ModCenter Interviews Robin Walker


Jul 6, 2003
Reaction score
ModCenter had the opportunity to sit with Robin Walker and ask him some detailed questions about his career.
ModCenter: Were you looking to be professional game developers from the beginning, or did you just set out to make a fun game? If so, at what point did you change your mind and decide to try to go pro?[br]

Walker: As I mentioned above, becoming professional game developers wasn't something we thought about at all. Unlike today, it wasn't commonly understood that you could get into the industry making mods. It wasn't until much later, almost 2 years after the initial release, that we started thinking about turning it into a profession. The main reason was that TF had become big enough that it felt like we really could make a commercial product. In addition, we were starting to see a variety of attention from people within the industry, inquiring as to our future plans.
I suggest you read the whole interview here.
Ouch! Modcenter's 'no columns' layout with whitewash background isn't easy on the eyes.

Interview was nothing new really.
Well the interview is directed towards mod developers rather than gamers. The point of it is to give some insight into how Robin got into the industry rather than rehash TF2 and Valve developments like every other interview does. So in that way I think it is new, significantly.