News on Half-Life 2 "Episode one"

They are both horrible names. I prefer the scientific names of the first games. I think they were quite clever in their double meanings.
Raziel-Jcd said:
LMFAO childish? Where the **** you get that from?

From myself. As somebody mentioned, year 2009- episode 2 comes out :eek: :borg:
Oh god, here comes Captain Dense. Or rather, General optimistic :p

We'll see Half-life 3 in 3056! Can we just quit it with the lameass delay jokes, they really grate.
i hope they sell the episodes in stores. But they wont, so episode 1 will probably be my last game too. damn it to hell.
Episode I: $20
Episode II: $20
Episode III: $20

How do I know there will be 3 episodes? Well, what does your gut tell you?

Now, we will have to wait another 18 months for Episode II and another 18 months for Episode III (because we know how Valve likes to take its sweet ass time in between releases). That is, in 3 years (2009) we will be playing Episode III. That sucks big time, at least for me. I'll just play Aftermath, aahhh, I mean, "Episode I" at a friend's house. They say it's so short you can probably finish it in 4 hours anyway. That being said: I think I will skip (as in: I ain't buying them) Episode I, and II, and III, and IV, and V, and VI, and VII, and VIII, and IX, and X, and XI, and XII, etc
I didn't like the idea of an expansion in the first place, and I don't like the idea of episodic content either. Shorter games, ties the story into a linear framework, and if one turns out not to be not very good then people will excuse it with 'ah well, it's only one episode'. Other than that I couldn't give a crap what they call it, although a little more imagination wouldn't go amiss.

Oh Valve, stop fannying around and get to work on HL3...
Lou said:
Episode I: $20
Episode II: $20
Episode III: $20

How do I know there will be 3 episodes? Well, what does your gut tell you?

My gut tells me you are very, very wrong. Whats more the episodes have been priced at £12 each. I don't really want HL3 right now.
Samon said:
Whats more the episodes have been priced at £12 each.
Which is $20 isn't it? Why would Valve price in British Currency?
kupoartist said:
Which is $20 isn't it? Why would Valve price in British Currency?

Because thats what was in the article, and that article happened to be British. And so am I! £12 is so, so cheap.
Samon said:
Because thats what was in the article, and that article happened to be British. And so am I! £12 is so, so cheap.
Yes, but it seemed to me like you were taking issue with Lou saying that the episodes were $20... regardless, they won't really priced in pounds, because Valve prices products in Steam in American dollars and doesn't actually inform you of the price in pounds... It's kind of annoying that, because like when I brought Darwinia, I have to pay an extra service charge for my bank to change my money for me :/

edit: and yes, i'm aware that you basically know this, i'm just tangled with what i'm trying to say
edit 2: basically, it's both $20 and £12 at the same time. Because you said "and what's more", you were challenging what Lou said, which as I understand it, was right anyway.
Samon said:
My gut tells me you are very, very wrong. Whats more the episodes have been priced at £12 each. I don't really want HL3 right now.
My gut tells me you just want to disagree with me!
kupoartist said:
Yes, but it seemed to me like you were taking issue with Lou saying that the episodes were $20

Wrong, actually, I wasn't taking issue with KngHenry, in anyway - I was merely disagreeing with him because I doubt there is going to be a maximum of 3 episodes. I did perhaps phrase it wrong, but I wasn't conflicting with his $20.
and what is the deal with airoplane food? it's like, these tiny portions... yeah...

changing the topic, changing the topic....

i heard that some of the later episodes will follow alyx through some of her childhood - having to survive through the 7 hour war, the end of black mesa and her construction of Dog.

ok so maybe i didn't hear that, but it would be cool.
Spoonoop said:
Wow, I really don't like the direction Half-Life is heading in. I'm afraid Aftermath, or... Episode one as it is now called, will be the last Half-Life game I play. Something is telling me that Aftermath will be the only episode released retail.

How can you say that without even playing it, or the following episode. that's just silly.

About the direction of Half-Life, all that matters is the story and gameplay quality are maintained to the level they've managed so far. I don't care if they give it to me in chunks, so long as I get it.

Admittedly Half Life 2 Episode one doesn't appeal as much as Aftermath, but Valve must have their reasons for this, let's just wait and see what they are. I can't wait for the game either way.
i think your right. And i hope so. I just hope they dont rush the development... But Its valve wer talking about.
With all the added content, Aftermath probably became too long.... so they cut it in half and now it's "Episode 1" and 2. Personally, I wish Valve would just release it already. I'm just not really as hyped as I once was... and I think other people feel the same..
NJspeed said:
With all the added content, Aftermath probably became too long.... so they cut it in half and now it's "Episode 1" and 2. Personally, I wish Valve would just release it already. I'm just not really as hyped as I once was... and I think other people feel the same..

Ok, so if Valve releases it now, with bugs, poor models, and countless glitches and some pretty flawed game design are you going to complain? Why should you? You wanted it out now, and that’s the state it was in so you have no right to complain.
Quite frankly Valve can keep it for as long as they want - as long as the final product is ****ing awesome I don't give two shits.

And no, that wasn't the case - Valve have always, since May 2005 been going episodic.
And they've been expressing a wish to go episodic since before Half-Life 2 even shipped...
Samon said:
Ok, so if Valve releases it now, with bugs, poor models, and countless glitches and some pretty flawed game design are you going to complain? Why should you? You wanted it out now, and that’s the state it was in so you have no right to complain.
Quite frankly Valve can keep it for as long as they want - as long as the final product is ****ing awesome I don't give two shits.

And no, that wasn't the case - Valve have always, since May 2005 been going episodic.

Just because they said last May that they were going episodic doesnt mean that PERHAPS they cut Aftermath in two? Why not? Aftermath becomes Episode 1 and 2 and then just bump the one that would have been Episode 2 to Episode 3.

Plus you have to admit everyone has heard that Aftermath is 8 hours when they originally said 4-6, didn't they? If they come out with 8 hour episodes every time, that's going to be pretty damn cool. But nope, I'm speculating that they cut Aftermath in two.

And no, Samon, I never said I want a bugged game.
NJspeed said:
Just because they said last May that they were going episodic doesnt mean that PERHAPS they cut Aftermath in two? Why not? Aftermath becomes Episode 1 and 2 and then just bump the one that would have been Episode 2 to Episode 3.

Plus you have to admit everyone has heard that Aftermath is 8 hours when they originally said 4-6, didn't they? If they come out with 8 hour episodes every time, that's going to be pretty damn cool. But nope, I'm speculating that they cut Aftermath in two.

And no, Samon, I never said I want a bugged game.

Aftermath has always been planned as 5-6 hours. But why would they cut it in two? Aftermath has always been City 17 based, and short, and they aren't going to release two episodes based within the same strand. Its episodic content.