My Half-Life Story



Hey I joined so I can share this random story I am writing, reflections would be nice, but you don't have to.

The sun had barely dropped below the horizon for five minutes when two clear shots rang out. Father Grigori barely had time to reload, two more zombies were within grasping distance as he pulled the trigger for a third and fourth time.
"Where do they keep coming from?" he said in his clear Russian accent to the man standing closest to him.
"Must have been another shelling, I heard the Overwatch is dropping more Headcrab shells in our area."
This new man presented himself in an odd manner, there was something about his broad shoulders that had him resemble a large bull. His long, muscled arms were grasping a rocket launcher. He seemed to have weathered through many years of torture and Combine psychological warfare.
"Damn things always hunt in packs, stick close and keep armed."
The group resembled a large pride of lions as the three people quickly sprinted down the alley tightly grasping their weapons. Foremost was Father Grigori, in his late fifties, this former member of the Orthodox Church was used to serving a higher authority though by now he had acquired an air of violence and old vodka. Behind him strode Alexei Antonov, Father Grigori's former Altar Boy, clutching the only item he held dear, his 40 year old RPG-7 given to him by his father who had fallen to the Combine years before. Andrey Juskovich brought up the rear, a man in his mid-forties Juskovich never thought much of any system instituted by the combine and he trusted none but himself. He was not only an explosives expert, but a war-torn infantryman as well.
"Stay aware as you stride these forsaken streets, I would not want the pleasure of putting you out of the misery of a head crab infection," whispered Grigori to his comrades while keeping a steady watch on the road ahead. "We have three miles to go to the supply depot to meet up with the rest of the group, remain conscious, conserve ammo, and stay awake!"
Grigori's hearty voice reassured Alexei as he contemplated their situation. "Should we take the short route through zombie infested territory or shall we take up the old industrial route near the factory?"
"How do you think a former priest of the church would answer that question Alexei? I say we put the pour souls out of their misery. What say you Andrey?"
It was several minutes before Andrey, lost in though, returned Grigori's question. "The less zombies now the less in the future, I am with the Holy Father in this one, though an issue might arise - my ammo appears low."
Suddenly, Grigori's eyes opened wide as he cried, "They have found us!" In the miniscule second that Alexei had taken to look up several shots rang out from Annabelle, Grigori's shotgun, and Andrey's pistol. By the time he had fingered around his holster and grabbed his Walther P38 a large, hulking mass was on top of him. He rammed the butt of his pistol into the creatures body but it did not budge and began to scratch away at his armor. Another clear shot rang out and Annabelle had taken another victim, clearing Alexei's situation.
"Thank you for that one Father!"
"Did I not say to remain aware!?
A spurt of blood appeared on the ground as Andrey jammed his favorite tool, his obsidian knife, into the back of a zombie that had made a leap towards Grigori. "I see you are paying much attention. Never turn your back towards the area most prone to enemy attack, right Father?" Andrey said laughing. Father Grigori's answer was cut short by a loud, sickening crunch that came from the far end of the road, away from the group.
The first remark came from Grigori, "what the bloody hell was that?" Alexei responded quickly, hurrying his voice as if it were to spare him, "I have a feeling we will find out in a short period of time." Andrey commented simply, "Let us not find out," before grabbing both his friends and pulling them into the open corridor of a nearby house. With their collision onto the floor a loud bang rang out, a bright flash, much dust and dirt in the air and then... silence.
* * *
It took several minutes for the rubbish to settle and all the noises to die down, when all the turmoil was over Andrey stirred first. "Well that was close, very lucky I saw that missile coming... we better get moving fast, I think that might have been a headcrab shell." The only answer that was returned to this statement was a loud groan by Grigori followed by a short instruction, "Andrey, my leg, Andrey move whatever is on my leg..."
No quiver, no sound came from the pile of wood under which Alexei was lying. After making short work of the portion of collapsed door framework that ended up on Grigori's leg, Andrey began to dig through the rubbish lying on top of his companion.
"Alexei! Alexei! Grigori help me! Alexei!"
Looking solemn Father Grigori simply said, "If he is gone, then he is gone, there is nothing we can do, the lord has taken him and forsaken these lands. Pass me the vodka from my bag, I need to quell the pain." Andrey moved towards his backpack which he had cast off as soon as he had become aware of his surroundings, he quickly grabbed the hip flask and lobbed it in the general direction of Father Grigori not caring if it hit the old man square in the face.
All the world was a blur as Andrey began digging in the heap of debris on the side of the hallway, Father Grigori's grunt of thanks became inaudible as his hands pushed aside large chunks of wall. After several minutes of digging, his hands touched something that was not brick, not wood, it was Alexei, with several more quick, but placed movements his comrade?s head was freed. Nervously Andrey placed two fingers on Alexei's neck and he almost exploded with excitement as he realized his friend was not dead, not yet.
"Alexei is still alive, he has a pulse! He needs treatment fast, where's the next center where we can treat him?" Father Grigori spoke carefully in such a tone that would keep Andrey calm, "The nearest medic is at the depot where we planned on heading to, Viktor Ilyich is one of the best of his class but we will need to provide immediate care for Alexei here too."
After several minutes of digging, shifting, and rummaging Alexei's torso came to view and with several minutes more his legs were exposed. Grigori and Andrey shifted his body onto his back and lifted it into an area clear of debris and dust where Andrey immediately tore off a portion of his sleeve and bound it around Alexei's injured wrist to stem the bleeding. The first thing Grigori had said in several minutes came out much louder than Andrey expected the injured old man to be able to say, "We need to construct a make-shift stretcher, actually, you construct it, I will stay alert and guard the hallway. Do not worry Andrey, Alexei will make it out alive."
No sooner had Grigori finished addressing him did Andrey make a dash for another large pile of ruins near a flight of stairs, he grabbed a few large wooden frames, the kind that hold up doors, and some smaller shattered pieces of wood. After an absence of only three minutes, Andrey had hauled all the detritus back to where Grigori was sitting. In a swift decision Andrey tore several large pieces of cloth from the remains of his sleeves, ?What are you doing?? the deep growl from Grigori surprised Andrey so much that he rammed his head into the brick ledge above him. ?Well, do you see any rope anywhere? Or do you have any better ideas?? Grigori remained silent once again watching his companion as he bound together various pieces of wood.
?Have you heard about this Gordon Freeman??
?Who?? Andrey gasped as he pulled tight another frame. ?Gordon Freeman, the scientist from Black Mesa that had a hand in this disaster, him and Dr. Vance appear to be best friends.?
?Ah yes, I have heard Vance speaking of him on certain days, I thought he died in the Black Mesa explosion??
?It appears he did not, Barney told me that he had arrived suddenly and that he had sent him to Kleiner?s lab.?
The shock was just barely visible on Andrey?s face, ?Freeman, alive?? The returning nod was one of disbelief, ?It appears so. Let us hope he will lead on the rebel forces as foretold.?
Andrey had just finished constructing what apparently was supposed to work as a stretcher but resembled a large overturned crate. The healthy rebel and the old priest slowly raised Alexei onto this construction, as each grabbed one edge of the stretcher a shallow howl was heard in the distance.
?I swear to god, we get another case of them on us and we?ve got some problems. I just hope that missile that began this mess was not filled with headcrabs, if it was, then we have some other dilemmas, two by two feet problems to be exact.? Grigori laughed at this somewhat joking statement as he layed Annabelle on top of the stretcher next to their injured friend?s head. ?Just in case, I don?t believe we will get out of this one cleanly.?
?Where are those Vortigaunts when you need them, I swear, why did we not go with Kleiner?s suggestion to take five men?? Andrey?s questioning look surprised Grigori to the point that a grin spread on his face as he answered, ?Alyx and the Vortigaunt were assigned to a different job before we were able to claim them, otherwise, trust me, two more souls would have made this journey easier to the point of a training exercise. Now, move ahead and stay aware!?
The little troop began its long arduous journey and as they rounded their third corner Andrey declared a question that Grigori himself had been wondering for several minutes, ?Where the hell are the overwatch? I haven?t seen any combine policemen as of now.?
?That my son, is a question I myself have been contemplating, I have neither seen nor heard anything that sounded remotely like a combine rifle.? Once again, the two rebels and their injured friend began moving forward. As they rounded yet another bend of this seemingly endless journey Grigori?s puffing noise halted, he had stopped moving forward.
?Andrey? pull the stretcher backwards a few yards and do it quickly.?
?Why?? Andrey?s question barely left his mouth as Grigori shouted ?Duck!? and knocked Andrey to the side. A loud blast echoed through the seemingly deserted street as a large portion of solid brick wall behind the three men exploded in a shower of brick.
As Andrey dragged Alexei behind an old dumpster Father Grigori got into position to the rear of a large collection of trash. Grigori leaned up over the trash and pulled out Annabelle which he had grabbed from the stretcher seconds before, he took two quick shots that shattered several windows down the street.
?What the hell is going on Father?? The thought occurred to Andrey in conjunction with the statement issued by Grigori. ?Sniper.? Within moments another sniper bullet tore through the pile behind which Grigori was standing and missed his head by inches. Coming to a conclusion Andrey grabbed the weapon nearest to him, Alexei?s RPG-7 leaned around then corner and pulled the trigger. The force of the explosion knocked him clearly of his feet and into the ground below, he did not witness the track the rocket was forced to take and he did not see the impact, but the noise was unmistakable. As he finally looked up and ahead into the distance all he could see was a blur of earth, bricks, and glass flying in all directions. He had lost all focus until Grigori?s voice called him back into the world, ?Nice shot, that should have done it.?
Ugh, some of the quotation marks became question marks... I hate deformatting.
Actually, it's likely the forum. It does that. It's a little broken.

Anyway, nice story.
Thanks! Any part you liked specifically? I am writing more as I speak :)
Can you try spacing your paragraphs out? It's a bit hard to read at the moment.
The forum deformats it, it's all spaced out and formatted in word.
Chapter 1
The sun had barely dropped below the horizon for five minutes when two clear shots rang out. Father Grigori barely had time to reload; two more zombies were within grasping distance as he pulled the trigger for a third and fourth time.
"Where do they keep coming from?" he said in his clear Russian accent to the man standing closest to him.
"Must have been another shelling, I heard the Overwatch is dropping more Headcrab shells in our area."
This new man presented himself in an odd manner; there was something about his broad shoulders that had him resemble a large bull. His long, muscled arms were grasping a rocket launcher. He seemed to have weathered through many years of torture and Combine psychological warfare.
"Damn things always hunt in packs, stick close and keep armed."
The group resembled a large pride of lions as the three people quickly sprinted down the alley tightly grasping their weapons. Foremost was Father Grigori, in his late fifties, this former member of the Orthodox Church was used to serving a higher authority though by now he had acquired an air of violence and old vodka. Behind him strode Alexei Antonov, Father Grigori's former Altar Boy, clutching the only item he held dear, his 40 year old RPG-7 given to him by his father who had fallen to the Combine years before. Andrey Juskovich brought up the rear, a man in his mid-forties Juskovich never thought much of any system instituted by the combine and he trusted none but himself. He was not only an explosives expert, but a war-torn infantryman as well.
"Stay aware as you stride these forsaken streets, I would not want the pleasure of putting you out of the misery of a head crab infection," whispered Grigori to his comrades while keeping a steady watch on the road ahead. "We have three miles to go to the supply depot to meet up with the rest of the group, remain conscious, conserve ammo, and stay awake!"
Grigori's hearty voice reassured Alexei as he contemplated their situation. "Should we take the short route through zombie infested territory or shall we take up the old industrial route near the factory?"
"How do you think a former priest of the church would answer that question Alexei? I say we put the pour souls out of their misery. What say you Andrey?"
It was several minutes before Andrey, lost in though, returned Grigori's question. "The less zombies now the less in the future, I am with the Holy Father in this one, though an issue might arise - my ammo appears low."
Suddenly, Grigori's eyes opened wide as he cried, "They have found us!" In the miniscule second that Alexei had taken to look up several shots rang out from Annabelle, Grigori's shotgun, and Andrey's pistol. By the time he had fingered around his holster and grabbed his Walther P38 a large, hulking mass was on top of him. He rammed the butt of his pistol into the creature’s body but it did not budge and began to scratch away at his armor. Another clear shot rang out and Annabelle had taken another victim, clearing Alexei's situation.
"Thank you for that one Father!"
"Did I not say to remain aware!?
A spurt of blood appeared on the ground as Andrey jammed his favorite tool, his obsidian knife, into the back of a zombie that had made a leap towards Grigori. "I see you are paying much attention. Never turn your back towards the area most prone to enemy attack, right Father?" Andrey said laughing. Father Grigori's answer was cut short by a loud, sickening crunch that came from the far end of the road, away from the group.
The first remark came from Grigori, "what the bloody hell was that?" Alexei responded quickly, hurrying his voice as if it were to spare him, "I have a feeling we will find out in a short period of time." Andrey commented simply, "Let us not find out," before grabbing both his friends and pulling them into the open corridor of a nearby house. With their collision onto the floor a loud bang rang out, a bright flash, much dust and dirt in the air and then... silence.
* * *
It took several minutes for the rubbish to settle and all the noises to die down, when all the turmoil was over Andrey stirred first. "Well that was close, very lucky I saw that missile coming... we better get moving fast, I think that might have been a Headcrab shell." The only answer that was returned to this statement was a loud groan by Grigori followed by a short instruction, "Andrey, my leg, Andrey move whatever is on my leg..."
No quiver, no sound came from the pile of wood under which Alexei was lying. After making short work of the portion of collapsed door framework that ended up on Grigori's leg, Andrey began to dig through the rubbish lying on top of his companion.
"Alexei! Alexei! Grigori help me! Alexei!"
Looking solemn Father Grigori simply said, "If he is gone, then he is gone, there is nothing we can do, the lord has taken him and forsaken these lands. Pass me the vodka from my bag; I need to quell the pain." Andrey moved towards his backpack which he had cast off as soon as he had become aware of his surroundings, he quickly grabbed the hip flask and lobbed it in the general direction of Father Grigori not caring if it hit the old man square in the face.
All the world was a blur as Andrey began digging in the heap of debris on the side of the hallway, Father Grigori's grunt of thanks became inaudible as his hands pushed aside large chunks of wall. After several minutes of digging, his hands touched something that was not brick, not wood, it was Alexei, and with several more quick, but placed movements his comrade’s head was freed. Nervously Andrey placed two fingers on Alexei's neck and he almost exploded with excitement as he realized his friend was not dead, not yet.
"Alexei is still alive, he has a pulse! He needs treatment fast, where's the next center where we can treat him?" Father Grigori spoke carefully in such a tone that would keep Andrey calm, "The nearest medic is at the depot where we planned on heading to, Viktor Ilyich is one of the best of his class but we will need to provide immediate care for Alexei here too."
After several minutes of digging, shifting, and rummaging Alexei's torso came to view and with several minutes more his legs were exposed. Grigori and Andrey shifted his body onto his back and lifted it into an area clear of debris and dust where Andrey immediately tore off a portion of his sleeve and bound it around Alexei's injured wrist to stem the bleeding. The first thing Grigori had said in several minutes came out much louder than Andrey expected the injured old man to be able to say, "We need to construct a make-shift stretcher, actually, you construct it, I will stay alert and guard the hallway. Do not worry Andrey; Alexei will make it out alive."
No sooner had Grigori finished addressing him did Andrey make a dash for another large pile of ruins near a flight of stairs, he grabbed a few large wooden frames, the kind that hold up doors, and some smaller shattered pieces of wood. After an absence of only three minutes, Andrey had hauled all the detritus back to where Grigori was sitting. In a swift decision Andrey tore several large pieces of cloth from the remains of his sleeves, “What are you doing?” the deep growl from Grigori surprised Andrey so much that he rammed his head into the brick ledge above him. “Well, do you see any rope anywhere? Or do you have any better ideas?” Grigori remained silent once again watching his companion as he bound together various pieces of wood.
“Have you heard about this Gordon Freeman?”
“Who?” Andrey gasped as he pulled tight another frame. “Gordon Freeman, the scientist from Black Mesa that had a hand in this disaster, him and Dr. Vance appear to be best friends.”
“Ah yes, I have heard Vance speaking of him on certain days, I thought he died in the Black Mesa explosion?”
“It appears he did not, Barney told me that he had arrived suddenly and that he had sent him to Kleiner’s lab.”
The shock was just barely visible on Andrey’s face, “Freeman, alive?” The returning nod was one of disbelief, “It appears so. Let us hope he will lead on the rebel forces as foretold.”
Andrey had just finished constructing what apparently was supposed to work as a stretcher but resembled a large overturned crate. The healthy rebel and the old priest slowly raised Alexei onto this construction, as each grabbed one edge of the stretcher a shallow howl was heard in the distance.
“I swear to god, we get another case of them on us and we’ve got some problems. I just hope that missile that began this mess was not filled with Headcrabs, if it was then we have some other dilemmas, two by two feet problems to be exact.” Grigori laughed at this somewhat joking statement as he laid Annabelle on top of the stretcher next to their injured friend’s head. “Just in case, I don’t believe we will get out of this one cleanly.”
“Where are those Vortigaunts when you need them, I swear, why did we not go with Kleiner’s suggestion to take five men?” Andrey’s questioning look surprised Grigori to the point that a grin spread on his face as he answered, “Alyx and the Vortigaunt were assigned to a different job before we were able to claim them, otherwise, trust me, two more souls would have made this journey easier to the point of a training exercise. Now, move ahead and stay aware!”
The little troop began its long arduous journey and as they rounded their third corner Andrey declared a question that Grigori himself had been wondering for several minutes, “Where the hell are the Overwatch? I haven’t seen any combine policemen as of now.”
“That my son is a question I myself have been contemplating, I have neither seen nor heard anything that sounded remotely like a combine rifle.” Once again, the two rebels and their injured friend began moving forward. As they rounded yet another bend of this seemingly endless journey Grigori’s puffing noise halted, he had stopped moving forward.
“Andrey… pull the stretcher backwards a few yards and do it quickly.”
“Why?” Andrey’s question barely left his mouth as Grigori shouted “Duck!” and knocked Andrey to the side. A loud blast echoed through the seemingly deserted street as a large portion of solid brick wall behind the three men exploded in a shower of brick.
As Andrey dragged Alexei behind an old dumpster Father Grigori got into position to the rear of a large collection of trash. Grigori leaned up over the trash and pulled out Annabelle which he had grabbed from the stretcher seconds before, he took two quick shots that shattered several windows down the street.
“What the hell is going on Father?” The thought occurred to Andrey in conjunction with the statement issued by Grigori. “Sniper.” Within moments another sniper bullet tore through the pile behind which Grigori was standing and missed his head by inches. Coming to a conclusion Andrey grabbed the weapon nearest to him, Alexei’s RPG-7 leaned around then corner and pulled the trigger. The force of the explosion knocked him clearly of his feet and into the ground below, he did not witness the track the rocket was forced to take and he did not see the impact, but the noise was unmistakable. As he finally looked up and ahead into the distance all he could see was a blur of earth, bricks, and glass flying in all directions. He had lost all focus until Grigori’s voice called him back into the world, “Nice shot, that should have done it.”
Within moments Andrey returned to his normal state and the shock of the attack had worn off. Without issuing a sound he returned to his duty of lugging the stretcher bearing Alexei, signaling to Grigori to take the other end of the caravan to begin to move forward once again. The trek was quite laborious and after nearly forty-five minutes of carrying Alexei, both men decided it was time to take a rest, the toll of the situation was visible on Andrey’s lined face. Grigori simply began sipping away at his hip flask, the only thing to keep a man of god company in old age.
“It cannot be far from here, at least there will be time for reflection at the depot, let us hope we can reach it safely and quietly,” this sentence rang in Andrey’s head like the bells of Notre Dame. He had almost made it; finally he would be able to take a break. It took several minutes for the realization to come to him but as it did a grin spread across his face and he was filled anew with purpose and valor. As he jumped to his feet Grigori looked up with a polite smile on his face.
“I see the spirit of a rebel has enlightened you, may the lord and a hatred of Dr. Breen drive you to your goal. Onward I say! Stay Aware and more importantly stay awake,” for as soon as Grigori had issued these words Andrey’s eyes appeared to droop and the spirit that he had just acquired seemed to leave him.
“Sorry, it is just that my body is telling me to shut down while my spirit is telling to plow on, I understand we need to rescue Alexei and it needs to happen thus!”
“If you truly want to save him then stop shouting like a bazaar peddler, get moving you lazy lump!”
With an uncanny speed the group began their trot once again, but the path would not be laid out before them. While seeing the depot only several hundred yards away they began stuck with only a building upon the right side providing an alternative exit to the one they had just come from. As they stood there deciding what to do two Scanners issued forth from one of the windows of the old building, they began to lower themselves to the level of the rebels but before one of them was able to activate its electronic camera a clear burst issued from Annabelle and both Scanner dropped to the ground, quiet and frozen. Andrey thought nothing of this occurrence but Grigori grew still.
“Scanners generally act as a signal of a Combine patrol in the area, the Overwatch can never be predicted and we do not want to run in to a group of them right now, not with low ammo and an injured soldier.”
Quietly they ascended the only path they had before them, the rickety stairs in the old building upon the side of the alley. As they slowly rose the ancient and dilapidated steps a chill swept through the house injecting much more fear into the mind of Andrey than he had room for.
“I don’t like this place, something about it seems to scare the living daylights out of me. Let’s just hope this is the last step in the path to the depot, there is nothing that I would not rather have than this place.”
“Trust me Andrey, this is a hell of a lot better than having a strider chase you down a road with no ending. If we do everything correctly and remain silent we should be fine, let’s hope Dr. Vance has the instruction for us that he requested from Barney and the other fighters. If only you would have been around me when I was Priest at my former Church in Ravenholm, you would be too frightened to even set foot in the town now, it’s beyond human control…”
The house, quite gigantic in its very own proportions, stood near the end of a crowded row of dilapidated town houses that seemed to give off a sense of foreboding. Every step, every whisper echoed through the remains of the house as the group, under quite difficult circumstances, rose up the steps slowly. As they rounded the last bend in the stairwell and opened the door to the roof they saw what they had been prepared for and in an instant Grigori knew their journey had been tracked all along, two Combine Synths were flying directly towards the house. The house shook as another missile tore through the street below, Andrey was knocked clean off of his feet while Grigori merely shook.
“Quick! Grigori, there are planks over there leading along the wall and down into the alley, we need to go quickly,” Andrey spluttered as he began to clamber upwards. Grigori simply nodded while the buzzing of the Synths grew louder and louder. Something gleamed on the side of the Synth as Andrey look toward its dazzling bright side and in an instant he realized it was a sniper.
“Sniper! Run!” was all that issued forth from the thought he had formulated and as the sniper’s first bullet dug into the door behind him he and Grigori began to dash, at least as fast as was possible with Alexei on the stretcher. Several more bullets were riddling the roof as they reached the boards and jumped onto the high wall behind them. Looking back, Andrey kicked the boards to the side and heard the crash as they fell into the driveway several stories below. More quick fire and more masonry exploding surrounded them as they balanced along the wide brick wall that led into the distance and disappeared around a bend some one hundred feet from their current location. Before they had reached this very bend Andrey took one more quick look over his shoulder to see various Combine soldiers try to cross the gap he had created with his quick thought, several more bullets peppered the wall behind him and then he was safe for the moment.
The wall ended with a short drop to a lower level into a broad garage like structure at the midpoint of a five or six story tall office complex. Grigori and Andrey slowly stepped inside the shattered windows of this open hall while taking care to balance Alexei lest he drop forty feet into the knoll below.
“We need to be quick, the Combine will be here any minute, I do not believe it is far to the depot but let us hope we can get there,” Grigori said in a hasty, decisive tone, “oh and I forgot to tell you, there are several more hundred feet of open grass land left to us.”
“You tell me this now?” Andrey shouted over the roar of what unmistakably was one of the Synths. As gunfire was heard Grigori grabbed Annabelle and kicked open the door that apparently led out into the hallway. The all clear was given by a curt nod and they began moving once again.
It seemed an eternity until they had reached the bottom but when they did Andrey wished they had not. As soon as Grigori rounded the corner a loud shot rang out and blood appeared on the wall behind Grigori, the red liquid began staining his sleeve.
With a simple cry of “Grigori!” Andrey ran forward and with two well placed shots took down two Overwatch soldiers that had ran into the door.
With a horrible rattling noise that after several seconds Andrey recognized to be his friend’s voice, Grigori exclaimed, “I am good for one more sprint, we need to get Alexei to safety, let’s go! No need to stay aware now, they have found us and we have found them.”
As they moved out of the door and onto the street it appeared that they had left their pursuers behind only until they stepped onto the field that lay before them. As soon as they did so troops began appearing at several windows and in the road to their right. They barely had time to decide what to do until Grigori took charge and began lugging Alexei toward a large brick rail depot in the distance. Andrey took a glance behind them and saw numerous soldiers in the hunt. As he dearly hoped for help he began noticing a small dot, or was it a group of dots, in the distance. After a few more seconds of contemplation he decided there was definitely something moving towards them from the depot, could it be?
He looked toward the bulky building on his right just in time to feel a bullet bury itself in his leg, it was pain before any he had felt before.
“I’m hit.” The words were barely audible to himself but he knew that Grigori understood because he seemed to take a stronger hold onto Alexei’s stretcher. One hand holding the stretcher Andrey reached for the Walther P-38 in his holster, aimed it over his head and fired several shots in quick succession. He knew he succeeded as a loud yelp was heard from what appeared to be only yards behind him. A loud thump was heard what seemed an eternity later. As he looked forward again he saw that the dots had morphed into men, three men were moving towards them carrying large rifles. With one more look to the rear he saw about ten Overwatch soldiers closing in from the side all appeared to hinge on the support.
With one final burst of sprint he reached the group that was sent to meet them. He looked at the foremost, a tall black man with a slightly arrogant face. Andrey pointed to his leg and as soon as he did one of the men from the group ran up to him, grabbed the stretcher and began carrying it with Grigori. Andrey quickly grabbed his pistol and helped the other two men in what appeared to be their quest, keep the Combine off of the back of his group. They fired a large number of bullets into the troop moving toward them but it did not appear to have the desired effect. As Andrey’s pistol clicked with the signal of an empty cartridge he did all he could think of, turn and run. With only fifty feet to go he noticed that Grigori and the other man had made it inside the depot and had disappeared around the corner with a shrill whistle by the black rebel running in his wake several more rebels appeared carrying various types of guns. All Andrey heard before he collapsed behind the wall leading into the depot was a loud explosion and a yell. Suddenly all swam and he fainted.
Chapter 2
A mosquito, or possible a fly landed on his face but as he reached for it it turned out to be something quite different. A hand of monstrous proportions was feeling his cheek and as he opened his eyes he noticed a shabby roof above what he proposed to be a small room. A rebel with a white armband stood next to him, a medic, and Grigori sat in a chair near the corner of the room. The first instinct was to reach down to his leg but as he rubbed over the general area where the bullet had impacted a pang went through his body.
“I advise you to not touch the medical dressing I applied to your wound, it was quite nasty and you lost much blood.” His voice was much softer than Andrey expected but he did not care at that point. He had only one question.
“How’s Alexei, Grigori, tell me Alexei is alive.”
“Alexei, much like you, is resting in a room much like this in the same building you lie in.”
With a sigh of relief and a smile toward Grigori Andrey collapsed again into a fit of sleep caused by pure exhaustion. The last word he heard before falling asleep was one of a talk between Grigori and two previously unheard voices, “Freeman”.
Andrey drifted in and out of sleep for some time later on and when he finally awoke and looked about all was dark. He guessed that it was sometime late at night or early in the morning. As he sat up and looked for an exit to his room he spotted a light that was shining through the crack in his door, he got up and slowly lumbered towards the door gingerly testing his leg. When he finally reached the aged, wooden door he gave it a slight shove and to his surprise it swung open quite rapidly. The light, he could now see, was coming from a lamp a little bit down the hallway that was hung next to a large oak door that also appeared to be slightly cracked open, hurried voices were coming from inside. Andrey strode down the passage and stared into the room. It was a large room adorned with many draperies and a large window. A heavy, wooden table stood in the center and several people were seated around it.
As he peered in he noticed that a stout, short man stared at the black rebel that he had met earlier, whenever that had been. The short man slowly recounted what seemed to be an event that had occurred sometime earlier, “And then he overpowered five of them, I truly believe we can rally behind him as he fights the Combine. Surely he knows something that we do not.” Grigori lifted his head.
“Not only do we need to help him pass safely through City 17, but we need him to allow himself time to do whatever he is trying to accomplish, we need to scatter and protect the pockets of resistance that have sprouted up all over the city.” His voice was strong as Andrey had known it before their flight to the depot previously.
The black rebel scowled at him, and looking Grigori straight in the eye began, “It will be quite a challenge to secure him safe passage, it appears that after Alyx found him yesterday, Dr. Kleiner sent him towards Vance’s hideout. I believe this could be a traumatic mistake, without any guards it’s like signing his death warrant.”
A young woman began to recount her part in the story, “Another mistake appears that they sent Freeman out in broad daylight, they should have at least taken care to send him in the deep of night under cover of darkness. I cannot believe Kleiner has just notified us about this, does anyone have any clear idea where Freeman is heading?”
All seated around the table shook their head and then another voice sounded, only this one was recognizable to Andrey. Alexei began to speak, “I agree with Father Grigori on this one, we need to send groups out to support the resistance pockets and if any of them were to nab Freeman they could help him whatever his goal maybe just as long as he does not do it on his own.”
With the conclusion of Alexei’s short input Andrey pushed open the door and twelve eyes were upon him immediately.
“Awake are we Andrey?” Grigori’s question came with a chuckle, he continued. “Come have a seat, we are discussing further plans, several new situations have arisen.”
The black rebel spoke first, “You fought valiantly out there, let me introduce myself. Colonel Vince Shelton.”
“Glad to meet you Colonel Shelton, Are we expecting anyone else,” Andrey nodded over towards the empty chair at the far end of the table.
“Ah,” Grigori began. “Yes, Colonel Odessa Cubbage has been mysteriously absent for the last couple hours.”
Across the room, Colonel Shelton felt a cold sweat breaking across his forehead. “If Cubbage has been killed, then we have lost one of our prime Generals. What was the last he told you Grigori?”
“I have not heard of dear Odessa for several days, word is that he was here up until several hours before we arrived.”
The woman in the far corner of the room was the first to respond, “The day before yesterday he told me that he had something arise near Highway 17 and that he would lead the rebel forces in the area for a while though he made it clear to contact him once something had been discussed about our current situation.”
“He left?” Colonel Shelton demanded, “Why in the world would he leave now?”
Calmly the woman replied, “Apparently it was an urgent matter, a troop of Overwatch from Nova Prospekt had found one of our nests and began a full scale assault on it. I believe it was for the better that he went. He also took several of us with him.”
“Tell me, Natalya, who did he take with him?” Grigori looked anxious to discover which soldiers had been dispatched.
“I believe Sobotczik and Henry Caster went with him immediately, I don’t know who else followed.”
The medic looked relieved, “Very well, it appears a good idea that Cubbage went to reinforce our side down there.”
“One a wholly different note how is Andrey’s leg?” Grigori said breaking a slight sweat. “Will he be alright Viktor?”
As he completed this statement a sudden realization came to Andrey, this was the famed Rebel Medic Viktor Ilyich that Father Grigori had told him about during their run for the depot.
“I truly believe that he will able to fully reuse his legs within the day, it was a graze and nothing more, though he did lose a lot of blood.”
Alexei spoke up before anyone else had the chance too, “Andrey, I truly thank you for sacrificing your own health to rescue me, it will be repaid I do hope.”
“This talk is all very well but we need to get to the important points,” Grigori’s voice was stern but slightly amused.
“Very well, we need to get to destination assignments, we cannot stay seated here while our comrades die fighting the Combine,” Colonel Shelton said as he reached for a glass of water perched precariously upon the table in front of him. “It does seem as Cubbage has at least a small portion of Highway 17 covered though we might need to send more of us down there in the case that the Combine break through.”
Grigori stared at Shelton for several moments and then turned to the group, “So we do plan on splitting up? I feared as much, we need to make Freeman our prime target, we do need to aid him in his goal whatever that may be.”
Andrey spoke up for the first time since he had entered the meeting, “If we do what is apparently the plan and we split up, what precisely will we be doing at our destinations?”
Shelton laughed but was not able to say anything before Grigori broke in, “You will be leading the rebellions in whatever region you are assigned too. It is quite as simple as that.”
With a slight glance towards Alexei Andrey continued, “Will we be able to stick with those who we trust most? Or will we be assigned to our location?”
“A little of both,” Shelton began. “You will be able to have a word in your assignment, don’t worry, it is one of the next things on our to-do list.”
* * *
Rain poured down heavily as a decrepit rebel trekked towards the depot. He barely had time to enter the large building when he was intercepted by two guards.
“Name, ID, and Purpose please,” the taller of the two guards said.
“Filat Androv, P-35274, I information onto the whereabouts of Gordon Freeman. I need to see Colonel Shelton immediately,” he said as the guard nodded.
“Follow me,” the other, shorter guard said with a wave of his gun. “They are over here.”
Androv and the guard strode down a great marble hallway and entered a dim corridor that led to a larger hallway.
“Second door on the left,” he said as he sidled back into the dim corridor.
A warmth appeared to surround Filat as he tramped towards the door and his knock was answer with a brief “Come in.” As Filat strode into the room all eyes were turned on him with Colonel Shelton speaking first.
“Filat, has something happened?”
“Freeman, he burst into the radio station at canal 31-A, took some ammo and disappeared out into daylight after only a few minutes. Myself and Ruslan barely had any time to ask where he was going, all we heard before he burst out of the door was “Black Mesa East”.
“Filat! What intellect to come and notify us about this so quickly. You truly are a reliable rebel,” he concluded with a bow to Androv. He turned to the others, “This is exceptionally good news, Freeman is alive and we now know his destination. We cannot waver in our dispatch decisions.” Shelton turned back to Filat, “Take a seat, you may partake in this discussion.”
The short, stout man Andrey had noticed when he first peered into the room spoke up for the first time since then, “I volunteer to head out and meet up with the expeditionary group spying on Nova Prospekt.”
Colonel Shelton merely nodded then quickly added, “You have a long journey, you should go on now as they need everyone out there. Once you reach the communications station there transmit back to this one.”
The man nodded, got up, bowed and left the room in a rush turning off towards the rooms down the hall.
The Colonel began again, “Natalya – “
“I, will follow up to where Cubbage, Sobotczik and the others went. I am sure they will be able to use any help they can get out there.”
“Very well, do your best and commit to your memory that you should notify us once you reach them.”
She bobbed her head a slight bit, took her bag and ran off into the hallway where she went the same direction as the short man had done several minutes ago.
“Filat, you should head straight into City 17 and begin raising the resistance around the Combine infested areas, I will meet you out there in several days. Head to Vassili’s group and tell him to begin taking apartments in favor of the rebels.”
Once again someone got up and dashed out of the meeting room and disappeared around the corner.
“For you Grigori, I have a request, though you might wish not to execute it. I will leave it for you to decide if it is what you wish to do. I need you to keep an eye on your former town; Ravenholm needs a shepherd while Freeman is heading towards the area. In the case that he arrives there, please do guide him; I put my faith in you.”
With a drooping head and a last smile towards Andrey he moved off towards the door.
“Farewell dear Andrey, we shall meet once again. Remember, stay aware and you will be fine. The lord will watch over you,” with the final word he edged around the door and disappeared.
“I address all that remain now, Ilyich, Antonov, and you Juskovich. I give you three the important task of tracking down Freeman in the City’s canal system and helping him reach Black Mesa East. As soon as you reach Vance’s lab I wish for you to communicate with me immediately upon the situation and a new assignment will be given to you. With this I must take my leave, news awaits me in the gallery above us. I wish you the best of luck. You may depart this afternoon,” with a quick glance at his watch he continued, “Leave at 2 PM, you have ten hours to prepare and rest yourselves. I will tell the guards to prepare the armory for you to select your weapons.”
With one final glance Colonel Shelton put on his cap and strode out into the hallway disappearing around the right corner.
Andrey turned away from the door and his gaze fell upon Alexei and Viktor, “It appears we are going to have to find Freeman and aid him in his quest.”
“We cannot go as a group of three,” Viktor snapped back sharply. “Let us take at least one more rebel.”
Andrey nodded and with a short wave of his hand decided that it was time to go. It all seemed so unreal to him at this point that he would just go with whatever the others decided to do.
“Let us meet in the Grand Hallway in forty-five minutes, we need to pack and I will grab Yuri Akinfeev,” Viktor said.
“But – I don’t even know where the Grand Hallway is, I just healed from my injuries enough to get out of bed several minutes ago,” Andrey retorted.
“I’ll show you, it’s not hard to find, only way out of this place,” Alexei’s voice trailed off at the conclusion of his sentence.
“Very well, remember forty-five minutes.” And with that Viktor left the conference room and began to make his way towards his room.
Andrey and Alexei left the room together making sure to close the door behind them. As they moved down the hallway and went into their respective rooms they each gave a brisk nod. Andrey turned towards his bed and realized that he had barely anything to pack. Just as he was about to leave the room for a second time he noticed a fresh pile of rebel uniforms on the chair beside his bed. He quickly stuck them in his backpack, slung it around his shoulders and departed the room without so much as a glance. After turning heading back down the hallway toward the conference room he entered a large door on the left that opened up into a great marble foyer. Upon the far wall was a heavy wooden door that read “Armory”. A guard stood in front.
“I was notified you would come down. Please hurry, Guns are on the right, everything else is on the left.”
Andrey nodded and slunk into the room. It was beyond anything he had ever seen, shelves and shelves of every weapon imaginable. Remembering the guard’s words he sprinted down the rows on the far right and searched for the guns he need. He loaded up on several pistols, a shotgun and a Combine rifle. He found the correct ammo in the rear of the row and packed several rounds of it into his backpack, he was sure he could find another, safer place for it later. Upon his way back to the door he took the other row and grabbed several types of grenades, armor, and knives.
As he closed the door he asked the guard, “Can you show me to the Grand Hallway?”
His raspy voice responded after a prolonged silence, “This is it, remain here until you are ready to depart.” He sat himself upon the floor and fell asleep.