we're heading straight back after we repair the ship.

Not that anyone would just go on a sudden trip, I didn't want to send the false message that Middle East isn't a bad place for an American, because quite honestly it is, especially at night. I just want people to be safe and keep their wits about them if they were to ever go there. I know there are people who are open minded to other cultures, and likely consider this area of the world a place to visit.

That's all I have.

Bye, guys.
LPD. We call them Gaitor freightors because we're an Amphibious Assault Ship...Marines roll with us, basically. We take them to land, drop them off. Go do our thing while they do theirs, come back and get them, then drop them off in Okinawa and go to homeport. Well, it really depends. We're a Forward Deployed ship, which means we're basically ready at a moments notice.

We got on our way to the Middle East with 32 hours of being notified. Usually ships have weeks to months worth of notice.

I won't be on for long, just so that you guys know. I'm going to have to head back to the barge, soon.
It's not really that I have that much time in my job, as that we're in the ship yard getting repairs from our deployment. In home port we get Saturdays and Sundays off, unless we have duty. For now, I have time to maybe post here and there.

I'm in Japan, Death eVader.
GhostValkyrie said:
I'm in Japan, Death eVader.
Lucky son of a bitch. :p

Wish I was in japan...Come pick me up damn't!
With all due respect, what intelligent american would want to go to the middle east? (except to fight the war obviously) Especially with all the beheadings and all that going on lately