MY strife (and future) recently.


Jun 20, 2004
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Things are not going good at all for me lately. This is a big thread but it's just something that I want my friends, even though I don't know you guys, to help me out on. My friends are just in college and I lost track of them years ago. It includes a visit to Valve potentially so read on. :dork: I started getting into welding as a freshman in high school and couldn't find a welding job. So I decided to go for an Associate Degree in Welding so I would get more experience and find a good job among other things.

I heard stories and looked in college, jobs around the west coast area. I heard that it's sort of a gold rush for everything out there. In MA or New England in general, it's in the shit. There is no hope here. There is just jobs for medical, liberals, and old/rich people going to die. As in everything is just terrible, the taxes, the cops giving tickets to soon-to-be-moms in labor, the roads, the jobs, etc.

Unfortunately when in college I met a man who was the boss of a company who was looking for welders. I was determined to get a job in the west coast, but I decided to get some skills and money in the mean time at this job (which my family and I profited from, for a time). I'm not going into specifics but I was hired when I graduated in May. Things were great until recently at the 6 month mark I still wasn't hired. I was ridiculed by friends and family for staying so long at a company who didn't pay at least $20 ($16.50 for a college grad, wtf), no benefits, and not even hired. To boot I wasn't even working normal hours. We were practically threatened to get fired if we did not come in at 6AM and leave at 6PM. Being the stubborn person I was called by some people who worked 18 hours a day, I came in at 6AM and left at 5PM. Then around 4 months I started to scale it back to 6AM to 4PM.

One day I was fed up with all this and went up to my boss that I met at college and asked him what's up? What's up with me working at a company for 6 months as a full time temporary welder (getting exploited for my talents)? He said that "Once the companies stock prices get better and once the economy gets better you will get hired. I already sent the info to corporate for you to get hired." I knew this was complete BS and put an end to the madness. I literally devoted my life to the place and did excellent work for 6AM-4PM and 6AM to 12PM on Sat and even sometimes Sun! I had to even give up a possible position here for a content writer because of the hours. My boss said numerous times that companies are laying off while we are hiring. I even met another college grad in my class looking for work at my company.

Well lo and behold, the day before Thanksgiving, my foreman says to me that I have to be laid off. It was really hard for him to say it as well. He said that almost everybody had to go as he was told by my boss. Almost everybody because they were all outsourced people from other companies or temps like me. The only people that stayed are the people who have been there since the dawn of time.

Now this is an extremely inconvenient place that I have been put under. I had plans for this Summer to scout out the west coast for living conditions, job conditions, etc. If I liked the west coast more than the east coast, then I would quit the company and move out there. Since my mom doesn't work and my dad is a teacher, my family as a whole could also have like a vacation out there. It was a perfect plan in a perfect world.

Unfortunately since I have been laid off that plan is now requiring me to act now or somehow finding a miracle and getting hired at a good welding job in the time being. I applied for unemployment pay but I have to prove that I sent out at least 3 resumes to get hired, every week. I feel like a complete bum and there is nothing to do aside from helping my mom do house chores. I just play L4D, watch Price is Right, and do stuff for survival. I would be in a much tighter spot if it wasn't for my parents. I get free rent, etc from my parents. For an example of how hard it is to find work around here, I actually went to some weird agency that was hiring people to sell knives last Summer. I was so desperate to find a job but I wasn't this insane. You would go around and tell people about these knives and setup a in-home meeting to show off these knives. Then the people would place orders and you would get commission. Ya, you are ****ing selling knives to people inside their own homes! Imagine finding some crack head in Lowell (the place can be made into a GTA game) and them murdering you with the knives and putting you in a trash bag after getting mutilated. I'm serious about all that.

Now if I do go to California or the west coast, it will be a considerably radical change for me. I have never lived on my own. It's not like a few mile difference neither, we are talking about moving from the east coast all the way opposite to the west coast! It's almost like an identity change. I have only gone to MI and that is as far as I have gotten in the USA. I would leave behind everything that I know and love and be completely on my own (well my parents would be there for me). Even more sad is leaving my 2 dogs. They are like brother and sister to me since I was 14 and leaving them would be pretty harsh.

Now about the whole Valve thing. We all know that Valve is located in WA and S. CA. Might as well check them out right? I dropped a hint on this rather early in a thread because this thread was supposed to be me planning my trip to Valve next Summer but now it's more complicated. This is more of a bonus than anything else really.

I mean what should I do Around these parts when it gets to be -5F from old man Cpt. Stern from the great north, there are no jobs available at all. Aiding that is a horrible economy recession that we are under. It's been a week so far and I'm just really depressed and it feels like I need a friend or somebody other than my parents saying everything is going to be all right. No it's not and this time something is gonna change or happen. I'm sick of being 21 and living with my parents and now with no job. I'm sick of living in the same location for my entire life and I want a change. The trouble is finding the opportunity for the change to happen and making it happen successfully.
Look man, the economy is shit right now. Half a million people were laid off in November alone.
He wants to be a welder and so he was like working this temp job at some company that treated him like shit and wouldn't hire him after like 6 months, then he finally got laid off after speaking up, and now like he does nothing all day, trying to find work though, living with his parents for free thankfully. And something about visiting Valve for some reason.
I actually went to some weird agency that was hiring people to sell knives last Summer. I was so desperate to find a job but I wasn't this insane. You would go around and tell people about these knives and setup a in-home meeting to show off these knives. Then the people would place orders and you would get commission. Ya, you are ****ing selling knives to people inside their own homes! Imagine finding some crack head in Lowell (the place can be made into a GTA game) and them murdering you with the knives and putting you in a trash bag after getting mutilated. I'm serious about all that.

It's an actual business, another part of selling knives is sharpening knives too, not the greatest money, and generally it's done without the help of a corporation (1 man business)
Someone give me the cliffnotes version

-got a job
-awesome job, but wtf boss sucks or some shit
-got laid off
-no monies
-no jobs
-wants to go to the Valve HQ or some shit
I want to be in the movie film talking picture shows some day. That's my job story.

@OP: I'm sorry man, hope you find a new job and can be happy.
I met a hot girl who was doing the door-to-door knife sales. The knives kinda sucked, but they did cut a rope. :rolleyes: She had just moved here from Vietnam.

If by the west coast you're talking about moving to California, and you plan to live on your own, presumably in an urban setting, you will need a helluva job and/or roommates: cheap rent is hard to find. I live in the sticks, and 'cheap' rent for a small house/apartment is, what, $1,000 per month? The housing 'bust' may be lowering those, but it's expensive nonetheless. Are you missing out on otherwise good job opportunities to try to stick with welding?