My weird dream

May 24, 2003
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Sorry for all the posts today but i forgot to post this when i got on. This probably seems like spam too. Its about a dream i had last night.

Valve was holding a mod expo in Germany for all the European mod makers. The thing is that there was only a few people there and not all of them are mod makers, they are just recognisably people off the forum.

I remember that for some reason it was being held in the Reichstag, but it was like the year was 1936 or something because there were swastikas and pictures of Hitler everywhere.

When we had all arrived, we decided not to tell each other our names and just tried to guess who each other were. First of all we looked to MrBadger, and it didn't take us long to guess who he was because he had a white stripe done the middle of his hair, and most of his sentences consisted of *snuffle snuffle*. Then we saw Stone who funnily enough was a rock with googly eyes. After they everyone was trying to guess who i was until i turned around to do something and everyone saw a little fish outline on the back of my T-Shirt that Christians have. Then we moved onto evil who for some reason was 2 foot high and had halo around his head. Then we saw spud who was a Mr Potato head ad it didn't take long to recognise him. That was everyone in the room and we wondered where nietzsche was, until he appeared out of a secret passage way. He was followed by two storm troopers (No not the ones from Nazi Germany but out of starwars) and he turned out to be Darth Vader.
After that we talked a while but then some guy who nobody knew started talking crap, at that point a big dark cloud appeared at the ceiling struck the guy down with lightning, leaving the words "Banned by Munro" burnt on the floor. I think some of the valve team came in or something but i cant remember.

It was a really vivid dream though and so weird as well. It felt so real, i could almost smell the burning.
wow, I wish my dreams, where like that.... just wait my next one will be...and personally i'd of imagined you to have a sparrow on your shoulder :p

hmm, well I geuss all the regular posters on here, were there now... :P

Not even a guy in black with a sniper rifle over his shoulder?

I feel rather left out.


Sorry, got bored and ended up doing this...

and sorry nietzsche, tried to do a darkvader, but too much black for a cartoony Vector of it ;(
And there was no guy with a silly name with numbers at the end?

I feel left out to;(

no really
I...I don't see ME anywhere in the dream...

/me cries
I think I'll re-attempt Darth Vader, then :P
Originally posted by guinny
I...I don't see ME anywhere in the dream...

*guinny cries

Don't you live in the US? It was a European expo, although I'm not sure if everyone there is European. Anyway i don't control my dreams much so its not like i 'chose' to leave you out.

That pic is pretty funny.
right, being still bored, I've done both Munro, and Nietzsche and made a quick desktop :P it's only 800x600 so no real use to anybody, but hey, it passed sometime....

Go Here For It!
You cant put me in the picture, because know one knows what i'm like :p, you could put me as a little crappy bunny rabbit in the corner because i'm shy as hell :laugh:
I'd either do one with the expression of your Avatar (as I've done with Farrowlesparrow or make you into the person, I know who everyone calls Simmo ... !?!
YES i love that picture of me, im glad i was in your dream!
That background is killer BTW, nice job on it!
I think uve been using the forums to much Farrowlesparrow + that pic is cool
Originally posted by Fat Tony!
I think uve been using the forums to much Farrowlesparrow + that pic is cool

You could be right. But lately ive been having a lot of weird/random dreams.
Originally posted by nietzsche
Then draw a leatherwhip-holding, blonde Hero with an alabastrine body, who sings a Wagner opera, while standing inside a chariot, which is dragged forward by a bunch of kneeling, naked, leathermask-wearing slaves. :devil:
yes, and then the slaves are released due to laws, and your chariot is outraced by a lawnmower, and people throw stuff at you for singin opera... and i think that about sums it up. heheh.
hmmm, well If I dream about this event tonight (usually end up doing it when i'm in someone elses dream...and it strangly usually exactly the same :x ), ...I'll see if I can tell you who the annoying person is.... lots of names pop into head, but not going to mention any...

and there better be a european mod expo...or i'll cry... I mean be rather annoyed... :P
Originally posted by nietzsche
I see. The thought of this gets your demon within really excited sweetheart, doesn't it?
Indeed it does my friend, indeed it does. but uh...sweetheart!?
Any lawnmowers in your expo dream?

I love weird dreams, but i hate ones where you get an £800 cheque as an equivalent prize because you cant go on the holiday you won in a competition. I was os pissed off when i woke up :(
I have weird dreams that seem as if i'm awake, and everything happens as if i'm awake... for instance:

Wake up,
get shower,
Get dressed etc....

then go-to college, everything happens as normal...untill...

Stupid things start happening, like people morph before face, or someone has someone elses voice, or wall disapear etc...

and I end up thinking, I'm asleep aren't I, why the hell am i asleep...

then I wake up and have to go to college it's like a double day in college, which is hard... ;(

oh well, I geuss i'll get other it, my doctor looked at me in the weirdest way when I told him about this... and he's meant to help me ;(
Originally posted by Stone
Stupid things start happening, like people morph before face, or someone has someone elses voice, or wall disapear etc...
Doesnt this always happen? Happens to me...
well, no-one else i know, has realistic dreams where they think they're awake..

well except one person, but they got put into special care, because she was never sure if she was awake or not, and got very paranoid...
What the morphing of peoples faces or your face?

I hate dreaming out days sometimes. Like i dream Thursday and think its Friday and get all excited about the weekend, but then end up having a shock when i find out Ive got another day, plus i have all the wrong work with me. Not only that but my Fascist History teacher doesn't believe me.

EDIT: You arent the only one, trust me.
no the fact that they are realistic and that I can't tell the diference between them being a dream or them being real...

Face morphing is just something that's happened once before, I'm not going to list all of the things that have happen cos some of them are really sick and twisted (e.g. me looking away from people for a second, and them all turning into skeletons, still moving and acting as if they had their skin still...that was really freaky and scared me to no end, espc seings as it was the first one that i'd had... :x )
/me runs out to buy one...

dman, the shops closed...

what are they about, i'm into wierd books ... and by the sound of it they are :D
Originally posted by Stone
(e.g. me looking away from people for a second, and them all turning into skeletons, still moving and acting as if they had their skin still...that was really freaky and scared me to no end, espc seings as it was the first one that i'd had... :x )
Nice, i wish i had dreams like that, those kinds are always fun. I had this one dream where this cyclops thing was playin basketball(hahah) and i was behind a rock watchin him, then he came over and started to kill me or somethin. Oh man, dont let me start about my dreams.
Ah ive decided to post some dreams, cause there cool, an im bored, everyone post your wierd dreams! do it! do it now!
i had a dream that we and some others were grouped around a computer monitor and we were installing a hl leaked demo.
Yeah, this one dream i had goes like this: (long time ago tho)
i was walkin along a riverbank and the river had all these toy cars in it, an they were movin against the flow of water. kind of like a mini toy city. when i got to the end of the river i saw this little toy buildin thing, when i touched it the dream went to some different place, i think it was my school, only it didnt look like it. it was pretty deserted, but when i went in this one room all these people were trainin on some sort of simulated battlefield thing, and there was a cliff they had to climb. I tried it out, but it wasnt very fun so my dream went to the top of this fortress or somethin. There was people flyin around on line things, like that one thing that you hold on to and you go across a wire. And the people were storming the fortress wit paintball guns. after that some train was going thru the fortress so i was about to jump on it, just when i jumped tho my view(in the dream) changed to outside the toy buildin where it all began, and i could hear my sister sayin hes not goin to make it. Then i woke up and my sister was there. it was a sweet dream.
ummm right well anyways......
does anyone have dreams that seem so real that u can't tell if they just dreams or actually real? I had a couple of dreams where my brother or mom would tell me something that i was sure was real but when i would talk to them about it later on they would wonder wtf i was talking about.
I had a dream where my house caught on fire and everyone but me died, i thought it was real. but then i woke up, i can tell ya, i was quite confused.
lol well i had a dream that i went over to you house house and lit your house on fire. maybe it was the same time u had that dream lol.
For years now I keep having the same dream, I walk into a biulding, the halls are circular, The ground/ceiling is bright white, I always go right for some reason, then there is a little desk/shelf thing, There is a shelf about 4ft wide and 3 ft tall, i always sit in it, then i am outside. There is a steep rounded hill that leads to the ocean, and my childhood friends are there, i dont get it.
Originally posted by SpuD
For years now I keep having the same dream, I walk into a biulding, the halls are circular, The ground/ceiling is bright white, I always go right for some reason, then there is a little desk/shelf thing, There is a shelf about 4ft wide and 3 ft tall, i always sit in it, then i am outside. There is a steep rounded hill that leads to the ocean, and my childhood friends are there, i dont get it.
Its a message from god, he is tellin you to drown your friends in the ocean.
Ive never had the same dream twice, i want to have that happen, i think it would be cool.
Originally posted by SpuD
For years now I keep having the same dream, I walk into a biulding, the halls are circular, The ground/ceiling is bright white, I always go right for some reason, then there is a little desk/shelf thing, There is a shelf about 4ft wide and 3 ft tall, i always sit in it, then i am outside. There is a steep rounded hill that leads to the ocean, and my childhood friends are there, i dont get it.

right, I've got to go in a minute, but when I get back, i'll post a diffinition of each of the factors involved in the dream for you... although someone will prob beat me to it, as i'm not back till 4 unless i drop into the internet cafe....

and kanarico read my posts so far, you fool :P
I had the weirdest dream ever when i was like erm i was 8 i think. I was in my local wood which i used to walk in at that age in that wood there was a little i mean tiny chasm maybe 7 meters down with steep sides to easily get in also to make things strange i could hear a witch u know cackle etc... and i knew it was there, and suddenly i flew into it the chasm and for some reason the steep sides extended to make a valley i bounced on the side and one word went into my head when i did "duvet" i knew it was something to do with a duvet. I bounced back up to the top and a dog for some reason talked to me and told me to beware of the witch and i think it was a red dog maybe. there were loads more dogs there i only just noticed for some reason and i realised that it was the red dog's home at that time i woke up. More strange dreams to come....

I also had a dream when I was in my neighbours' house and i picked up a shotgun which looked worringly like the half life shotgun and killed all my family and then got depressed. Half life never again!! (until hl2 :bounce: )
Originally posted by Fat Tony!
I also had a dream when I was in my neighbours' house and i picked up a shotgun which looked worringly like the half life shotgun and killed all my family and then got depressed. Half life never again!! (until hl2 :bounce: )

OMG :eek: lol
Anyone ever have dreams that carry on. Like you dream one night and then the next night it picks up where you left off?
well, got back from pub couple of hours ago, but finally think i'm sober enough to make this post understandable, at least a bit anywho :P


For years now I keep having the same dream, I walk into a biulding, the halls are circular, The ground/ceiling is bright white, I always go right for some reason, then there is a little desk/shelf thing, There is a shelf about 4ft wide and 3 ft tall, i always sit in it, then i am outside. There is a steep rounded hill that leads to the ocean, and my childhood friends are there, i dont get it.

I believe that this is a superiority complex sort of thing...Let me explain...

the Halls and building with bright white, seems to fit into a stereotypical description of the office of GOD, although i'm not sure about the shelf/desk thing, as if this is a desk it could represent the desk of god, IE talking control... and if a shelf could mean that you feel that your life is a waste and something that only got put on the shelf (IE unfinished or crap)...

The hill looking onto a beach seems to also reinforce this idea, as you are on a hill, a high point, and your friends are on a beach the lowest point before going below the sea (well almost), this again could represent that you are high up and that your friends are no-bodies... or maybe you feel out of place among them, just won't admit it too your self...

hmmmmm, hope this helps, will post the Freudion, interpretation of the dream later, when i get enough soberness to look it up in my psych books :P.......:cheers: