Multiplayer Videos



I heard a rumour that there is a new multiplayer it true ? who has links ...thnx :borg:
I think you mis-understood. There's speculation of a new video with new footage at I think it's the the name of the website that confuses people. I don't think anyone has really seen the video, so for all we know it could be another E3 tech vid, which we've all seen.
Originally posted by Jager
I think you mis-understood. There's speculation of a new video with new footage at I think it's the the name of the website that confuses people. I don't think anyone has really seen the video, so for all we know it could be another E3 tech vid, which we've all seen.

thnx for info : )
Judging by the screenshot I guess it is new footage. dovoxove, you watch yet?

Thats not new footage?

That and the tenticle and the bit before it where the dude gets incinerated, are all in one of the gamespot videos (which are readily available now).
I have the gamespy 600MB tech vid and I don't even remember seeing that part. I know that the teaser trailer had a the same seen as the pic except with no crowbar or hud. I never bothered trying to get the gamespot vids, I just assumed they were the same as gamespy, but just split up into pieces
Well, they each have new things. If you want the whole HL2 E3 experience you need the 600mb Gamespy vid, and some of the Gamespot ones.
Like Dave Sad.. its one of them small ones from GS..
The tentacle scene is not in the GameSpy (520/600Mb, white spy logo) versions. It has been released under GameSpot(yellow "G" logo on them). A poster explained there was a slight difference between official release to GameSPy and what was shown at E3. The scene leading up to the hydra is the only one missing from GameSpy's. It most likely is in one of the 7 videos has, since they are camcorder images of the screen at E3.

They are not new if you gotten the many others already released.
I don't know if it was posted or not, but here:

HL2 Multiplayer Physics clarifications
Email exchange with Gabe Newell and Yahn Bernier on HL2 multiplayer physics. Edited for length and non-relevant blabber (from my side). First email first, last email last..

The physics in the single player part (judging from the movies from E3) look absolutely fantastic, but how will physics work in multiplayer? Won't there be a problem with sending all the physics information packets to all the players? Are you perhaps scaling the physics engine down for multiplayer?

"Well, the simple answer is that there are client-side and server-side physics behaviors. You use client-side when maintaining cross-client coherence isn't important. This cuts down network traffice while maintaining the appearance of physical simulation throughout the world.

Yahn, anything you'd elaborate on?"

Yahn (follow up on Gabe's question)
"No, that's basically correct."

Me (asking for clarification)
"So basically what you are saying is that the physics appear to the player just like they do in the single player game without scaling it down, but objects that aren't required to have a correct placement in the world (like soda cans, small rocks, and so on) will be handled client-side, but bigger things (like a crate that's thrown on a player with the gravity gun, or a mattress falling down to block a hole in the
ground) will appear in the correct spot for all players?"

"Yes, it's definable per-object, so exactly what's client vs. server simulated is tunable."