new hl2 preload?


Jul 23, 2003
Reaction score
my hl2 just started preloading again oO what the ****?
is it just me or does your steam preload too?
Yes, it's the second preload phase. Read the news on the front page.
Check teh front paaagee...

Or do you mean a third time?
I ALREADY downloaded the second one! i asked if they added somthing... i would not ask if i did not finish the second phase....

yes ... a third time!
pixartist said:
I ALREADY downloaded the second one! i asked if they added somthing... i would not ask if i did not finish the second phase....

yes ... a third time!
well thats strange...
So what does it say in steam monitor? Mine isn't preloading btw.
check the size of hl2! or look inside your steam folder for a new GCF!
pixartist said:
my hl2 just started preloading again oO what the ****?
is it just me or does your steam preload too?

M8, Go back to the shadows, go back to the shadows

taken from lord of the rings: PART 1 :E

if you saw that part you will defnetly understand what do I mean :E j/k with ya

next time check the front page.
my 2nd preload was finished long ago...i even looked into the gcf...