Heres the wireframe. And just for your info the over all poly count was about 2250 i know more detail could be added but im not sure if im going to add a bayonet or not. i also can use bump mapping on the parts i didnt raise. Im also thinking about rounding the grip and stock some more Please leave creative feed back thxs.
dont add coloured materials to weapons like that looks tacky, far too blocky, needs more polys in the right places, keep looking at ref pics from differant angles
It looks as if you've wasted a lot of polygons on regions with little detail. I would trying using other modelling techniques in the future, such as box modelling or polygon modelling. They're way more efficient for creating low polygon models. Visit 3D total (free stuff -> tutorials) for some good tutorials on how to model low poly guns and characters.
One more tip: Stay away from Booleans when creating a low poly model.
OK, yes its looking better.
One thing I seen that I think you'll want to remove is the small ridge thats sticking out on the left side of the receiver just above the pistolgrip. It looks like you might have been trying to make a selector lever or something. There are no moving controls on the left side. The selector switch is also the safety lever as well as sort of a dustcover, and you already modeled it.
Anyhow, its looking better than before, just keep it up.
boleans can be used in low poly modeling. I use them on everything. but you have to learn how fix the extra poly's that the boolean creats. Target Welding and remove edge/vertices are my greatest ally. On a note to all modelers about booleans DO THEM LAST. The boolean WILL screw up your mesh and make it a total pain in the ass to work with so it's best to leave to the last possible minute. the trick is learning wat the last possible moment is